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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

CA: We will Talk tactics after Everyone has rested a Bit


Afrien : Crash

You enter an empty room and fling yourself onto the bed, drifting off to sleep.

Deust : Rest

You enter the room opposite to Afrien's and crawl under the covers, taking a peaceful nap.

Chryom : Sleep

Why? You haven't done anything.
Charlotte: Sleep

You find your way to a guest room, climb into the bed, and immediately fall fast asleep.


Ken: Enjoy

You continue to sit with Aura. You've been ignoring the messages you got on your glasses. Nothing else matters right now. The game doesn't matter. All that matters is that you're with Aura.

Duke: Agree

Yeah, some sleep would be beneficial. You don't know when the next change to take a snooze will present itself. You jump into one of the guest rooms and straight onto a bed.

Duke: Sleep

You go into a deep slumber, catching up on your rest.
Aura: Wonder

You wonder how everyone else is doing. You did care for everyone else, and you felt guilty for having your 'fits'. As you assumed they were called... Something you couldn't control. But you were glad Ken could handle you. If he didn't, or he suddenly BETRAYED you... You didn't want to imagine the catastrophic consequences. There would be no mercy... You feel a small shiver down your back and ignore that thought. Instead, you think about how amazing this situation was.


Lyssa: Slumber

Maybe. Instead of going into a room, you lean against a wall and close your eyes. This was about all the rest you needed.
Ken: Doze off

You drift off to sleep with Aura in your arms.



Charlotte: Dream

You dream of... nothing. You can't see, or hear, or feel anything. You try to call out, only to realize you can't move at all. You are filled with dread. These sorts of dreams can only end one way...
"Yes, but we cannot arouse suspicion. If they know we killed him, they will use his death as motivation. Here is the plan."

"We go to Prospit under cover of Tortoise's speed boost. Using my luck, you go in, switch the Seer with a clone, and get him out. Then comes the part you're sure to like."

"We feed him to a Horrorterror."

@Midnight Phantom
Aura: Drift off

Finally, after being in Ken's warm and caring embrace for so long, you nod off. Nothing really occurs in your dream, just random crap.


Hummingbird: Be knocked out

You are asleep on your bed, over heating and scowling as you dream. You accidentally imagine the memory you put in that girl's head... And feel you're insides grimace in guilt. First thing you've regretted in a while... You didn't expect her to do THAT in the memory, but she did... And now you have to keep it locked up. Or... God bless your souls, she better not remember...


Lyssa: Rest

You keep leaning against the wall, though not able to fall asleep. Something doesn't... FEEL right...
"It's the perfect crime. As long as you have my luck, you'll leave no trace behind, and the players will think he went braindead in his sleep. And feeding him to a Horrorterror will leave no corpse for them to find. Even better, I've been lucky enough to meet a Horrorterror in my dreams, one that can speak English. He's fully on board with my plan."

You turn back to Chelon.

"Tortoise, did you catch all that?"

@Midnight Phantom @Nawmoo
"Okay. You and I are going to support Iguana with our powers while he sneaks into Prospit Castle and replaces the Seer with a clone. From there, we bring the Seer to the Furthest Ring and give him to my Horrorterror contact."

Hummingbird: Wake up

You wake up with a start in cold sweat, staring up at the ceiling with annoyance. Well, you were still in major pain. But that didn't matter. What MATTERED, was that you were freaking out about something. You took a few deep breaths and ignored that thought. WHO CARED? You didn't. Either that or you cared too much. You carefully got out of bed. You glanced at a mirror that was randomly around, and noticed the huge catastrophe that was your hair. Whatever. You notice the bandage on your arm and your chest, and sigh. That was your fault, you guessed. It was stupid of you to even CARE about that stupid match. But, hey, whatever. You limp over to the doorway, holding your wound partially, then look out. You hear a conversation, but can't quite make out what its about. So, instead, you go back into your bed. Just a little longer, and it'll heal...
Ken: Dream

You dream about the fight against the Black King and Queen. You were extremely lucky to get out of that without any casualties. It was all thanks to your teamwork that you came out on top.


Charlotte: Keep dreaming

You still can't see, hear, or feel anything. You have no idea how long you've been like this. It's starting to get boring, actually.

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