
"That's great. I wonder if we can fight as good as our characters or if we can do exactly what they did when we controlled them. I hope that everything's the same because it is amazing to be here along with the fact that we are a group. First of all though. Who's what level? We need to establish that." Ebenezer stopped himself from rambling and just shut up, waiting for the others to answer his bombard of words thrown in to make a sentence.
Umm.... If the owner of the roleplay is on, could you check my form in the character sheet thingeh?? ..... Thanks! :D
Mo smiled. "Level 9. Next level I get to be a hawk, so just bear with me a bit. How about you?"

I looked in my menu again. I was getting kind of hungry. I didn't remember that part of the game.

"Anyone else feeling hungry?" I said while pulling out a steak. The steak was supposed to replenish my health, and I couldn't imagine how I already got hurt. Interesting. Hunger exists in thsi world.
"Level 7," said Andrea softly. She looked off at the water again, that was her element after all. She had always loved water, so it was cool that now she had control over it.
"Dream manipulation.. But I'm not so good at it," said Andrea with a grin. She wasn't quite sure how to really use it yet, which sucked.
Drea flashed a grin, "that's still pretty cool though! Everything about this world is just.. Cool." Yeah, I mean dying was a huge risk, but still.
"Uh.. Well, I'm not all that sure. When my character leveled up, it gave me the option to give her a power and 'dream manipulation' sounded cool so I went with it.." she shrugged. "I'm sure I'll figure it out eventually."
Ashlee responded to Eb's question and said, "I'm level 7... I have illusion creation, and got control of weather from these earrings." Ash touched the purple and blue droplets dangling from her ears. I didn't think these would be so heavy...
Andrea looked over at Ashlee, admiring the earrings. "That's cool.. And they're pretty too!" She always felt although her amulet looked so.. Plain. But hey, it gave her the ability to control water so she couldn't complain.
Eben smiled, "I'm Level 7 as well, so that makes us all pretty much equal in strength. And it seems like I'm the only one without magical powers, so I have to rely on strength and strategy." He looked around, "Where should we go now?"
Xros started talking to some female he'd never heard of before, so he decided to go try another player, and see if they knew anything more about this. He released his talons, and pushed off the branch. He flapped his wings hard again, rested from sitting there for a while. After he had gained enough air, he simply glided down to Andrea, Eben, Ashlee, and Mo.

"Do you guys know anything about us getting here? If you don't mind telling me," the hawk said, fidgeting his wing awkwardly. "I mean, it's fine if you don't know. I just want to know if you know anything. I don't know anything." He stepped backwards a pace.
miku and dante stood against the tree watching the other players ether group off or wander off. dante went back to reading his book while miku giggled as her familiars played with the wolves of dante's wolf pack. "Miku: so many people, who should we try to join with?" she asked earnestly. "Dante: perhaps we should wait till people come to us, if they don't we can go our usual route." he replied flipping a page.
"Let's head into town," Mo replied, "Maybe we can find something there. How about..."

Mo opened the menu and tapped the map button. The world map sprung out in front of all of the players, mountains rising from the dynamic surface and creeks shimmering to emulate flowing. Town names blinked into existence, floating over little squares of brown and gray. That's when Mo got an idea.

"Hey, guys," he called out, "Why don't we make a guild?"

Mo poked Rose Town, provoking it to zoom in. He used the navigation tool in the map to plan a route there.

"Rose Town is home to the Parliament of Guilds, right? I'm sure we can register and make a guild ourselves. Anyone who's willing to join us to help us get out here... They're all welcome to the guild. And plus, there are some lvl 5 monsters on the route so we can maybe train a little."
"Sounds like a plan!" said Andrea enthusiastically. She pushed a piece of her white hair behind her ear and out of her face, revealing piercing blue eyes.
Miku and Dante decided to move on ahead, seeing as many people were already grouped off. they began heading off to rose town with miku rideing on one of dante's wolves. "Miku: so, we're going to rose town because?" she asked with a confused face. "Dante: i have a gate pass, i can use it to get us into the special dungeon and level you up quickly." "Miku: Xrosa! you waited this long to tell me you had one of the pass's!?" "Dante: i was gonna use it to level us both up because only the lowest level in a group gets the exp in this dungeon, but we need you up to my level quickly." they continued to argue heading off the rose town, taking the direct route through level 7 and 8 mobs that they made quick work of gaining small amounts of exp and wondering how many others might have a pass.
Melon rubbed her eyes as she sat up. Dazzling bright light shone down on her, threatening her chance of ever seeing again. 'Mum... Turn off the lights.' She mumbled angrily; But she wasn't at home. The light faded, and Melon glanced around her, completely dazed. She was alone in a wide field. A feeling came upon her of what she'd never felt before, and she felt something soft and delicate flatten onto her head. Shakily, the young girl reached up... Ears?! Are you kidding me?! She looked behind her, and just to her thinking a tail swerved there, coming from her lower back. She wore a light white cardigan, and grey blue shorts. Melon nodded and stood. So she was her character now, and she was in GameOver. How ridiculous. Suddenly, a screen popped up above her head. She turned and read it, dazed. At this point she ran for cover of any monsters, and looked frantically for other players.
Walking through the forest, 'Casualti' eventually reached an opening. Taking a swig from his cantine, he jogged over to what appeared to be a newcomer to the GameOver universe. "Hey," he called out to the girl that seemed quite surprised, as many are when they get sucked into this world, "you out there! Are you okay?" Perhaps he had found a new ally to help with getting out of this place.
Melon was shocked that someone had talked to her. She nodded slightly, and then remembering he was far away gulped and yelled, 'I'm okay! I'm fine!' She began to walk over to him, slowly. What if he tried to hurt her? She wasn't yet used to this, and usually she would be bubbly and jumping around yelling 'WHO GIVES A POTATOES!!' But she was just getting used to this right now.
"Don't worry, I'm not a monster comin' to kill you," Casualti said as he cautiously walked over to the girl. He could never trust anyone in these types of situations, because you never know who's gonna pull a sword on you. "You just get here?" He asked as got closer to her.
Melon nodded. 'So, just to clarify, I'm in GameOver... right?' She asked, an eyebrow raised, and one hand on her pack of throwing knifes.
(Melon and Casualti are chatting, and Mo, Andrea and Ebenezer have formed a pact, and them and a few others are heading to Rose Town. Rose Town is where you can make guilds and that's what the trio is planning to do. Did I miss anything?)

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