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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"Uh, um....yeah, th-that's kinda what my....Uh....my ability is.....I can he-heal with the wind...." She said with a small smile.


Wolf: Start Setting Up

She set up the guns she needed and then looked around. She needed a distraction to set up the rest.....but what.....?

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She looked at Deust and smiled as she did so. "There, all better." She said as she looked around. Where had the bullet come from? Was there a way to find out?.....Oh! She turned and looked at Amanda who was a little ways off and she flew over to her. "Amanda? Do you think you can track the Hex member by their thoughts?"

Amanda looked at her and nodded. She hadn't thought of that. "Yeah, I'm sure I can. Just give me a minute." She said before closing her eyes and searching for the Hex member's mind. Where was she?

@Midnight Phantom
Amanda rolled her eyes and stopped. Less work on her part. "So what do we do with her?"

"What they did with the others? She doesn't seem all that battle hungry like the others."


Wolf: Finish Setting Up

Forget the distraction. She was fast enough to set them up....as long as no one actually stands in her way. That would be disastrous for both of them. She crouched, prepared the guns and string she would need, then took off. She set up her guns in hidden places around the group and tied the string to the triggers. She continued until she was finished, stopping to take a break. That was exhausting.
"What do you mean run Running isn't going to make the power hungry lord happy.......no I don't want to get caught but.....I know I'm going to die.......I know that would hurt them......there isn't anything else I can do.....No I don't like whatever he might be planning......no he would never do that He may be narcissistic but he wouldn't purposely kill of the others.....no stop being ridiculous......but......no.....fine I'll run if this doesn't work Happy" She muttered, sighing out of frustration as she looked at the string she was holding. Should she...? She could always take their idea and flee....but Fox would find her. She didn't want to face him again when he was using his cheating luck.
Duke: Examine

This is an odd strategy for the Hexes, sending members one-by-one off to basically get their asses kicked. You were glad that you guys were winning, having already defeated two members, but it just seemed very bizarre for you that they didn't just rush you guys all at once. It would have probably have been more effective, just seemed very odd to you that they didn't do so.

Duke: Be the other guy...

...You are now the other guy.

Chelon: Snooze

Man, you were on that like a hour ago.

Chelon: Wake up

You emerge from your slumber, due to a piece of paper plopping onto your face. Ugh, what could this one be.

Chelon: Examine

*(#/ /) :'7*

Fox: Order

You message Wolf. You're not sure if she has any way of getting your message, but with a little luck, she will.

NF: Wolf, you need to fall back.

NF: At this rate, you're going to die without causing any lasting damage.

Wolf: Scowl At Message

She looked at the message Fox sent and scowled. This little...no, this was perfect! She could feel herself smile as she got into a flying position. She had to be fast. She looked back at the group, smile etched onto her face as she pulled the string. Once done, she flew off. She heard all the guns go off simultaneously at the group, raining them with bullets. She needed to get away now. That had used all of her guns.

@MoltenLightning @electroShogun @Nawmoo @Kurai Okami @Midnight Phantom

Wolf: Fly Back To Base

Wolf continued to fly until she reached the base and touched down, giggling with excitement. All those guns going off...it made her tingle. She now didn't care if they hit them not, just the feeling of it....she giggled again as she walked back to where Fox was. Yeah....this feeling wasn't going to leave anytime soon.
Ken: !!

You hear a large number of gunshots, and instinctively throw up a barrier around everyone you can reach. Charlotte casts a spell and defends everyone you can't reach.


"That was rather reckless, Wolf... But you made it out unharmed. I'm glad."

Wolf just giggled as she sat down and spun in her chair. "Did ya hear 'em Fox Did ya" She asked with glee. "Didn't they just sound lovely" She sighed in bliss. "Reminds me of home"


Shadow: !!!!!!!

Shadow instinctively threw her arms over her head as she heard the barrage of gunfire. It honestly terrified her! Is that what she had been doing?


Amanda: Flinch

Amanda didn't move from where she stood but she did flinch. If Ken and Charlotte hadn't done something, they would have been done for.....and that.....that left her shaking. She didn't like it.....

Theo, startled by the barrage if gunfire, curled up tightly behind her axe which would have worked pretty well concidering her size. Theo had spent a few moments like this before she looked over at Charlotte and realizing that she was doing her protecting thing. 'Yay look at me cowering with an axe' she thought whilst moving intoa more comfortable position.

Wolf continued to smile as she spun in her chair. "I know~ It was lovely all those guns going off My body is still tingling from the excitement of it all" She said with one last blissful sigh before stopping to look at him. "So now what I'm outta guns and ammo unless I can alchemize me some more" She said, her southern accent coming out just a bit as she yawned. So much excitement could wear ya out, ya know?

"You can use my Pocket Alchemiter. Here."

You take out the mini-creation device and give it to Wolf.

"Just be careful with it."

You smile at Wolf, but inside, your mind is anything but happy. Why did you call her back?! She was supposed to stay out there and cause chaos!

She caught it and smiled. "Thanks" She said as she got to work. In a matter of minutes the table was covered with guns and ammo of all different makes and models. She looked at her small armory and smiled. Perfect. "Here ya go" She said as she tossed it back. Now to sort them all! She began sorting and loading her weapons before putting them into her Sylladex. Had to make sure they were nice and shiny too!

"I'm unhurt." Shadow said with a small smile.


"Yeah.....just fine." Amanda said as she moved so she could hide her shaking hands. This wasn't the end of it so she couldn't act like a scared infant. She had to toughen up.


"I did have a plan Would have worked too if they weren't able to protect themselves I should have aimed for the two who are able" She said as she finished and looked at the screen.

"The Knight and Maid. Their will to defend everyone makes them formidable. You must isolate them before you can cause any harm."



Tavros: !!!

You clutch at your chest. Somehow, a few bullets managed to get through the barrier and hit you. Possibly before Ken even raised the barrier around you. You fall to your knees and cough, leaving a bronze streak on the floor.


Shadow looked over at the sound of someone screaming and her face paled. Someone had gotten hit! She ran over and looked at him. She surrounded the bullet wounds with the wind and looked for any other injuries. This was awful! They couldn't lose somebody!


"Yeah I know But how They wouldn't leave the rest of them for a moment with what's going on"

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"It's been a while so maybe not But I'm sure I can remember It wasn't all that hard" She said as she thought about it. She knew the basics of it, just....not the actual doing. It really had been to long. No way was she going to get it right first try.


Shadow shook her head and smiled sadly down at him.
"No, it's not your fault. I thought you were very useful...Uh....Tavros." She said as she kept trying to heal him. She remembered that's what he was called.


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