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Fandom Gijinka academy

Claire sat in the stands, head in her hands. "So weird to watch...." She said to herself, intent on seeing the whole battle.
"Lose? I'd break my hip." The Mandibuzz laughed heartily. 'Someone would have to carry me out of the battlefield."

texting on the tablet, hurrah.
Desdemona's ice blue eyes pierced through the (he's an Arcanine, right?") "Excuse me? Was I talking to you?" She snapped.


"I'd do it." Roxanne smiled, blushing a little.

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Beryl sat away from most people, although she was scanning the crowd for anyone she knew. Some companionship would be nice...

Katrina rolled her eyes at the fighters. It was all too serious for her.
Sohzin grinned in a way he used to diffuse a situation: brightly and without pose of threat. "Heh, not exactly. But I just felt the need to say something. Sorry about that, l....." he bit his tongue, finding himself rolling to his old 'lollipop' quirk. Might as well steer clear of the nickname for now.


"Aw, that would be sweet of you..." truth be told, Roxanne would be one out of a handul that she would allow her to even touch in an injured state. Birdish instinct to attack while broken.

texting on the tablet, hurrah.
Oda watched from the stands with a cold gaze tword the fighters she wanted an all out serious battle where they honed their skills and she would hope that today was going to be interesting instead of watching battles she hoped they were as intence as when she was younger. Her gaze wondered to the other parts of the stage a arangement of students like a box of chocolates mmmmmm chocolates. This was followed by the growling of her stomache didterbing the student beside her.


Melody watched from the arena as the students battled each other as a final this almost frightened her for she would be one of the students down there even if she knew she had thew battle skills to come at least come close to winning. The one thing she lacked in was confindence it was always her weakness and will always be her weekness as she shook while holding onto the railway she ran to the bathroom feeling as if she would throw up and any second.


Lauren was sourounded by the warmth that was her bed Lauren layed there with a killer headache but this was ignored as she got out of bed and but on her slippers instead of changing into her sress she left her nightgown on and walked into the hallway. The cold air now touching her facre and legs causing her to shiver as she made way to the garden for some fresh air for her headache.
"Right, what I'm talking to him about is absolutely none of your concern, unless I so choose to talk to you, in which I probably never would." The Darkrai said coldly while gazing back at Amadeus, her mouth returning to a small smile, something in which nobody ever really saw from her.


"Mmhmm, I'll do anything for ya." The petite Spiritomb smiled, her blush growing.

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Amadeus looked at Desdemonda and wiggled in Sohzin's lap, "But this is a lot more comfortable! I'd switch to your lap if you'd let me, but until then the man is being nice enough to let me sit on his lap."
Oh. So that's why she was so upset, eh? Sohzin realized her reasoning for being so cold to him. He still held that devious smile upon his face when he turned back to the matches, letting her do as she will.

But the darker edge to it softened after he turned, too. He shouldn't be that mean about it. He only let out a chuckle when Amadeus moved around like that.


"Of course..." the vulture drawled on. "I would do the same for you in a heartbeat. Knock a few heads along the way to teach whoever injured ya a lesson." She emphasized this with a powerful flap of her chocolate colored wings.

texting on the tablet, hurrah.
"Hmph, I'd never be in that situation. I'm way too tough!" The Spiritomb smiled at Catalypse.


"Tch, whatever; not like I care anyways." The Darkrai turned her cold gaze back onto the battlefield.

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Amadeus eeped with glee as he sat in Desdemonda's lap and wrapped his arms around her neck, nuzzling against her slightly as he does so.
In a sudden movement, Catalypse used those wings to wrap around Roxanne's waist, deviously purring her next words. "I cal tell you can take care of yourself, but when they start to group up, things might get ugly." She glared out to a group of nearby fighters, who nervously looked away. She released her hold on her friend afterwards.


While scanning the field, Sohzin spotted that Frosslass who basically froze the school, and he watched in curiousity. She seemed to be looking over the students with,,,, hunger? Huh. He never heard of a cannibal ghost, but,,,, you learn sonething new every day.

texting on the tablet, hurrah.
As Beryl looked around, she noticed a frosslass gijinka staring at people like.... like Mai might. It scared Beryl, but at the same time she wanted to talk to her. Maybe it was because if she did, at least shewwouldn't be alone. You're never alone. The voice at the back of her mind told her. She ignored it and approached the frosslass.
wtihout even looking at the other student she talked as if she was talking to the student "yes?"she said in an almost distant tone she had been through alot over the time she has been here and havent noticed the student before. She didnt even know the girl anyway who even needs a first impression anyways she doesnt even live with these people. "If you have nothing to say I happen to be enjoying the show" she turned to her with her ice cold eyes to examine the girl nervousness shown in her stature and the way she walks was easy to see.
"Eeep!" Roxanne squeaked as the Mandibuzz pulled her close with her wings, making her blush a little.


"Hey! What are you doing?" Desdemona blushed in the slightest at Amadeus'a action.

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The latias gijinka gave a small smile to the frosslass. She was strange, yet familiar. Like Mai, who she felt getting closer already. "Do you really care about the battle?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. "Its a little dull if you ask me."
Bridget laughed when Roxanne squeaked, "Sorry that just sounded hilarious! And...say...are you blushing?" She asked.

Selena used charge beam for her next move. She flew as fast as she could in a zigzag line towards her opponent and shot it down on her, hoping for it to hit.
"Uh, no!" The Spiritomb exclaimed, covering her face with her hands. "Oh wait, you're from the skate park aren't ya?" She asked in a somewhat subtle manner, trying to maintain a semblance of calm although clearly embarrassed. 'Ya, she's the one who failed at that totally easy trick.' She thought to herself, scoffing in just the slightest, but also giggling to herself a little.

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charlie kept a look out for rootley still. "that rotten flying weed...hm.." turns seeing a shadow "oh hay are ....wait what are you" is electrocuted falling to the ground. "ack cough...."
The sneasel used protect just before the charge beam would have hit her. Looking at it as it hit the shield she knew it had come a bit close. Azrael looked up just a little more and realized the cesselia was right above her. She jumped up and aimed a quick attack at the underside of the pokemon

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A shadowed figure fell behind Charlie, it's curiousity allightened by the duo. Why were they not at the tournament? Why mull about in dangerous areas, where no obe can hear you scream? Cloaked in shadows of trees, the dark man had been unnoticeable ubtil now.

texting on the tablet, hurrah.
Oda glanced at the girl then looked away in her process of thinking "I guess I could whats the harm into it" even if she had just taken a hit from the comader of space I'm shure shes fine. Oda had got up from her seat now looking away from the students as she left the stadium not looking to see if the girl was following her to the outside battlegrounds used for personal battles and that kind of stuff. She stood in place as she waited for her opponent to go on the other side.
Beryl followed the other girl, curious when she walked away. She hesitated when she saw the battlefield, then took a deep breath. I can do this. She thought. She didn't ALWAYS loose control. "A battle, then?" Her wings twicthed with anticipation when she took her side.
Oda prepared to battle another legendary if she had anything close to the strength he had she should at least prepare for the worst. As she posed for the battle "how shall we do this" she stared at him with a cold look as she waited for a responce from the other girl.

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