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Fandom Genshin Impact x RedOut -// Festival of Velocity Dev Site

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Edit 2, and this isn't relevant, but I suppose the Hook technique (to prevent passing out from high g-forces) is worth a mention: This Unclassified Technique Keeps Fighter Pilots Awake and Alert in the Cockpit

Also, if g-force induced loss of consciousness (g-LOC) does happen, apparently you can briefly have vivid dreams, according to Wikipedia.
I’m guessing the white segment is the start-finish line?

Other than that, everything looks great! I remember how in RO2 there was an option to race on reverse versions of tracks, maybe as a reverse version, the steep ascent off of Galesong could act more like the straight downward jump from Cloud Ocean? (1:22 timestamp)
Sure, it could be a vertical drop, why not! Though I'm still not quite satisfied with the turns before it. And yes, the white segment is start-finish, and that's where Mondstadt's other races would start from, too.

I'm thinking if it's even reasonable (in-universe) to build tracks for every region. Maybe take them down and move them to different regions for different seasons? Because I'm pretty sure that the locals wouldn't appreciate being able to see a racetrack everywhere they go.
Thinking about it now, yeah that does sound right. Maybe like this? As for track deconstruction, there could be different routes we could take with it: Simple Timeskips, Aircraft transportation of track segments, etc

Spring - Sumeru

Summer - Mondstadt ( current )

Fall - Inazuma

Winter - Liyue
I was thinking more like videogame-y seasons that are set by an organization (the SRRL, in this case), but I guess actual seasons work too.

By the way, does snow ever fall on Mondstadt outside of Dragonspine?
I was thinking more like videogame-y seasons that are set by an organization (the SRRL, in this case), but I guess actual seasons work too.

By the way, does snow ever fall on Mondstadt outside of Dragonspine?
I kina forgot how those seasons were ran-

Apparently it only falls on dragonspine.
Not really- I end up falling alsleep- (My schedule for a good chunk of my summer break has just been "Eat, Sleep, Maybe reply to rp stuff, Video games, Eat, and then sleep. )
Ah. Me, I still have my university’s schedule to follow, and there are a couple of important exams coming up soon, but the summer holidays for me should be pretty chill.

If I can complete the exams, that is.

Btw, good luck on the driving lessons, Beetle! Make sure you don’t overheat the engine from boosting.
Exchange between Beetle and me on Discord:
B: I wonder what advertising from each team would look like
T: Organizations like the ESA or NASA would totally flip life in Tevyat on its head, now that I think about it. But then, the whole point of crossing over Redout with Genshin might get lost. How do we stop the SRRL from culturally overwhelming Tevyat? The answer to that question would probably affect the advertisements

One idea I have is to let the Fatui become antagonistic towards the SRRL and hinder their establishment, but maybe other people have better ideas

Edit: by the way, don't people in Tevyat just advertise by word of mouth? I'm pretty sure everyone would very quickly know if Sulha's heavy cargo ships suddenly started hauling track pieces around, especially considering the population density
sure! That sound fine with mee
I'll probably also switch to other genshin characters when it's time to aswell^^
I’m thinking of either an Adventurer who decides the SRRL is more exciting than commissions, Albedo (which would require reading up on him), or one of Mondstadt’s citizens.

^ Would’ve been funny to see Klee race an AG craft
....I mean...

That would be funny-
Some sketches for Albedo’s car. Plenty of floating bits that you could swap out for other brands - might rework some parts so that you can also fit in a battery, energy capacitor and main thruster of other brands like the ESA. On the right is the back side, and the bottom is the underside. Doesn’t look pretty yet, but I might try to make it in Blender.

What should we call it? I’m thinking the brand would be called Favonius, the ship’s name I’m not set on. Stormterror? Courier? Windglider?
How does Favonius Vaness sound? 2nd name based off of Mondstadt’s hero who ascended to Celestia and is symbolized by the Giant tree in Windrise?

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