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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Aura: Ken.

As the girl's corpse hit the ground, you turn around and immediately hug Ken. Tears start brimming your eyes as you silently break down on his shoulder.

"I thought... You...!"

You couldn't even finish.

Aura: Be thankful

You wanted to go thank Kersin, but you couldn't bring yourself to move. The thought that he died... Made your stomach queasy. You kept hugging him, stifling tears.

"Don't... Don't you ever get that reckless again..."

You scold him half heartedly

"That's my job..."
The note read:

If you are reading this, i am dead and basically this is my will. Anyways congrats your now in possession of my cat! Take care of him or i will haunt your *ss

P.s. Tell fox hes an *sshole sh*t wipe

Charlotte: Sigh

That girl really was a sociopath... You reluctantly Captchalogue the cat. Better make sure Amanda and Rosalie never see this thing...

@Kurai Okami


Fox: Grin

You give a secretive grin as you watch the Rage symbol flash and fade on your screen. The Light symbol grows a little brighter once again. You hide the program and turn back towards the room.

"And then there were three... Wolf, your turn. Don't disappoint me."

Ok, I understand haveing like...MODELS of cat skeletons

But this is just weird af

Theo looked around at every one who had fought vulture, they all looked pretty tired. 'Aight next time, IM going at em' she thought eagerly wanting to fight someone.
Wolf looked at Fox with wide eyes. "Me Wh-why me Asks me She doesn't have any plans of fighting Says Melissa I thought you were going to go Mr Big And Bad leader Says Francisca" She said, looking from the screen she was watching to Fox. She...she didn't want to die! That was insane! And she should know, she was insane! "But we wouldn't want to make him mad Says Melissa But he wants us to throw our lives away without a plan Whines Francisca I don't know...... Says me" She said more quietly. She really didn't want to make him mad....but she didn't want to recklessly die either.....and it's been so long since she used her classpect ability that she wasn't sure she could remember how....

She narrowed her eyes as she looked at him. She didn't completely trust him....but she knew she could never win against him if he decided to use his damned luck. "No.....I have an idea I don't need help" She said as she flew off. She refused to rely on him. She just hoped what she had thought of would at least give her a small chance of survival....though she was also concerned with that machine he seemed attached to.

Wolf: Fly To Skaia

She listened to her voices yelling at her to just turn and run, but she didn't want to get killed by Fox. He wouldn't be kind if she did so. As she got closer, she hid behind....whatever it was this was. She got a mirror out of her Sylladex and used it to look at the group of teens and trolls. Who should she target first? The Seer maybe? Or maybe the Slyph...no....the space or time player? She pulled out her gun and positioned it. She couldn't decide yet. The Seer would know....

Fox: Observe

You watch Wolf move in and set up a bit of a sniping nest. She was more resourceful than you expected... The backs of your knees sting in response to that thought. Resourceful, indeed... And she fights dirty. Exactly what you need from her.


Feferi: Heal

You go and tend to the injuries of your allies. You accelerate their natural healing processes.

"Two down, three to go..."
Theo: do your thing

You stray a certain distance from the group, absolute silence was needed. You crouch down and listen for any noises that could be heard. Nothing... Nothing at all, yet you intently listen. It was very peaceful without any fighting, you almost want to sit down and just listen, but now was not the time. Although your sure that the next hexes would be as loud as the others, one could never be too careful.
You hear Tavros approach before you see him, but you choose to ignore his presence for now. This calm only comes over you very rarely whilst doing a sneak. You liked to call it mid level alert, you usually try and do this whenever possible as you trusted your hearing more than your sight.

Wolf: Aim And Fire

She made herself comfortable as she made sure she would remain hidden when she shot but would be able to quickly leave and flee if need be. She didn't know if they had good hearing or exceptional hearing, so she had to be prepared. She eyes the troll healing everyone....she could be a problem. So, she quickly aimed and fired at the healing troll. Her eyes narrowed as she watched. She didn't usually miss, but she had to be cautious. She also fired at the time player. He could be a problem if she let him get too out of hand. Next would be the Seer...or the other healer...or the space player. She wouldn't decide yet.

@electroShogun @Midnight Phantom
Feferi: !!!

You hear a gunshot and instinctively duck. The bullet grazes your forehead, leaving a long gash running across it. You cry out in pain.


Sollux and Eridan hear your cry and run over to you.

"F.F.! Are you okay?!"

"W-What happened?!"

"S-Someone shot me!"

Eridan draws out his wand and stands tall.

"Sol, take care of Fef."

"You better not get hurt, E.D."

"Be careful, Eridan..."

Eridan runs off to find the hidden gunner.

She quickly hid her gun and stayed hidden. Damn it! So fucking close! Stupid troll....yes, she knew she had to calm down! No! She didn't want to be here! But she had to so Fox wouldn't kill her! She felt tears threaten her eyes and she blinked them away. She had to be fine.....she promised her friends she would survive this stupid game......oh, why did she join Fox? Oh yeah....he promised she wouldn't be alone like she was. That she didn't have to wonder around, wondering what she was supposed to do. But....now she was referring it. Great. She kept her ears open to hear any and all noises that would be coming to or near her.

Theo stood up rapaidly, she had heard from the general direction the shot came from, but it echoed so that she didnt know where exactly from.

D*mn it!

I knew something didn't feel right!

She got out her axe in preparation for a fight, cause d*mn was she gonna kill this jerk

@ShadowHuntress @electroShogun
Wolf: Find New Hiding Place

Wolf, not wanting to take chances on where she was, floated low to the ground and made sure she wasn't seen, or at least she hoped, as she made her way to another hiding spot. It was far enough away that she should be fine....hopefully..... "Yes I have a plan.......yes we have to set up the guns.......but how could that be a distraction.......yes I know I might get caught if I mess up There isn't many options if they can all dodge like that....." She muttered to herself as she kept the lookout. She was hoping this would end soon. She didn't want to do this anymore....


Shadow: Heal Feferi's Wound

Shadow flew over to where Feferi was and looked at her.
"Are you alright? Would you mind if I take a look?" She asked, looking nervous as she asked. She was a sea dweller.....amazing! She hadn't seen one before....but that meant she was higher up on the spectrum than she was. Let's not anger her....

@electroShogun @Kurai Okami
Fox: Observe

That fool didn't really have a backup plan, did she? You sigh and watch the screen. If she had let you help her formulate a plan, she might not be in this situation...


Feferi: Thank

"P-Please do... It hurts..."

Shadow nodded and gently let the wind surround the top of her head and waited until it closed before pulling back. "B-better?" She asked, obviously nervous and slightly scared. She didn't know if she was doing okay....

Deust : Get Shot

The Muse's bullet passes through the front of your spongy head out the back.


It seems she didnt realize that you lack a central nervous system in the center of your head. You groan in pain as spores pour from your head, but hey, its better than being dead.

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