
"Ah, nice. You must be pretty good with 'em, I'm assuming," he stood up once he had all of his weapons and such with him again, and began to walk towards the forest, gesturing for her to follow. "Why do you suppose we're all in this world?" Cas decided to ask a simple-enough question. He wanted to hear other's opinions on why they could possibly have been transported into this place.
Jayne sighed, giving her head a soft shake. "Mo" She mumbled quietly as she looked between them all. She wasn't a social type, often locked up in her room to avoid gatherings! On the game it was okay, she was outside, now she was inside. She stepped closed to him, mostly behind him. No way were all these people friendly! It was impossible, everyone was against people, it'd never end nor be un true. With a small squeak she shifted, letting the humanoid form she once kept together disappeared with the arrival of feathers and claws. Crow. The form was a lot bigger than an average crow, its claws ringed with a gold clasp, the chain falling broken from its clasp. She flew up, but remained above them. At least in this form she didn't have to talk.
Mo nodded. "Right then. Two more people join in our crusade. I think we best going before someone steals the Fallen Stone Drake."

Mo turned and looked at the entrance to the dungeon. It was an old mineshaft, and it was constantly crumbling. In-game, Mo was never really worried about the fact that it was so flimsy. But now, now that the real laws of physics seemed to apply, Mo couldn't help but fear the mineshaft caving in.

"Yep," he said, "In we go."
Vex bit his lower lip, or at least recreated the action as best as he could with his unique anatomy. The Fallen Stone Drake was a beast he often had trouble defeating before. The monsters inhabiting this dungeon were not simple forest beasts. They were closer to his level, and they were much stronger.

The monsters weren't the only danger in the old mineshaft. The dungeon was designed to look like it was deteriorating and falling apart, but it was coded so that it never actually caved in. However, because of this, another danger in the dungeon besides the monsters was the crumbling cave ceiling, which periodically let loose large chunks of rock from random locations on the cave ceiling's surface. These rocks had set durability limits, but it was extremely high, so trying to smash them in mid-air before they flattened you usually wasn't an option unless you were a high level character. The best option was usually just to dodge them. The rocks were easy to predict, because right before they dropped, small showers of pebbles would signal the imminent fall of a ceiling chunk.

These chunks of the ceiling did very massive amounts of damage, and said damage was not easily reduced with magic and/or armor.

Vex was a bit nervous. Even with the unique and versatile capabilities of his race, traversing this dungeon would be no easier this time than it was all of those other times before he had become his character.

"Everyone just be careful not to accidentally set off an explosion spell or anything like that."
Mo sighed and shifted his back into a turtle shell.

"Maybe this'll help," he said, as he entered the cave.

As usual, rocks regularly collapsed from the ceiling. They were never in the same spot, which made this even more difficult. As Mo stepped forward, he felt a few pebbles drop on his head. Before he had time to react, a giant boulder collapsed from the ceiling. Mo retreated into his shell, but nonetheless he took a lot of damage.

"What the hell..." he muttered.
Vex was about to warn Mo about the imminent danger and use a Grapple Arm to yank him to safety, but a rock started to fall above Vex, so he was too occupied with avoiding almost certain death himself to warn Caven.

"Watch out for those falling rocks," said Vex, tossing Caven a Vitality Elixir. Vitality Elixir were like normal health potions, but significantly more potent. It filled up most of Caven's health, restoring him to about 75%.

"I can't spare much more Vitality Elixirs, guys, so try not to get crushed by the falling rocks. These potions are expensive. I would heal you with my Supportive Augments, but as I said, I haven't put many points into them, so most of them have long cooldowns. You can tell where the rocks are going to fall, because they are preceded by a small shower of pebbles. Pay attention and be quick on your feet, and we can get through this."
(Not getting alerts for this again for some reason)

Mooalally felt much better after he was healed by the jelly thing. It filled his wound, and completely repaired everything that was broken. He stood up and moved it around, testing it out. "Interesting," he muttered, taking note of this ability and how it might hinder him killing everybody in the future. "So we're going to go in there ..." he said to himself. Caven took the first step in, and almost instantly a huge ball of rock fell onto him. Lucky he was a turtle, else he would have been crushed. And then Vex almost took another rock to the skull, but he dodged out of the way with quite some agility. He, however, would be more clever about this.

"We need to use some strategy for this before we die from inanimate objects. Vex," he said, looking at his username. "Is there a form you could possibly turn into that could hold up the ceiling? We could all pass, and then, seeing as how you dodged those rocks quite skillfully, you can make it over here without much damage. You're also the strongest one here; the one with the most health."
Vex rubbed his chin.

"I would probably have to go Bulk Form and just hold up the ceiling. If I remember correctly, this first part of the dungeon is coded to completely cave in by itself if we take too long to get through, so I could maybe hold it up for a few extra moments before the coding ignores my skills and collapses anyways."

He activated his Bulk Form Augment, his body mass almost doubling in size as he gained the appearance and muscle tone of an experienced bodybuilder. Planting one hand on the ceiling, he used the other hand to signal for them to go.

"I won't be able to hold it for long. Remember, watch out for the little pebble showers. Go!"

Vex then placed his other hand on the ceiling as well, his normally-smooth blob body shifting to outline the shapes of muscles in the appropriate places as he held up the ceiling like Atlas holding the sky.
Mo smiled. "Thanks for the elixir."

Then he raised an eyebrow. "How did you even-"

Then three Stone Moles dig out of the ground. Level 8 monsters, not too bad, he could handle Level 8s, especially with such powerful allies. He turned into a full turtle and retreated into his shell, using Shellshock.


-Invulnerable for 3 seconds

-Lunges at targeted enemy

Mo blasted from one Stone Mole to the other, smacking them in the face. Not enough to kill them, but it did some damage.
No point in helping him, he thought. Too many of us attacking one monster and we could accidentally PVP one another.

He mentally prepared himself to make it through this. After a few huffs of breath, he started forward, sprinting as fast as he could to reach the end. It was a bit narrow for dodging, but he'd have to make do. He saw a small stone fall from the ceiling. He forced himself to dive forward, past the spot. It was just a lone rock. No trap. But more pebbles collected where his face now was. He looked up just in time to see a boulder diving down to him. He rolled out of the way just in time. He got up, the adrenaline now coursing through his veins. He pumped his muscles until they screamed, telling him to stop before he hurt himself. But if he stopped, he would get hurt anyway. He finally reached the end, panting to catch his breath. He leaned over and rested his hands on his knees. There weren't any more incidents for him, but that didn't mean there weren't going to be any for the others.
Vex struggled with the ceiling. It began to slowly lower, Vex's muscular arms gradually buckling under the weight.

"It won't hold for much longer. Forget the monsters and go!" he shouted.

After a few more seconds, he thrust his arms up in a burst of power, pushing up the ceiling to give him a couple more seconds to get out of there. After taking a few running steps, he deactivated his Bulk Form, causing his body to return to its normal size. He then Waveformed and cascaded forwards as quickly as the skill could carry him. Just before being crushed by a cluster of three rocks right next to each other, he deactivated Waveform and used Grapple Arm, his arms stretching out and grabbing hold of the sides of the tunnel ahead and slingshotting himself forwards. The rocks just barely missed him.

"Caven! Caven, did you make it out?"
Vex was starting to exhaust himself out. Mo heard him and turned into a tiger, trying to lunge out of the room. The rocks were collapsing on him, but he used Shellshock again to launch himself forward, unfortunately at Vex. However, he cancelled the skill mid-air, and squished harmlessly into Vex's back. After staying in his shell for a moment:


-All damage is reduced by 30%

-Slowly heals over time

Mo crawled back out of the shell and sighed.

"Well," he said, "That was a lot less fun in real life."

Mo stood up and raised his hand for a high five. "Wouldn't have made it without you, Vex."
Melon didn't know how to answer him. She stood, and shrugged. 'Perhaps.... Perhaps to meet new people.' She suggested.
Vex breathed a sigh of relief and high-fived Caven, leaving a couple bits of goo on his hand.

"All right. Let's take a moment to rest and heal up. The next room has tons of monsters in it."
(everyone stopped posting...I was waiting to see if some other people were gonna post some more stuff but it would appear that the roleplay is already dead.)

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