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Fandom Gijinka academy

Moonlight got out of her bed and brushed out her long blonde hair that seemed to glow in the dark, glaring at the tangles then she put it up in a pony tail and made her way out of her room just to bump into her equally sleep friend Lauren except with her, She did not wear makeup so you could still see the dark circles under her eyes.
"Oh my good afternoon madame moonlight" she walked up to moonlight and quietly spoke "has hidden been keeping you up" she then backed away giggling at the embarrassment of her friend as her cheeks turned red. "But seriously what happened since your huge fight with that guy unfortunately in your fight my gem broke and I couldn't see the rest I thought he had killed you" she had a look of worry on her face as she stared into her eyes "I was severely worried" the only sound after that was the cheering of the croud in the background of the fight in progress.

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Moonlight blushed slightly from embarrassment and she giggled."Yeah, Hidden has definitely been keeping me up but really only because he cannot walk around very much without getting tired out but he has enough energy to chase down and d*** lion so i have to help him about the school."She smiled slightly despite the worry of her friend."But as you can see, i am perfectly fine just got a few scar's some places on my legs and arms."
"When I get to that guy I'll destroy him for damaging my crystal" she turned back to moonlight almost forgetting about Hidden "oh I almost forgot about the little devil he has missed so much ever since his coma accident like the two attempt s of the school takeover by Cragsley, the huge fashion show, legendary students, the school almost freezing solid as well as the battle final. I would hope he has his strength back because he is going to start pulling his weight around here. Which reminds me since I'm an honors student I would hope you would except my assist with your tutoring." She gave her a smile then grabbed her hands with a happy excited tone she spoke "so what do you think."

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Moonlight giggled softly at the excitement of her friend."I would love it, If you would help me tutor hidden and guess what he heard about the tournament and wanted to sign up only two days after waking up but i tricked him into a coffee at Starbucks instead which he ended up not being able to finish it and fell asleep instead but he looks like a living skeleton but i am truly glad that you shall help me with his tutoring since just trying to take care of him all those months and keep up with my classes, Well i was asleep in class more than i was awake but the teachers and students knew why i was so exhausted so they let it slid and he may also be dating me now."
Katharina looked over and found Claire in the stadium. She looked to her brother and he shrugged. Taking it as a decent enough yes, she led him over to the girl. The Gardevoir stood next to her and politely asked, "Excuse me is it alright if we sit here?"

Selena was proud when she saw her attack caused some damage to her opponent. Suddenly, the ice shards came hurdling towards her and she was almost paralyzed with fear. She quickly reacted and tried her best to dodge. She flew down lower, but still managed to get hit by a few of the shards. She cringed, and tried to duck down a bit further.
Claire looked up at the siblings that arrived and gave a small smile and a nod. "Couldn't stop you even if I wanted to." She wasn't unwelcome to sitting with others. She just had an odd way if showing it.
"That's perfect if he wants to start early cause today I'm going on a trip to buy new fabric for my outfits I can give him my notes from classes on transforming as well as power transferring" she spoke as she pulled out two binders full of convenient notes for the average student perfect for the overbearing student she was. "As for the physical part of his tutoring like battling in teams or two or more against one he will have to fix his little walking skeleton ensemble he has and regain his strength." When she said that she meant not just physically but mentally as well surround himself with friends his partner even familiar faces would do.

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Moonlight looked at the two binders full of notes and she tried to keep her mouth from dropping open which she somewhat succeeded at and then she nodded once more."Well one thing that has not gone away is his ego."She rolled her eyes at that but when she heard that Lauren was going to buy things she smiled because since hidden was now awake she had no time to go and buy things for herself."May i come with you on your trip since i can sew somewhat and just the fact that i need new clothes."
"Sounds like a plan to me I'm going to grab a bite to eat real quick before I leave so prep for travel by powered staff" she brought out a little stick thing that grew in size as the gem on her shirt was inserted into it and it floated due to her levitate ability. She sat on the staff and floated down the hall into the cafeteria then rushed out cause it smelled of cooked fish uggg. "Never mind I'll pick something up on the way out I'll wait out front or the grounds so we can head into town real quick" she floated down the hallway out the front door in a somewhat haste.

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Moonlight looks at the cafeteria and pinches her nose."Looks like Kurusaki was trying to cook again."Since he meant well but uh he sucked at cooking and the fact that he liked fish did not help and she quickly followed after Lauren to get away from that smell since she pretty much hated the smell of fish and it being cooked fish was even worse for her sensitive nose and she made her way out of the front door as well.
Katharina returned the smile to Claire, "Thank you." She nudged the Gallade and he responded, "Yes thanks." The two sat down and looked towards the fight. "Anything interesting happen yet?" The Gardevoir asked.

Decided to use tapatalk on my ipod instead of the browser right now yay
"Welcome to flight via Lauren fasten your non-existent seatbelt and prepare for a fun ride " she waited for moonlight to get into a comfortable seating position the then rose high into the air and traveled over a sea of trees meeting height with the birds from ground level they would look like some kind of witch. This wasn't the case the town they were stopping at was conveniently her hometown but she wasn't up for visiting relatives. The fight stopped near a cheap fast food joint where she could worry about the many empty calories and carbohydrates "This will be good for now" she spoke as she opened the glass door.

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Moonlight giggled at how funny her friend was sometimes and then she looked at the fast good joint and shrugged since she was not one to pass up greasy food since well it was just something you have to have after eight months of school food that tasted like eating your own S*** and apparently that might taste better and she entered through the door and looked at the food choices then she just got herself a thing of fries.
Lauren took a bite into the hamburger for unhealthy food it was quite flavorful. The air smelt like French fries and what ever is in the meat patties who knows whats in those. She then took a couple of sips of her tea and waited for moon to eat her food so they could go buy some fabric. "Have you thought about what your going to do now that you have free time on your hands you know since Hidden can do basic tasks again" she thought of how much time she was caring for her partner really showed her dedication and what she could do to care for Lysandere.

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Moonlight's ears twitched when Lauren started talking to her, she looked up with a french fry in her mouth and she ate that quite quickly and then pondered her question since she did have a bit more free time instead of having to stay up really late into the night like at least 5:oo am caring for hidden while he was out and Lauren knows that much better than anyone since she was the one to have to Bring her to the infirmary when she overworked herself and that was easy to tell when she did since usually there was a common thump in her room when she hit the floor."Actually no i have not thought about what i am going to do now that hidden is awake and able to do some things on his own since he is as needy as ever and it tire's me out as much as when he was out of it."She brings one hand up to rub her eyes which had dark lines under them.
"If I didn't know any better I would think he is turning into the second female of you relationship he was a lot less needy before the shower incident unfortunately I'm either too busy to see my boyfriend either because my fashion planing, Nodan assistant stuff, PR schoolwork I haven't had time for our relationship and we don't see each other during classes cause we have them different times of the day. Even so he has always been supportive and the times we have together are the best." The girls made a collective sigh as they continued to eat their food.

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Moonlight finished off her fries and then she let out a small yawn."Hm, Second female. i was basically both since i could do many things that should never be done to certain places and i can say it so casually to him that it freaks him the heck out but yeah i understand that and now i have to drag him around with me when i am training for when it is my turn to fight for my final and that does not exactly help anything since it is just distracting to have him there but either way, i am just hoping for him to get a bit stronger so then i can get some more sleep since this is running on way to far and i am getting far less sleep then should be humanely possible."She stiffled another yawn then stood up from her chair to stumble slightly."And that there was a example."
"Let's not fall asleep when we cross the street OK" she left a tip on the table and walked to the fabric store where a new shipment had came in an designers dream. She had became less worried about being outside the school for to long a paranoia thing so she would only take a quick inspection browse for the best material. There was a wide variety of colors patterns and kinds of fabric but usually only one perfect one.

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Moonlight nodded and she followed after her, quite bored while looking at the fabrics but she did like the ones with really dark colors, like navy blue or just pitch black and she ended up buying a bough of navy blue fabric just because she really liked dark colors then she just kind of followed Lauren around.
Lauren had taken forever in that store only to buy a nice black fabric and a really soft and smooth purple fabric "really unfortunate I thought I would get more lucky well there's always next month was there anywhere you wanted to go before we return to school" she sat down at the nearest bench to wait for moonlights response.

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Moonlight looks at her and just sat down beside her."I do not have anywhere else i need or want to go beside my own bed so we can just go back to the school."
"If you insist" her staff grew once more as both of them got into comfortable seating positions and flew back the direction they came looking down she saw her parents house an large mansion away from most of the town with iron gates and a beautiful garden kepted the same just like every summer when she visits. "Ahhh home sweet home" she spoke as they flew over the large mansion. She slowed down to admire the view how she missed her parents while at school the luxury didn't matter as much to her.

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Moonlight looks at the large mansion and her mouth drops open with surprise."You live there?!"She thought that the mansion was amazing but she still never wished to live in one just she did not get to see anything beautiful often since her house was in a secluded area with dingy walls and somewhat sagging roof but she still loved her house.
"Its my stepfathers house my mother married him after my father died so my summers are spent here he is a nice man and he makes my mother happy so I think he is alright." She sped up breezing across a forest of trees as the school was in distance "this is my other home with my other family" she darted twords the school cloak floating through the wind almost as if they were on an carnival ride until they landed. "What a thrill I always love that" she took the gem out of her staff and placed it on her cloak to fasten it.

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