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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"D-Don't pretend... I d-didn't do anything... *cough* I w-was just a spectator..."

Your wounds begin to close up, but you're still in incredible pain...

"Shadow, stop. The bullets are still inside him. If you heal him now, the wounds will simply close up around the bullets, and he'll die anyway. You need to remove the bullets."

She stopped but she was crying now. "I....I don't know how....I....I can't....." She began to sob as she thought about how she couldn't even manage this. They were going to lose another person. Another friend....why....why was this happening?

"D-Don't cry... Th-This isn't the end... I'll j-just wake up b-back in the lab..."

You feel yourself slipping from your body.

"You can do it... I b-believe in you..."

Your dream body goes limp as you reawaken back in the lab, in your session.

She stood up and flew off to be alone. She....she couldn't help him....yeah, he might still be alive, but how would he feel as the only one there? He would be alone.....and all because she couldn't help him. His dream self had died because of her....why...?

"Shadow, don't. Tavros is fine. He wouldn't want to see you sad."

"She's right."

Vriska flies over to you.

"Tavros was never really a strong fighter. He'd be much more suited for this. Staying at the lab and providing moral and intel support."

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Theo watched everything teary eyed, she had only just got to talk to him and now his dream self is dead. 'Damn it when this is al over im talking to him for like.... A million years...about stuff' she thought weirdly.
Duke: Morn

...Why? You never talked to the guy and you barely even knew who he was to begin with. Not like his death affected you in any way. So yeah, you're not really keen on morning over this guy, you just stand there and say nothing...as always.
Shadow nodded and headed back to the others. She did feel a little better. "....Thank you miss." She said with a smile.


"Got it" She said as she leaned back. "But who would I turn when I do remember"

Wolf scowled at the suggestion. "Her Really Are you sure that's a good idea" She asked.


Shadow's eyes lightened up and her smile grew.
"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't know what you looked like, so....."

"Well, there are three options here. One, you turn her. Two, Tortoise reverts her to her Bird persona. Or three... one of us kills her. We can't allow them to have a Muse on their side."


"Yeah, I guess you've never actually seen me."

You smile at Shadow, your sevenfold eye gently pulsating.

"Good. Say, where did your 'friends' go? You haven't conveyed any messages from them since you got back."


You reach up and touch underneath your eye. "Oh, this? It's nothing special... Just vision eightfold. Little X-Ray vision, no big deal, really."

"Unlike me they don't like the sound of gunfire so they've been quiet Should be back later though" She said with a giggle.


"I still think it's pretty. And useful too." She said with a smile.

"All right. Now, what do you say we get started on your re-education?"


"Thanks, Shadow. Now, let's get back, shall we?"



Tavros: Be the eye in the sky

You make your way back to your computer, open the viewport, and post on the memo.




@Midnight Phantom @MoltenLightning @Nawmoo @Kurai Okami
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Wolf's eyes widened a bit in fear. This...she didn't know how this would turn out... "Uh...sure" She said. "On my own...right"


Shadow walked back to the group with Ms. Kanaya and Ms. Vriska. She was happy she got to meet them both.

Shadow: Respond To Tavros

SW: Thank you Tavros.

SW: And.....

SW: I'm sorry.....

SW: Are you alright?

Afrien : Guard

Why? You would see if you were gonna get hit, which you wont be.

Deust : Guard

Why? You wont die unless your body is torn apart. Or your head is ripped off. Wither or, these bullets would just hurt if they hit you. Looks like Ken's got it anyways.

Chryom : Stop Being Dazed!

Oh. Oh god dammit.

Tavros' Dream Self is dead.

With your medical knowledge, you could have saved him, had you gotten to him in time.

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