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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"i don't *inhale* have it on me atm, its at my house... OH! gimme a sec!"

artisticMage [AM]
began pestering walrusOverlord [WO]

AM: ayy lmao

AM: Onii-chan

AM: whats the code for my inhaler

WO: give me a second...

AM: ...

AM: ...

AM: ...

WO: can you not be patient for five whole seconds?!

WO: the code is Br347H3

AM: ...

AM: is that a joke or the actual code ,':\

WO: thats the legitamate code

AM: ... thanks?

artisticMage [AM]
ceased pestering walrusOverlord [WO]

" alright *inhale* got the code for it!"

Duke: Be relevant

Ah, much better. After being part of that epic battle, you find yourself a bit winded and require some downtime to recharge. You join the herd back to the castle, ready to relax and maybe do some other stuff.
Afrien : Fly

You fly back to Deust and Chryom and tell them to get to the castle, before heading off.

Deust : Fly

You follow Afrien to the castle.

Chryom : Retrieve Lyssa

You go back to where you had been seated and inform Lyssa about the group moving.

"We are heading back to the castle. Lets go."

Theo: get dragged

you half get dragged half fly yourself with Charlotte back to the castle. You eventually alchemize the inhaler, 'aaaaaah sweet relief' you think as you use it for the first time in months. you suddenly get a fantastic idea, you take the THEIFS HOODIE and combine it with your inhaler to make THEIFS BREATHER... sounds less cool than it actually is.
Lyssa: Stop zoning out

You look over at Chryom and nod. You unfurl your bat wings, then proceed to the castle with Chryom.


Aura: Arrive

You arrive, and before the guards can stop you, you slam through them gruffly. They look a little flustered, and after a few choice words you didn't understand return to their posts.
Aura: Nod

You felt a little better at his request, and nod. You just wanted some time with him, since fusing had just DONE that to you. Not that it was a bad thing, it just felt right. You smile a small bit at this strange thought.
You pat Aura on the shoulder and smile at her. You use your mind's eye to locate an out-of-the-way room where you're not likely to be interrupted, then lead Aura there. You send Charlotte a quick message.

ES: Hey Lottie

ES: Can you do me a favor

EL: sure! what is it?

ES: Im going to go rest for a while

ES: Can you manage things while Im gone

EL: sure thing!

ES: Thanks a ton

Duke: Wave back

You validate Charlotte's gesture by waving back at her.

Duke: Think

...*Sigh* you don't really want to, it's just to hard right now. You're just not sure if it's even a good idea to get caught up in a relationship, given that you and your crew are still trying to win. You feel comfort from it, but what if it doesn't work out? Worse...what if one dies.

Duke: Remember

You start thinking about before you entered your session, back when you were to your friends just sage text on a screen blathering on about the end of the world. You remember how simple it was...

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Duke: Acquire social interaction

You notice Charlotte showing concern for your well-being.

Duke: Act cool

QA: Yes, I'm fine.

QA: Just a bit tired.

QA: It was a pretty tough battle.

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"Honestly, that's all because I upgraded my weapon. Sticking magic stones on my staff gave me access to more spells. Say... How long have you had that old disc? Think it's about time for an upgrade?"

QA: You kidding?

QA: I fused a book of dark magic with a flying saucer.

QA: I essentially made a real-life UFO.

QA: How do I even go up from that?

Duke: Remember stupid thought

Ugh, NO, no way you're going to actually make a flying keyboard disc of doom. It's just too stupid.


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