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Fandom Gijinka academy

"See, I tend to forget the meanings of that. Blonds aren't dumb at al-" Anddd that's where Sohzin was cut off in his sentence by a portal of space.... wait, did I say a portal of space? I meant Amadeus. Amadeus had randomly appeared on Sohzin's lap. Now, you see, Sohzin had never seen this guy before in his life. So instead of continuing on with a sentence, he was stunned into a temporary silence.

Bayah, on the other hand, was finally used to this kind of thing. "Eh, I get the feeling that Selena will pull out some sort of trick. Tis what dark types are good at...it makes things fun to watch."
Azrael kept her eyes only on her opponent until she felt it was time to begin. She turned towards River and bowed while still looking up at him. "Shall We begin?" She spoke softly but still loud enough to be heard and waited for the okay to begin.
River cleared his throat as he pulled down the mic as loud music began blaring(reference:

He began in perfect timing and pitch:

"Ladies and gentlemen please!

Will you bring your attention to me.

A feast for your eyes to see

An explosion of catastrophe

Like nothing you've ever seen before.

Watch closely as I open this door.

Your jaws will be on the floor.

After this you'll be BEGGING for more.

Fighters, BEGIN!"

As river finished the music stopped as the roar of the crowd became deafening as River stepped out of the ring. The arena was set to be a swampish area, filled with very shallow water as the arena shook and opened up, revealing about achilles-heel high water with various dry areas for the fighters. River smiled, let's see how the fighters used this arena to their advantage.
The female Swoobat's hands raised up quickly to her ears, almost deafened by the loud music and mic. Well, she is a bat, after all. "Can't he turn the audio just a teensy bit lower? There are lot of gijinka here with really sensitive hearing." She says to herself in a soft voice.

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"I'm afraid not, because that's how River rolls, I hear. .... those lyrics don't leave much to the imagination, either." A familiar Mandibuzz next to the Swoobat commented in a casual voice, her hands folded behind her back and a half-grin on her face.
Roxanne appears in a ghostly wisp, next to the vulture Pokémon. "Heh, you're right, they're terrible." She smiled at the Mandibuzz. "I've never heard the song." The Swoobat adds, shrinking in her seat from the sudden attention, the words she spoke only intended for herself, not hoping to communicate with anyone else.

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Catalypse shrugged in an offhand way, directing her smile to her friend that materialized by her side. "Mmm-hm. They could of left some room to play around... It's not THE song out there, but I'm kind of surprised. It's quite popular...I think?" Catalypse scratched her head in slight confusion.

(I keep getting her confused with Calypso, a differant character.)
(*Mortal kombat theme plays*)

Bridget arrived just in time to hear River's loud speech and found the Mandibuzz and shiny Spiritomb and sat next to the two. She had been looking forward to finals ever since they were announced. "Aw who cares? Let's see some fighting already!" She grinned.

As soon as River finished his speech, the arena began filling up with water and only bits of land to be on. Selena straightened up her pose and gave a glare of determination. She figured the new arena could help her, knowing how to swim. She transformed into a Cresselia and flew up higher. From there she used Reflect to double her defense against attacks.
"Now you listen here, music is an important..." The vulture-pokemon made it five seconds with a fake, parental voice before bursting out into laughter. "Ah, you're right. Who cares.... this is going to be pretty fun to watch. The music can wait." It was a rare treat to put something before music.
Taleo smiled and watched the battle from the front seat although he must be a bit careful if there's a stray attack or shomething similar.
"Yeah, totally!" Roxanne excitedly jumped in her seat. "I can't wait until my battle!" She gives a big smile. "Oh, I can wait.." Koumori the Swoobat said nervously.

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Straightening up, Azrael shifted to her sneasel form and jumped to a dry spot. After she landed she relaxed completely and shifted her center of balance to her hips, doing this she used Agility.
After a few minutes of awkward tension, Sohzin had succumbed to his fate of having a... admit it, rather cute stranger sit on him. He continued to watch the battle with mild interest. Bayah, on the other hand, seemed more zoned-out then entertained. Winter was quiet, and you might as well say invisible.


Catalypse could wait, yet she could not. It was partly due to nervousness, but she had a bit of a second thought in signing up for this final. but what choice did she have, again? Ah, well. "I can tell you right now... my Talons aren't as rusty as my skate skills."
"Haha well that's a good thing, or you would lose your fight for sure!" The Spiritomb pushed at Clipso's shoulder in a joking manner.

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Desdemona appeared in a seat by Amadeus from a dark void. "What are you doing, may I ask?" She wore her usual, cold expression.

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River spoke over the intercom, his voice being broadcast throughout the entire stadium, "Selena opens up with a reflect, aiming to help inhibit Azrael's direct attacks while Azrael boosts her already outrageous speed with an agility!"


Amadeus smiles at Desdemonda, "Watching the fight on Sohzin's comfy lap, duh! What are you doin?"
"Well why sit on stranger's lap? That's just plain weird. You don't see me doing that, now do you?" The Darkrai says, her ice blue eyes watching the battlefield.

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Amadeus looks at the darkrai, "What, would you rather I sit on your lap Desdemonda? It looks like It's pretty comfortable."
"Huh!?" Desdemona's ghostly white cheeks turn a dark crimson. "No, there's a perfectly good seat right here." She says, pointing at a seat next to her.

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"Its alright, I don't mind at all." Sohzin shrugged, but he got the feeling that the Darkrai wasn't asking him...., no matter. That was his two cents on the matter. Bayah kept looking into... space. Hah, ironic. "I'm trying to predict what they're gonna do.... okay, no I'm sorry." The puppet gave up and sighed,

texting on the tablet, hurrah.

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