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Fandom Gijinka academy

Katrina grinned at the compliment like a kid would if they got candy or a toy. She was a perfectionist when it came to her transformations. "Thanks." She said, copying her voice, then changed back to her normal form. "I'm Katrina." She said, shaking her hand. She had to admit, she was excited. "You're new, aren't you?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. "I think I'd have noticed you before."
The Absol released the grip from Katrina's hand and easily slipped her glove back on. "Ah, yes I am. I've been here for a couple of days now and I just moved into my dorm not too long ago." Snow had to admit, the Ditto wasn't as hard to talk to as her previous encounter with the other group. Maybe, just maybe, she will be able to make a friend. Just the mere thought of it put a smile on her face. "I don't go outside too often because of the weather, so that's probably why I may appear hidden most of the time. I'm not a huge fan of heat or light."
"Its because you're so white, right?" She then realized his she asked her question and turned a little pink. "Uh-pale! I meant pale! Sorry!" She wanted to hit herself, she sounded so awkward.
The Absol couldn't help herself but chuckle. Ah, how long as it been since she was able to laugh like she was? Back at home, laughter would scare away their meal. Often times, Snow had to mask away all her emotions back up in the mountains. She was glad for this opportunity to have a good time. "Well... Yes. My skin tone can vary in every person's eye, so I don't mind what color you want to call it. As for the question, you're right. I've grown up living in the darkness, so I'm not too fond of light." Snow released a sigh as she stared into the Ditto's eyes. "And what about you? Do you have any interesting facts that I can learn about?"
"Interesting facts...?" She hesitated slightly, not sure if she had anything worth sharing, aside from the transforming. "Well... I'm sick of the color pink, if that counts." She said, knowing that it was a bit ironic, considering the color of her hair and some of her clothes.
Snow just nodded with a small smile. She wasn't sure what to say about that little fact, given that the girl's hair was pink. Without even thinking, the Absol absentmindedly stroked Katrina's pink locks, observing the way it flowed. "I can see why you're sick of it, considering that you've must of dealt with it for a long time. But it's not a bad color on you." Snow's hand retracted. She had come to realize that conversations weren't as difficult as she had thought they would be. In fact, she felt as if her words were flowing naturally. So much for all of her previous studying about behaviors and certain ways to speak to people. Wanting to know a bit more about Katrina, the Absol pushed on. "Anything else you would like to share?"
Cerise saw Kat and smiled. He walked up behind her and studied the absol infront of her. Cerise then leaned over the top of Kat without physically touching her. His hair however was loose and fell over her should. "Hella Katrina." His voice lilted slightly with the genuine smile on his face. He didnt talk to Katrina often and felt kinda bad for it.


Zelos pouted but put his hands up and backed up when the jolteon came up. "Its okay little buddy. Im just making friends. Its not like she has the right parts anyways." He grinned before wondering off to sit a ciuple of chairs away from an arcanine, and a darkrai with, he raised an eyebrow, was that a PALKIA on her lap?
Katrina turned a pale shade of pink when the other gijinka stroked her hair. Nobody has ever done that before. "I-" She started to awnser the absol's question when she saw just a bit of blue hair hanging over her shoulders. When he spoke, she spun, surprised. "Cerise." She said. She hadn't expected people to just walk up to her today....
He chuckled softly at her reaction and tucked his hair back behind his ear again. "How are you today, Katrina" He knew he was one of the few that called her by her full name. He looked back at the absol questioningly "who is your bew friend? And am i interrupting something?" He notuced the small blush on the dittos face and frowned.

(Last post for the night. Back on around 9 am
"Uh... what?" Was Katrina's genius reaction to the Latios's question. "Uh... this is Snow. We just met a minute ago." She told him. She looked around, expecting to see his sister, who was always nearby. Thankfully, she wasn't around. She then realized he asked 'how are you'. "Oh. I'm good. Are you... enjoying today's battles?" She asked, then cursed herself mentally for being so akward today.
"Mmm really? That was a pretty easy move you failed at." The Spiritomb raised an eyebrow at the butterfly Pokémon, only intrigued in the slightest. "Oh, I'm Roxanne, by the way. Roxanne Emory Distortion if you're in ta formalities." She said in her skater girl way with a big smile, reaching her hand out to Bridget and hoping for a proper introduction from the girl.

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Snow stared at the flushed gijinka, then back at the Latios. Noticing that he called Katrina by her full first name, she knew that they must of had met earlier. Overhearing the battle, the Absol shifted her attention to it, seeing that they were giving out introductions. She flinched slightly when she heard her name, quickly turning her attention back to the two gijinkas with a small polite wave. Snow remained in the background, silently studying the behavior between the two. It didn't go unnoticed that the Latios frowned when she touched Katrina's hair. Did she do something offensive to the gijinka?
Oda was supreised at the attack as she was knocked further into the air as she stopped further in the air and she darted back twords the girl as she shot at her with another ice beam aming to knock her down one again. This was fallowed by her chasing after the ice beam so that when it hit her she would attack once more. one thing that was easly seen was her grace as she attacked with all her might as if it were second nature.
"She went off with that Frosslass." Cerise answered Katrina's looking so she wasn't nervous. Most people were nervous if Beryl was around. He looked at the battle with just a glace and shrugged. "They are barely beginning. So it is hard to say." He nodded to Snow. "My name is Cerise by the way. It is a pleasure to meet you."
Katrina turned back to him, startled. "Oh, I didn't mean..." She stopped herself before she said something stupid. She felt bad for avoiding the latias, but she had seen her angry... and it was scary. She looked at the battle, frowning a bit. "It could get more interesting faster with more creativity." She said criticality. She frowned and crossed her arms as she thought.
"Yes... Likewise." Snow nodded towards the Latios, smiling. Her attention shifted off towards the sky, checking out the sun for some odd reason. Releasing a small sigh, she began to stand up. "It seems that I have to go." Snow sighed. And just when she was just starting to make friends too... Guess it couldn't be helped. "If any of you would like to see me again-" She shifted her eyes at Katrina with a smile. "-then I'll be in this exact spot at nighttime. It was a pleasure meeting you both." Snow began to walk away from the area and towards her dorm room.
Beryl made a squealing sound, closing her wings to dodge, then landed gracefully. "This is more fun than I thought it'd be..." She told her opponent, but her voice had a strange tone. "Come on then!" She shouted suddenly as she used dragon pulse.
River yelled over the loudspeaker, "And Selena opens up with a charge beam! Wanting to get that special attack up! But it is blocked by a protect! Such a shame, no boost for her! Azrael tries for a night slash at the open Selena, but Selena barely dodges it! Ladies and gentlemen Selena has dove under the swamp water! It's almost impossible to tell where she is! Could this leave the champion of sinnoh open to an attack?!"

(just reread everything, making sure everyone is caught up)


@Jerico Curtiss
Azrael growled slightly as the Cresselia disappeared. She looked around and shook her head before using her newest TM, Substitute. She looked at the double and nodded before running to the opposite side of the arena. "Now, where is she..." She muttered before standing still, just waiting.
Oda thought for only a second as she was struck with the dragon pulse it didnt hurt much to her but it stoped her from doubleing her attack as the ice beam had hit her opponent. as she rocketed twords the floor she caught herself against some ice she use to soften her fall she smiled at her opponent "what a great battle" she muttered. Oda stood back up and darted at the girl as sh vanished and power kicked her across the battlefeild.
Cerise sat down behind her and nodded. "Yes, it is a little slow today. " He put his head on her shoulder and spoke quietly. "And its okay. Everyone is scared of her. I'm use to it." He smiled sadly.
Everyone? That's... She looked away. "That must make her so lonely." She whispered in sympathy. She knew lonlieness, herself, and knew what it was like to be avoided by others. Then she felt even more guilty. She's like me, in a way. We could probably be friends if we tried.

The latias hit the ground hard, and didn't either move or make a sound for a minute. Then, unexpectedly, she began to giggle. She sat up, giving her hands a little shake, then standing and test flapping her wings. "Its been so long since I've had complete control." She said with a grin. If anyone knew her, they'd know that Beryl was gone, replaced by Mai. She looked at her opponent. "Its play time!" She shouted, using shadow ball with intense speed.
"She is lonely, and very protective over me. Although I am the same with her." He sighed. "Its been just the two of us for so long that its hard to let go. But we need to start branching out." Cerise was speaking very quietly and his hair had fallen back into his face and consequently over her shoulder.
Katrina looked back at him. "Well, it never hurts to have friends..." She then saw the hair in his face and unexpectedly felt the random urge to move it away. She quickly turned back to look at the battlefield before she embarrassed herself.

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