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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"Okay! It DOES seem like we always get interrupted, after all."

Aura: Sit down

You sit down on a spare chair you found around the room, and pat the chair next to you while smiling.
"Yeah! That might be why I'm always the one who punches him. But, hey, some people just need that you know? Knock some sense into 'em."

You pause, then look up at the ceiling.

"I've always thought, throughout my entire life, that I'd always be... Well, the odd-person out. If you get what I mean..."

You drifted off, then started smiling again.

"But then you came along. You made my life so much better. Think about it. Amanda or Afrien would probably have killed me by now, in all honesty. Or I would have hurt everyone else. Or worse. Either way, you've helped me through this more than I could have ever hoped... There is no way I'd be able to repay the favor. So thanks..."

You gaze into his eyes, the small smile getting wider on your face.
"You're welcome, Aura. But... really, I should be thanking you. If you didn't come into my life like you did... I don't know if I could have handled everything that's happened. You're the one that's kept me going through everything."

You look back into Aura's eyes.

"I guess we both owe each other a lot."


You keep smiling.

"I'm glad that's how it is though. We make up for each other's weaknesses. You keep me calm, I keep you going. And I'm so glad its you other than anyone else..."

You gently grab his hand, gazing at his eyes intently.

"So, you know... I love you..."

You feel your face heat up.

You hesitate for a moment, but shake it off. It was now or never. You lean closer, close your eyes, then go for the kill.

Aura: Kiss
Aura: Pull away

After a second of intense happiness and emotion, you pull back. You stare into his eyes, then wrap your arms around him. You pull yourself towards him, then rest your head on his chest. You sigh in content, snuggling up to him just enjoying the moment.

"Thanks for reminding me what butterflies feel like, Ken..."

You grin. Wow, that was cheesy...
"Certainly. You may use the guest bedrooms. I trust you will find them to your liking. Φρουροί, παρακαλούμε να δείξει στους επισκέπτες μας στα δωμάτιά τους."

Several guards nod and gesture to Afrien and co, leading them to the guest rooms.

@Midnight Phantom
Aura: Giggle

"Well, they still are."

You're glad this is happening. Having time alone for a while has really eased your mind, and tightened your bond with Ken. If it wasn't already amazing.

"I don't want this to ever end..."
Charlotte: Think

You think about everything that's happened so far. Specifically, your encounter with the Outer Gods. Despite their looks, they really are good people... er, creatures. You wonder why that book said they were so dangerous...
Amanda: Wake Up

After getting beat...again...she woke up with a start. She hated reliving her past. She was about to check for any changes in her headache but noticed that she felt fine. She sat up and sighed with relief. She walked around what she assumed was the lab until she ran into Shadow.

"Hello Shadow."

"Oh, you're awake Amanda. Are you alright? Any remaining headaches? Feeling dizzy?"

"No. I'm fine. Uh...thanks..."

"Don't thank just me. Thank Charlotte too. She's the one who got me."


Amanda: Message Charlotte

JF: Uh....Shadow told me you got her...Uh...thanks for helping me...

EL: take care, amanda.

You let out a sigh of relief. Amanda's okay. Good.



Fox: Help

You finish changing Bird's bandages. The bleeding has stopped, but she's still out. You genuinely feel bad for her, but it was her own fault for getting in the way!

...Still, the bullet came from your gun, so you can't help but feel that you're partly responsible. You leave Bird's room and go back out to the main hall. You speak to nobody in particular.

"She's all right... for now."


Sollux: Update

TA: everyone

TA: ii got iintwo their 2y2tem

TA: ii got theiir u2ername2

TA: narcissisticFox disregardingHummingbird homicidalIguana schizophrenicWolf gloomyTortoise sociopathicVulture

TA: 2ee what you can do wiith that

@Midnight Phantom @MoltenLightning @Nawmoo @Kurai Okami

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