
"I don't plan to attack you, Xros. You're well known throughout this game, and I thought you might know something. Do you?" The hawk awkwardly shuffled away instinctively, trying to create a comfortable, yet polite distance between them. He felt weird talking with a hawk beak.
"Yup, all thanks to this necklace right here," said Drea as she showed off the blue amulet around her neck. "But um, yeah.. We should. I don't wanna die out here."
Eben nodded slowly, "I think we should. Safety in numbers is best, but we can't force anyone if they don't want to join with us." He looked at Andrea and Caven before asking the latter, "What nicknames do you have? What should we call you?" He stopped himself of asking way to many questions and he just gave a smile while pushing the strands of hair framing his face back so the wind didn't make it look like he had a moustache.
Mo smiled. "People usually call me Caven, but my real name is Jungmo. My friends call me Mo."

Mo looked in the distance. Two, tiny white tags under a tree. Mo tried to focus in. With effort, Mo finally managed to read the text.

"Guys, is that Xros?"
"i dout any player knows anything about this development. even the boards are devoid of information." xros said flipping another page of his book. "the game has become reality. people are in panic because its different. but reality is reality. we must survive and reach our goals or forever be lost to the dungeon master." he said in a cryptic tone, closing the book and looking to the hawk. "sorry, a quote from the book that fits this situation perfectly." he spoke with a slight smile.
Ebenezer shrugged, "I don't know and I don't really care as long as he doesn't try to kill us. I suppose we can go and talk to him. See what he's gonna do." He stood up and stretched before offering his hand to Andrea to help her up.
"Yeah," Mo replied, raising an eyebrow, "At this point, I think I can trust anyone."

I adjusted my armor a little and jerked my head towards the tree, gesturing towards them.

"Alright, let's go."
Andrea smiled up at her new friend and took his hand, getting up. She looked over at the player they were talking about, she'd heard of him a couple times before.
Ebenezer started walking in the general direction of the guy they were talking about. Hope that he's not going to kill us or anything. I'd very much like to stay alive and get out of here if I can. In fact, no one here would like to die I'm guessing.
((Alhfalhfaf missed so much sorry x-x on tapatalk so sorry for shortness, won't be on that much today))

Ash walked over to the group of people forming and caught a few introductions, though she could see everyone's names above their heads. "I'm Ashlee, you can call me Ash or Lilac or whatever. Don't really care. So are we like making teams or something? Are we supposed to believe this, or what? In the actual game we had to stock up on items and stuff to fight and level up. Is that the same? Do we get money?" she asked,

rambling on and on, forgetting that everyone else probably knew the same things she did.
Miku: miku woke up surrounded by Xro's wolf pack with confusion on her face. it took her a moment to realize that she had somehow turned into her avatar. getting slightly scared she hopped onto the backs of the largest wolf which caused them all to run off toward Xros once more, scareing some of the lower level players who thought they were special mobs, miku looked up to see xros in his avatar form and smiled "hai xrosa!" she said leaping off the wolfs back and into his arms.

Dante: "oof, glad to see your ok miku, don't be alarmed but we're trapped in the game till level 13." he said waiting for her to start screaming. which didnt take long.

Miku: "WHAAA!? how!? why!? i don't wanna be trapped in a game!" she yelled causeing alot of the people around to look in their direction. and earning a chuckle from dante, which she returned a glare to. "i blame you xrosa." she said with a smile.
Ebenezer turned to face Ashlee, "I'm going to assume that it's the same in the game as always, but I suppose that we could try and see if there are any differences with us in it... not that it matters to me..." He stopped talking and looked up at the sky. My character had a familiar... wonder where that bird is.
Andrea looked to Ashlee and grinned but got quickly overwhelmed by all the questions she was asking. "Well, I'm Andrea. Or Drea, or Andy. You should be part of our team!"
Mo nodded excitedly.

"Yeah, this is great! We all need to stick together and get out of here. Level 13 isn't that far away for all of us, right?"

Mo looked at his hand and turned it into a tiger's paw, rest of the body still human. Amused, he swiped at the wind, forming three red glowing claw marks in the air. That was one of his skills: Fury Claws.

"So far, it's been pretty consistent with the game," Mo noted.
Ash smiled at Andy and nodded to Mo. But still, she wanted to try it out for herself. With deep concentration, she focused on the sky above and to the left of the group. A cloud formed and rain started trickling out of it. Ash released the cloud and the sky turned back completely blue. "Yeah, you're right." She checked her menu and saw that she was still at level 7. "And we start out at the level our character left off at. Convenient, for some, at least."
"That's true. I myself have no magic. I'm a mere human since I find it more challenging and it had been proving to be until this." Ebenezer said whilst looking around the Emerald Plains. The plains are really nice, but there are better places.
Mo frowned.

"How are you doing that?"

He concentrated and felt an interface rise up out of nowhere. There were floating buttons around him, on an imaginary cylindrical screen wrapped around them. He tapped a few to check they still worked. For starters, Mo checked his inventory. Everything was still intact, including that one quest item he had to deliver to one of the towns. He smiled.

"I feel like Tony Stark," he said, and with one swipe of the hand, the menu disappeared.
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Wandering through the city, Cas was still a less surprised about this whole situation than most others were. He found it to be more cool than anything else, and got used to fighting "for real" pretty fast. He turned to see players yelling out prices and items for sale, just as they had before he was sucked into the GameOver universe. Perhaps he could find something for sale that would be useful in his quests? "Potions for sale, cheap!" Walking over to the tall man supposedly selling potions, Cas looked up, asking, "What do you consider 'cheap', sir?" The tall man simply pulled out a bag labeled 'Inventory' and pulled out a bottle. "100 coins, and this invisibility potion is yours..." Throwing a bag of coins at the fellow, Casualti grabbed the potion and ran off to find something to do. "Looting some chest sounds pretty fun," he though to himself as he jogged toward the forest.
Eben laughed and shook his head, "Shall we to and do something? Like try and level up so that we can get out of here quicker? If you want to stay then I will as well." He looked around the area and saw the path he used to head to the nearest town, what he often did to newbies to keep them safe from harm and help them.
Mo nodded. "I agree to this. Let's take a vote. Those for?"

I raised my hand, only to remember how uncomfortable that was my shoulder pads. I awkwardly made my forearm rise, unable to move the rest of my arm upwards.
Dante and miku laughed at each other for a bit before dante sat miku back down on her feet "Dante: so any thoughts on what we should do miku? we need to get you up to at least my level before we try for level 13." dante said with relative concern. miku thought for a moment "Miku: Well how bout we wait to see if anyone wants to group up? i mean i'm sure someone wants a healer and a cursed man on their team." she giggles with a large grin has her familiars Rin and Len appear danceing around her head.
"I agree as well. What about you two?" Ebenezer replied and then faced Andrea and Ashlee before muffling a yawn and then sneezing. I wonder if we can still get sick and that like a human or are we pure virtual characters?
"Fine by me!" said Andrea with a grin. The girl looked down at herself, as if to reassure that this was really happening. She was still in a short, white dress with long white hair and a blue amulet, so yes, this was happening. It was cool but still terrifying that she could die here and for real.

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