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Colosseum Genocide Vs. Amplitude404


Junior Member


⎾ Hello Youtube! I am Mark E. Plier! ⏌

The youtuber sighed a bit as he looked around, he sat on a park bench on a very large city. Perfect condition and everything, it just seemed like it'd be a pretty active place with all the sky scrapers; it just kinda looked like New York City. "Hue! Maybe this is the next FNAF, you have to out-run Freddy by pressing the spacebar!" Laughing loudly to himself he sat back and looked up to the sky, it was normal and everything. "But my golly, if I'm going to keep waiting for this dude it's going to make me fall over and die! Maybe I should go look for the blacksmith here..."

Slowly standing up Mark E. Plier started walking down the road, there seemed to be lots of alleys around the area. It might of well as been a maze due to the massive area it covered, but that was mainly because of the copious amounts of buildings. In the street were tons of cars, it'd be hard to walk down the street and not hit a car by accident due to how close together they were. He figured maybe some was trying to make a model of New York for some reason, but who knew? Oh wait he hadn't even addressed the people watching at home yet!

"Ah sorry guys! I kinda forget about the fact I record everything. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! Laugh. Anyways here I am today yet again, waiting for the opponent so I can upload this video to my channel. Like I am going to get so many subs, I just know it." Smiling a bit to himself the pink-mustached man just kept talking to himself out loud.

⎾ Until the next video! BYE-BYE! ⏌

Subs: 0 + 1 = 1

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Rajiv had gotten a request to "remove" someone. Supposedly they went around videoing everything and talking to themself as though they were crazy. spotting the pink mustache he was told is the trademark of his target he approached him while slowly Unsheathing his axes.


⎾ Hello Youtube! I am Mark E. Plier! ⏌

After a moment Mark E. Plier had noticed the fact that some man had approached him. He began to laugh outrageously and said, "So.. you are the axesmith?" Smiling a bit he reached out his hands and started to type, "This man seems to like axe's. Let's give him an obstacle course!" As that was said large wooden posts fell from the sky and landed on the ground with a loud quake. Soon after that logs fell on top with axes swaying side-to-side. The axes were hanging from the top log and were easily ten feet in diameter, and the post were around fifteen feet in the air. There were about seven of these axes between the male and himself. If the man would try to go around them he'd find that the axes would speed up and then put the distance out even further.

⎾ Until the next video! BYE-BYE! ⏌

Subs: 1 + 1 = 2

Apraoching the first axe he watched it swing by, waiting as it approached again, he quickly stuck out his arms while jumping. Grabbing hold of the handle of the enormous axe. Quickly scaling the swaying handle he reached the top post it was attacked to, and with a little help from his axes as climbing picks he was soon on top.

Crouching he jump towards the next post, and immediately jumped again. Repeating the process until he reached the last post in which he would jump towards his opponent whilst brandishing the axes.
After a minute Mark E. Plier smiled as the other had really fallen right into his trap, the simple thing to do would of been to jump up to the top of the posts where the axes wouldn't be able to get him. They could go to the sides but not the top. "Hah! My trap!" Taking out 'Comment Section' again he started typing, "He fell for it! Walls surround!" Within moments the ground shifted and thick walls shot out and then met at the top cornering him. The box was sixteen feet tall and seventeen feet thick. When that happened the wooden posts and metal shard broke into pieces, and then they began to fly all inside of the stone fortress. The walls were easily seven feet thick all around so it'd be pretty hard to just get out. The axes were bait and the stone was a trap. The metal shards and wooden shards began to go all around, the amount of them was easily past the tens of thousands. And due to how small they are they fly at extremely fast speeds. Just in case something happened Mark E. Plier ran seventeen feet backwards, just in case.

Subs: 2 + 1 = 3
Hearing the whizzing of small high speed objects he summoned as much fire as he could. Stretching it about 6 feet long he rotated it around himself at high speeds until the fire seemed like one giant sheet of orange, repelling any object that dared try and breach it's borders. Stepping towards the wall, everywhere the fire touched the wall it simply turned to dust, from a combination of heat and high speed rotation. Walking through the entire wall he grasped both axes firmly ready to eviscerate his opponent.
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Smiling a bit he saw that the other was using fire, and to start a fire oxygen is seriously necessary or it is impossible. Technically Mark E. Plier was just some form of program given physical form so he didn't need to breathe. And the other was humanoid. This was the time limit so all the wood and metal had already disappeared, and within the couple of minutes the stone wall would disappears as well. "Let's put up a box around the city!" With that an invisible box appeared around the city but the other would be able to tell more than likely by the fact he couldn't breathe and that his fire more than likely should be dwindling pretty fast. He was at least sixteen feet away from the male at this point due to how far he had backed up before.

Subs: 3 + 1 = 4
Spotting his opponent 16 feet away, Rajiv put on a burst of speed that almost neared his limit, by reaching a speed of 160 fps. Bringing his right axe towards his opponents neck in an attempt to remove his opponents head, his left axe would swing toward his opponents abdomen in an attempt to eviscerate his opponent.
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Seriously that would've gotten him if he hadn't used all four of his subscribers for an instant boost and an extra ability. He'd now have to start from the bottom but at least he had increased everything for about four minutes. (Assuming a minute per post) He would duck hastily and then open his mouth, "Shoutout to PewDiePie and Jacksepticeye!" The fourth sub was used for an extra ability, so he summoned both the Bro Fist and the Septic Eye. The fist was about seven feet in all diameters and as was the eye. The fist would slam into the ground as the eye shot a laser from it's eye surrounding the entire fist in a laser that would heat all surroundings to a boiling point. If it got him or not five feet area around the fist would be literally decimated and easily ten feet deep to the strength of the laser.

subs: 4 + 1 - 4 = 1
Reaching his opponent, he had swung. The axe in his right hand and missed due to his opponent ducking. However the axe in the left hand collided with his opponents skull as his opponent had ducked directly into the path of the second axe.
It wouldn't of hit, as said mainly because of the fact he was at least a step behind him, and no normal person could reach that far behind there back, especially to the opposite side of their body. So as he was dashing it is likely that he'd be smashed by the hand or burnt to a crisp by the laser. He'd have to wait to see what happened.

We need you to go over this...

I charged at my opponent from 16 feet away... I then swung my right axe at his neck and my left axe at his abdomen...

He then stated that he ducked...

Meaning his head would dodge the first blade, however it would move directly into the path of the second axe...

He then claimed he was behind me...idk how
You do know I've explained it literally over twenty times.

For one when you dashed at me you never ever ever said where you were, only that you dashed at me and swung. Now you said you coasted this very fast and I said okay.

You never stated where you were so this would easily say I could dodge without too much worry. So to dodge I used my subscribers which gives me boosts.

Force x Mass = Acceleration

And at the speed I was going his body would not be used to this speed causing his body to be in shock at the speed he was getting at.

This would either A, cause him to fall flat on his face and clearly dodge your attack

Or B, he would be relocated at least a step or two behind you still in a crouched position.

Now the reason I brought the matter of the formula in is this; the force he was going, and his mass. I literally put it in simple turns for you.

Now @Sherwood we seriously talked about this for over four pages and this is stupid I even said that since we both missed a couple of facts in our posts we could come out of it equally. I had meant to put when he ducked he also dashed but I messed up, and as did he with never stating where he was around me and within the sixteen feet. I suggested that we both got away safely until we reached the laser and it hit us both. Since I messed up not getting to a safe area and he messed up never saying where he was. That is all.
I clearly stated I was attacking your abdomen and neck simultaneously... I could only do that from the right or from the front, neither of which would cause you to be behind me by crouching.

In fact with those as my only two options, your head would get hit either way.

But it doesn't matter since as you clearly stated your body Is a human body... Meaning your reflexes arent fast enough to allow you to dodge in the first place....
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I just realized ... Your last post was invalid...

You went back on a previous post by stating that you had stepped when the first one clearly ONLY had you ducking.

The rules of an invalid post is that it is to be ignored and the actions attempted in the previous post would happen...

GG mate
That wasn't even nearly serious. You made your post first and I could claim it as autohit. Therefore your post was first and my post was second you made the first mistake therefore DQing you. I just want to finish with you have been very rude about this, like seriously man have some class. I might not have all the class in the world but I know how to treat someone with respect. As said I am waiting for Sherwood.
Also edit, I said he'd be a STEP behind him as a unit of measurement. So no I never said he took a step.

Edit:This is my last statement on the matter, like seriously I just wanted to point that out. I am not responding to this thread until Sherwood reads over it.
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1. There is no way you would be behind me other than teleportation...

2. You ducked your head into my attempt... It's not an auto if you did it to yourself....

3. im swinging at you, meaning you are In front of me...

You were never behind me... And can never be behind me since you didn't move.

In fact I would collide with you after cutting into your head
Alright seriously this is getting stupid. Arguing is going to get us nowhere. Like I'm asking to stop the matter because seriously it is giving Sherwood more to read and myself a bigger headache than before.

1. Hah, you just claimed teleportation on me. KK

2. Never ducked into an attempt.

3. You never stated in which direction i was in front of you.

Now please can we just stop talking each other's head off and wait for Sherwood?
Ok guys. Let's calm down a bit. We all need to remember that this is supposed to be fun and not take it too far.

I can take some time and look over the posts in the battle and render an opinion if you would like.
Alright. I noticed this issue and wanted to give my input on the situation and honestly? The fight was fucked from the beginning. Amplitude 404 had already attempted to autohit which would be placed under the classification of Godmod, secondly, Genocide was more fair about the situation and actually used an ability to get out of it rather than bullshit in retaliation. It's simple, really. I mean.. think about it logically for a minute. I saw a few minor mistakes from the beginning but this entire fuss about the combat is un-necessary.

Also, logically speaking -yes, logic has a place in fantasy roleplay- no being can actually move that quickly... I noticed in his sheet that he was faster than a human's peek, sure, that's all fun and dandy but the fastest human isn't capable of running at no eighty+ miles an hour.. the fastest human runner is Usane Bolt at 28mph and in theory can only run up to 40mph. Amplitude doubled that. He also didn't designate a race to it's automatically assumed that his racial profile is human due to lack of information.

What I'm getting at here is that Amplitude is physically incapable of running that fast without breaking his legs, that he attempted an auto-hit without giving time to react, and utmost that the fact that he's just bitching rather than having fun makes him an example of the worst type of roleplayer.. the "Roleplay life," if you will.
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Exodus said:
Alright. I noticed this issue and wanted to give my input on the situation and honestly? The fight was fucked from the beginning. Amplitude 404 had already attempted to autohit which would be placed under the classification of Godmod, secondly, Genocide was more fair about the situation and actually used an ability to get out of it rather than bullshit in retaliation. It's simple, really. I mean.. think about it logically for a minute. I saw a few minor mistakes from the beginning but this entire fuss about the combat is un-necessary.
Also, logically speaking -yes, logic has a place in fantasy roleplay- no being can actually move that quickly... I noticed in his sheet that he was faster than a human's peek, sure, that's all fun and dandy but the fastest human isn't capable of running at no eighty+ miles an hour.. the fastest human runner is Usane Bolt at 28mph and in theory can only run up to 40mph. Amplitude doubled that. He also didn't designate a race to it's automatically assumed that his racial profile is human due to lack of information.

What I'm getting at here is that Amplitude is physically incapable of running that fast without breaking his legs, that he attempted an auto-hit without giving time to react, and utmost that the fact that he's just bitching rather than having fun makes him an example of the worst type of roleplayer.. the "Roleplay life," if you will.
1. Please do show where the auto hit was.

2. I was god mode??? While fighting someone who can summon numerous pillars and weapon instantly with no prep? And then can summon walls around that turning everything inside with NO PREP and ten attempted to cover an entire city with walls to prevent oxygen WITH NO PREP... And I'm god mode....sure...

3. Please explain what part of the inhuman stats I was born with makes you think I'm human...

Is it the supernatural hearing? Sight? Smell?

The ability to create and launch fireballs?

Or maybe my inhuman speed...

The strength isn't actually inhuman since people can easily lift that much per smaller weight classes, so maybe it was the strength...
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Amplitude404 said:
1. Please do show where the auto hit was.
2. I was god mode??? While fighting someone who can summon numerous pillars and weapon instantly with no prep? And then can summon walls around that turning everything inside with NO PREP and ten attempted to cover an entire city with walls to prevent oxygen WITH NO PREP... And I'm god mode....sure...

3. Please explain what part of the inhuman stats I was born with makes you think I'm human...

Is it the supernatural hearing? Sight? Smell?

The ability to create and launch fireballs?

Or maybe my inhuman speed...

The strength isn't actually inhuman since people can easily lift that much per smaller weight classes, so maybe it was the strength...
Reaching his opponent, he had swung. The axe in his right hand and missed due to his opponent ducking. However the axe in the left hand collided with his opponents skull as his opponent had ducked directly into the path of the second axe. < This is the example of autohit. This is an issue for one reason; even when making a presumed kill post you can't instantly register them dead. They are entitled to a chance to react. That's the way it's done. Let's say you do this. It'd be autohit because even if they had a way to counter it you instantly killed them. If you ATTEMPTED to do it and they had no method to react to it, sure, they'd be dead.

2. I was god mode??? While fighting someone who can summon numerous pillars and weapon instantly with no prep? And then can summon walls around that turning everything inside with NO PREP and ten attempted to cover an entire city with walls to prevent oxygen WITH NO PREP... And I'm god mode....sure... < Oh, and just a little edit. Even if he summoned a wall that surrounded the city to prevent oxygen.. it doesn't even matter. All he did was limit the oxygen. There is still oxygen within the city. He didn't say "Fuck you," and completely erase all of the oxygen from the surrounding area.

Actually, he never agreed to a prep based system. It was a free system which entitled him to do whatever he wanted without making preparations. You want to denote what rules you want to use; standard, prep, or specialized rules.

Also, you never even designated your racial profile - species identification. We have no idea what you are, dude, and because of that it's reasonable to label you as a human because that's the base race unless changed. Otherwise you're virtually allowed to change your race around to fit your current need.

Basically, you lack detail and you instantaneously assumed the rules enforced preps which it did not. It's a good habit to designate rules before you fight so that you can reach a understanding of what is allowed and what is not.

I'd like for the moderator to review these things before making a judgement. You guys have fun and try not to argue too much, lol.
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When I swung the axe I did attempt... Check my previous post....

That wasn't an attack post...

He then moved his head into the way, it wasn't an auto, I was just saying what happened after it actually did...

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