
((under normal circumstances yes, but event dungeons or special dungeons created and changed with items usually have a gimmick to them. in WoW there was a dungeon that had a roaming boss, and in Legion online a dungeon with a hidden area that you needed a key to even show it on the map. im a huge gamer nerd so maybe im thinking to much but since the dungeon was changed with dante's gate pass i was going along these lines of thinking))
DanteStigma said:
((under normal circumstances yes, but event dungeons or special dungeons created and changed with items usually have a gimmick to them. in WoW there was a dungeon that had a roaming boss, and in Legion online a dungeon with a hidden area that you needed a key to even show it on the map. im a huge gamer nerd so maybe im thinking to much but since the dungeon was changed with dante's gate pass i was going along these lines of thinking))
(Oh, okay. I only play WoW, so I don't know that much about special types of dungeons and things like that.)
Mo pointed his sword at the wolf when the wolf started howling.

"Guys," Mo muttered, "When that happens, doesn't that usually mean-"

More wolves slowly crept out of the forest. Now we were surrounded.

"No time for warm-ups, I guess," I mumbled, and transformed into a tiger.
"Why isn't there any water around! Ugh!" Andrea called out. This would be difficult without her element around but she definitely knew what she was doing with a katana. She struck at one of the wolves, and it cried out. Another one tried to come after her but she jumped back just in time.
"Well, no way else to go."

He walked into the darkness yet again, reappearing at the dungeon entrance He stepped out into the road, peering both ways for monsters to kill. He saw some purple wolves surround a bunch of players, and he knew he had to go help them. Not really for their benefit, but so he could get some XP. He turned into a hawk, and flew high above them. He glided well beyond the human sight of range, but not a hawk's.

"Hey! That's the jerk, Caven, that almost got me killed before!"

He let out a mighty hawk cry, that told all prey that a predator was on the hunt. He swooped down, going for maximum speed, as to not let the tiger detect him. When he got just above the treeline, he flared his wings, slowing down immensely. He stuck out his talons, as if he was about to catch a mouse, and instead scratched the tiger's backside. They would never expect an attack from the skies. A con was though, they could see his username, so they could figure out quite easily that it was him. They'd just have to get a good look at the moving words.

"Oh man, I just realized. I left my wings out, easily vulnerable. Can't fix that, though. If I don't slow down, I'll crash straight into my target."

He looked down at his talons and saw the proud yellow stained by red.

"Good. It drew blood." He didn't imagine himself saying that, ever. He turned around to make another pass.

(I figured at least one character had to start attacking another's, or else it wouldn't be a proper plot)
soon enough booming words went throughout the over world, "Balthazar: Undying hope Defeated, 12 gate pass uses remain." was what it said as dante and miku appeared outside the dungeon, now both equal at level 10. dante carried miku the rest of the way since she was tired out from the battle as they passed a group of players fighting wolves and among each other. "Dante: hind legs and tail." he said as he passed by, an obvious hint on how to easily beat the wolves, continuing on to rose town.
Ebenezer unsheathed his katana and ran at the Purple Wolf while jumping. He managed to slice the skin on it's shoulder before it clamped it's jaws onto his arm and wouldn't let go. Gasping in the shock of being wounded, he used the butt of the sword against the creatures head, making it let go. He jumped away and raised his sword.
Andrea looked shocked as Eben had been wounded, as well as Mo. Another player was attacking them as well, great. Just what they needed right now. She sliced the neck of one wolf so at least one of them was out of their way.
Eben slashed at the wolf, killing it and moving onto another. He looked over at Mo and saw him getting attacked. Running over, he slashed at the hawk and saw a name tag above it. "Get away from him!" He shouted, raising his katana in a defensive position. My injury is not as bad as others may think. But I must defend my new friends from this other player before they are killed. He glanced at Andrea and asked her, "Can you handle the rest? There aren't many left."
Mo turned into a turtle to block the attack, then jumped in the air, still withdrawn in his shell.


-Invulnerable for 3 seconds

-Lunge as a shell at targeted enemy

Mo flew at the aggressive hawk, slamming it with his shell. He turned into a tiger and growled.

"I was trying to help. It's YOUR fault your guard was down. Listen, we're all in danger right now. We can't get angry over things like this and attack each other. Could you honestly kill another person because he surprised you? Could you?"

It was then that another wolf bit Mo and he was swarmed. Roar of the Jungle was still on cooldown, and he didn't have enough energy to become a turtle.

"Help!" He managed cry as he watched his HP bar whittle down.
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Eben lunged at the wolves and succeeded in scattering them, only form the, to attack him now. He stood in front of Mo protectivly and felt another wolf latch onto the wound another one had created. He ripped his arm free, causing a wound down the length of his arm and his health bar lost a bit of health. Slaying more of the wolves, the number of them and lowered considerably. The leader of the pack gave a howl and the rest of them ran off, close together. "Well... that was exciting and slightly worrying." He looked at his arm and sighed. Blood was slowly dripping down his arm and it concerned him.
Mo laughed and reverted to human form.

"Great job," he said, taking a quick swig of HP and MP pots, "But that hawk is still up there!"

I whipped out my bow and aimed it at the hawk.

"If you leave us alone, I won't shoot," Mo said.
Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. Jayne had woken up very late, the soft grass brushing against her now tanned skin and the wind shifting her shorter hair from her face. Why. She took notice of everything, from the simple fact of what she smelled to the very sensations around her. How she got from her bed, to grass made her panic. Was she kidnapped? Her heart began to race, her features pale from fear and shock as she held her chest in her hand. This was the end...she didn't want to die...she had to get to level thirteen after all!

It took her a couple of minutes to calm down and look around, taking note of the other people that inhabited the small grassy patch. "Where am I..." Her voice. She glanced down, shocked at the much happier tone that burst from her lips. Why?! She looked at her hand, realising what. The claw ring rest upon her index finger. Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. She sold peoples secrets and practically sold people out on this site! Now she was actually here? Maybe she could get away with it, act innocent or even pretend to be someone else. Yeah, that's what she'd do. 
(Kya D: Im so sorry that's late, I'm on holiday so I can't get online all the time now more ; n;)
"It's not worth it," he muttered, as he saw Caven take out a bow. He flew away, looking for a harder dungeon.

"I've never been to a dungeon that's a higher level than me. I think the only reason I could take out that troll was because I'm human, and I can do things that I couldn't do in-game before. I'm sure I can take on another one."

He looked at his map quickly, trying not crash into anything else that's flying. He found a nice level 10 dungeon, which would be easier than the last one he tried. The hawk landed at the entrance of the once again, cave.

They should really have more creative dungeons.

He walked into the darkness.
miku and dante made it to rose town taking refuge in the town inn. "Dante: rest up miku." he said placing her on a bed. he pulled up a chair next to the bed and sat there, continuing to read his book.
Eben watched the hawk fly off and turned to Mo, "You alright? In fact. Are we all alright because that was sudden and unexpected!" He looked around and spotted no signs of danger anywhere near them. That was exhilarating and somehow enjoyable... weird.
When the wolves sprang out of the forest at them, Ashlee dazed a few and killed three, narrowly missing a bite to the shoulder. One of their claws grazed her forearm and she let out a small cry but then all the wolves were dead. She noticed her HP dropping and ate a nutrition bar she had bought a few weeks ago when she wasn't actually in the game. She hasn't expected it to taste so horrible. "Well... Wonder if we'll run into more of those."
Eben ate something to restore his HP, but saw that the injuries stayed. He looked up and saw that Mo's injuries weren't healed either, "I have a guess to make and that guess is that injuries are just life in real life. That leads me to question if we can get sick... just like normal ailments that won't loose us our Hp. Anyone think the same?" He looked at Ashlee and Andrea and found that they were badly injured.
Mo nodded quietly. "Yeah," he said, "That sounds right."

His HP bar was full, but the claw marks on my face were still bleeding.

"Interesting," he muttered, and took out bandages, "These bandages, the useless meds? The ones that only do 30 HP? They could be helpful now."

Mo started wrapping his wounds with the bandage and tosses it to Eben.
Eben caught them and began wrapping his arm wound. Once he'd done, he tossed the, back to Mo and crossed his arms, "We need to get going before they come back. We might do some training in Rose Town when we get there so we don't get hurt so easy."
Mo nodded and handed the bandages to Andrea.

"I second this notion. We haven't gotten through the Spiraling Woods yet. Although..."

He looked up. The path through the woods wrapped up and around in a spiral, effectively forcing players to climb a mountain. The peak was Gravel Plains, a plateau of gravel and powerful monsters. There, a "bridge." It was a teleport/elevator thing that led them to the magically floating Rose Town. Mo cleared his throat.

"You know, before, when I used to play GameOver as a game, Rose Town wasn't so far or too bad at all. But now..."
miku stirred in her sleep waking up to see dante reading a book next to her. "Miku: you know its rude to spy on a girl while shes asleep xrosa." she said with a yawn. "Dante: next time i wont carry you to rose town." dante replied earning a pout from miku. they both laughed as she got up. "Dante: come on, i found the next gate pass dungeon. if we are lucky we should be level 11 before we even get to the boss." he said as they left the inn and headed to the weapon and armor shop to repair their gear.
This is too good to be true, thought Galvan. He had always wanted life to be more like a video game, but to get sucked into one? It was like a dream come true.

Only minutes earlier he'd been living his normal life, coming home from another day of school, tossing his backpack over by his bed and hopping online to get a headstart on GameOver for the night. Next thing he knew, he was waking up in Emerald Plain. Instead of his casual street IRL clothes, his body was green and blob-like; he was no longer boring old Galvan...he was NoxiousTides.

After slapping himself a few times to make sure he wasn't dreaming, he regained his composure and thought about what to do next. The answer was obvious.

"Keep leveling up," Vex said to himself, smirking. His name was Galvan, but those who knew him in-game called him Vex or Tide, so he decided to start referring to himself as such.

Rose Town would be a good place to get some better gear; he was going to do that today anyways. He had the way to Rose Town from here memorized. He'd have to travel through the Spiraling Woods, and up to the Granite Plains, where the portal to the town was.

Galvan set off, making sure to have his gear properly absorbed. None of the monsters in the Spiraling Woods were armored-type enemies, so he activated his Thorned Carapace Augmentation. His smooth Amorphous outer membrane became sharp and spiked. It was one of Galvan's favorite Augmentations.

It wasn't long before the Spiraling Woods were in sight.

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