
"Hey!" Mo said, walking over to Jayne with a friendly smile. Without breaking stride, he shot a Shale Hawk, immediately killing it. He loaded another arrow and gave Jayne a hug.

"Thank God you're here," Mo said, "I thought I was the only one I knew here."

Mo gestured at the others.

"That's Eben and Andy. They're the allies I got so far. We should all stick together, or there's no chance of us reaching Level 13."

Without even looking away, Mo slashed at another one of the Shale Hawks and shot another.

"So you basically safe? We'll teach you all of the tricks we learned being here."

He stabbed another Shale Hawk. Oh, he was itching to turn into a tiger and pulverize all of them. Annoying little... vermin of the GameOver sky...

"Also," Mo said, "Have you seen a giant slime monster thingy on the way here? You have a better view than us."
Eben waved in reply before slashing a hawk that got to close, "Ebenezer Rosalia's my name, but I respond to Eben, Eb, Rosie or Lux since my character's name is Luxtra." He slashed a few more hawks before looking into the sky. How many more are there?
She gave a grin as she waved at Eben. "Nice to meetcha, Im Jayne, otherwise known as WheelOfFate" She gave Mo a hug, strangely it was a strong one as she sighed in relief. "I hope so! I've been so worried, I mean what if people go after people...I've sold secrets of the players here out to opposing guilds and such!" She whimpered, fear rushing through her veins. She took a dagger out, swinging it behind her so it could hit the shale hawk.
"I'm 'Casualti'," He extended his hand to the girl as he introduced himself, still hoping she wouldn't attack him, "but you can call me by my real name, Cas. I can show you where a town is if you need anything."
Vex sat in the bushes, watching this meeting play out. From the looks of things, the other players were nice enough, and were probably just in the same dungeon as he was earlier by coincidence. He also watched as they casually attacked a few of the Shale Hawks. However, they let their guard down as they talked, and a large swarm of the SH's gathered together and dove in one massive divebomb attack.

In a swift move, Vex waveformed from the bush and activated his "Terror of the Seas" Augment. His body flattened and expanded along the ground, like a big puddle, and up from the puddle leaped an enormous pillar of goop in the shape of a humongous shark, nearly twice as big as any shark in real life. The slime-shark's body shot up into the air, its flight path perfectly intersecting that of the Shale Hawk swarm as the Augment's massive blob-jaws clamping shut around the Hawks and killing them instantly with the massive amount of damage.

It was one of his most powerful Augments, and it had a huge cooldown, as well as a 25% health cost. He could have fended them off with less taxing abilities, but he wanted to make these players feel a mix of fear and immense awe as a first impression of him.

((Imagine this, except the shark and the water around it are made of the blob stuff that Vex's body is made of))

Mo looked at Jayne. "What kind of secrets could you possibly-"

A giant explosion of slime and Mo was left dumbfounded. After a moment, everything registered again. The splash damage had taken a bit out of his HP and a dozen Shale Hawks were laying dead on the ground.


Mo realized half his HP was gone and realized what a good chance this was.


Iron Arrows

-Normal ranged attack damage + amount of HP lost


"Hahaha," Mo said, and aimed an arrow at the slime creature.

"Who- or what are you?" he said.
Vex took a few seconds to let his body collect itself back into its original shape, then, in his hunched, arms-dangling pose, said in a voice that made it sound like he was talking through a fan,

"The guy that just saved your @$$."

He stood up straight and pushed on his lower back region with his blobular, webbed-shaped hands, as if he was fixing a kink in his back. Looking over at the arrow pointed at him, the thin line across his blob face that was his mouth curled upwards into a smirk.

"Good luck taking me down with THAT gimpy skill. Takes a lot more OOMPH to defeat the likes of me."

Vex pointed a slimy thumb at his chest.

"I'm NoxiousTides. Call me Tide or Vex. Looks to me like you chumps are having a bit of a struggle getting to Rose Town. Luckily for you, it just so happens that I'm headed the same direction."
Mo raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"uh... We appreciate the help, but they were Shale Hawks. We can handle Shale Hawks. And... How do you even know where we're going?"

Mo frowned at him.

"Were you spying on us? Please don't tell me you're trying to KS (kill steal) FSD. Come on, it's the FSD."
"Me KS? No no no, not a chance. In fact, I could make the same assumption about you, the way your party followed me around in that dungeon earlier. Besides, as you can tell, I'm perfectly able to accrue my own experience points. I'm not nearly desperate enough to start leeching off of other players. It looks bad, especially for someone like me."
As he exited the dungeon, he was viciously greeted by sunlight again. He held up his arm to shield his eyes, while he pulled up a map to see where to go next.

"I still want to get revenge on those punks," he muttered to himself. He recalled faintly hearing them say they were on the way to Rose town.

"I guess I should just follow the path there, and if I'm lucky, I'll spot them."

He shifted into a hawk to try and get there quickly. After a bit of flapping and gliding, he finally managed to spot them. They were on a path, and a whole other bunch of players had joined them. Whether they had gotten dragged into this nightmare or not, he didn't know. Nightmare ... is it really a nightmare? He could do magic he dreamed of having in the real world. Was this really a bad thing? It was a horrible thing to die, but you could die just as easily in real life too. Just in here, you can die fighting. He saw one of them perform some move of high power, turning into a shark of some blobby essence and snagging a few Shale Hawks out of the sky. That could easily take him out. That would be his target.

He swooped down, trying to disguise himself as Shale Hawk until he got close enough. Once he had, he shifted quickly into a fly, wasting some energy, but it being worth it if this works out. The fly wasn't able to see much, as the eyes were all split up, and it was difficult to focus on one thing. He flew downwards though, gravity helping him find his way. He was able to see multiples of the powerful player directly below him. He would have to do this quickly.

He shifted back into human form, a good 10 feet above him. He quickly pulled out his steel dagger, and held it above his head, the sunlight that blinded him before flaring menacingly on the metal. He fell, and the feeling overwhelmed his stomach. He never had a big thing for rollercoasters. But his aim stayed true, and it was headed for the back of the player's neck. Since he was facing the other way, he hoped he could silently land on him, and push the knife through his throat. That would be a killing blow for sure. He got down to 3 feet above. A bloodthirsty glint appeared in his eye. This game wasn't good for him.
Melon shrugged. 'I'm not actually that sure...' She tentatively shook his hand, sensing his fear. 'I-' She paused. 'I won't hurt you. These nerves are nibbling at my toes so fast I'm not sure I remember how... I'm more afraid that you'll attack me...' She took a step back, and sat. 
Evangeline yawned and rolled over, reaching for her balanket. When she couldn't find it she jumped to her feet and gazed around. She was in GameOver. She knew strait away because she'd been playing this game inside out for the last month or so. How was this possible? Was this still a dream? She pinched herself in various places many times, but she stayed as she was and where she was. 'Oh god...' She mumbled, and watched the sky as words popped up above her head. She mumbled them as she read, and shook her head vigorously. Reaching up for her hair, she felt a pointed ear. Was she really her character too? She looked down... Yes she was. Her bright blue hair hung over her silk dress. She reached for the bow that was normally on her back, and pulled it out in front of her, inspecting it intently. Suddenly she pulled an arrow from it's case, and placed it on her bow, pulling back the string and heading for the forest to her right.
She had watched the guy take out the rest of the swarm, her eyes following the attack before he suddenly appeared next to them. That was amazing...yet extremely powerful. She looked over at Mo, a frown on her lips. "Just...stuff." She simply followed peoples targets, find out everything she could and tell the person so they could try counter it, or to even avoid the person. She glanced at the man with a glare, although it was toned down considerably, fear was always a factor with the situation they are in. For a few moments she kept her silence, and her glare before she sighed softly. "Thank you for saving us then." She bowed her head before turning to the other person, smiling as she took his hand. "Nice to meet you."
Mo shrugged and looked at Vex.

"If you say so," he said, when suddenly a person appeared out of nowhere, holding a dagger above Vex.

"WATCH OUT!" Mo shouted. Thankfully, his arrow was loaded. He used Iron Arrows to hit the attacker square in the shoulder. The power that fired from his bow was incredible - he was surprised that after all this time, the bow hadn't broken.

The arrow clearly hurt, because the attacker was pushed back and onto the ground. I smirked.

"Gimpy skill indeed," I snarked.
He got clipped straight in the shoulder. And it hurt, a lot. He could feel the head piercing his skin, possibly even damaging his shoulder blade. He quickly switched his knife to his right hand, and threw it with all his might and accuracy one with an injury could possibly do. If flew, windmilling through the air. And it struck with its blade, fortunately for him, and entered Caven's stomach.

But even so, now he was on the ground, defenseless and too tired to shift. If he managed to kill Caven before he died himself, he would be able to restore his health, and retreat. But, he could do nothing for now. He lay on the ground, his stomach up. He used his right arm to hold his shoulder in place, lest it move and cause more pain and injury.

"Are you going to finish me off?" he uttered out through the gritting of his teeth. "Could you murder someone in real life? If you kill me here, you become a criminal in the real world. You sicken me."
Mo screamed in pain and looked down at his bloody stomach. For certain, this was not his day. He looked at the attacker incredulously.

"I sicken you? You attacked us. There will be no finishing off here. We are not your enemies."

He grunted loudly and hung his head back as he held his bleeding torso.

"Owwww. You have a good arm."

Mo looked at the attacker's shoulder. Iron Arrows was a tad bit of an overkill, and Mo regretted using that skill. But nonetheless, Mo knew that he could help him.

"Listen," he said, "We're heading to Rose Town. We're going to make a guild together. At this point, anyone here can die, like you said, I don't want anyone to die. So please... Both of you."

Mo looked at Vex as well.

"Just help us get out of here, and we'll help you get out."
Vex smirked as he watched the small skirmish, which quickly ended with both of them wounded.

"Yeah, I can help you guys. You'll have to start by not trying to kill each other, though. I think this one needs to learn some manners," he said, walking over to the one that had failed to assassinate him, picking him up by the collar. Although Vex's body was indeed made of goop, it was an incredibly strong and versatile substance. It could be the consistence of Jell-O one second, and the next it could be as hard as concrete, if Vex used a Hammer Arm or one of his other Juggernaut-Class Augments.

He lifted the punk up into the air. The guy looked like he was in too much pain to be able to fight back. That Iron Arrow skill must not be all that bad, he thought to himself.

"Listen up, bub, and I'm only gonna say this once. Scram. Oh, and by the way, you might want to pack something more impressive than a butter knife if you're gonna try to assassinate someone."

He tossed the injured assailant to the ground, turning to the player he had previously been talking to.

"That looks like a serious wound. Here, let me help."

Vex tore out a chunk of his own body, walking over to the player. He gently pried the guy's hand from the stomach wound, and slapped the chunk of blob onto it. The blob seemed to gain a mind of its own, pulsing by itself as it sank deeper into the wound. As it sank into the wound, the player's HP bar started to slowly refill.

"I haven't spent many Skill Points in my Supportive Augments, but this should be fine for now. Come on, we've got a Stone Drake to take care of."
Mo felt much better as Vex started to heal him. The goo felt weird at first, but as it enveloped his wound and solidified into a bandage, Mo nodded and said, "Thanks, Vex. You can call me Caven, by the way. Or Mo, if you'd like."

Mo looked at the attacker. He was definitely injured, both his body and his pride. Mo bent down and looked at him.

"You can come with us, if you'd like," he said, "Ignoring the fact that you tried to kill us, you could. And plus, it's a petty thing to try and kill me over, isn't it? Come on, fellow Shifters. What's your name?"

Mo reached out his hand.
Mooalally decided it wasn't worth it to fight back. Their group had become too large, and could easily overpower him.

"My name is Michael. Well, it used to be before I got placed in here. My name now, I guess, is Mooalally, or Moo. Only username I ever respond to." Caven reached out his hand in a truce and possibly friendship.

"I would be glad to hold your hand if my shoulder blade wasn't so damaged," he said sarcastically. In game or not, he could be sour at times. He groaned in pain, and slowly lied down on the ground. He looked over at the wound. There was no blood - lucky, but that was only because the arrow was still in him. It was longer than he thought.
"It's a good thing Caven attacked you," Vex chuckled.

"If you'd have stabbed me, I woulda been pretty pissed. Lemme tell you, Hammer Arms are painful."

Without hesitating or showing restraint at all, Vex reached down and tore the arrow right out. It did a tiny bit of extra damage, but it wasn't much. Probably hurt though.

"You'll thank me later. The longer those arrows stay in you, the weaker you'll get. Pulling it out slowly is more painful than what I just did anyways."

He tossed the arrow to the side and did the same healing maneuver that he had done to Caven.
"Hey, don't worry dude. I'm really just here to help," Cas grinned reassuringly, "here, I'll... empty my inventory." Slowly but surely, he began throwing all of his itemS to the ground. From halberds to swords to potions, all were now laying in front of him. "There, I've got nothin' left."
Melon nodded and shuffled slightly closer. 'So what level are you?' She asked, still a bit shaky.

( Is there anyone Eve could like pop out on accidentally right now?? )) 

"Last time I checked, level seven." He asked, no longer afraid of the young girl for some reason. She seemed nice enough. "What about you?"
"Hm? Oh, well that's cool," Cas stated, beaming a grin at her, "I betcha you'll climb the ranks in no time!" He knelt and gathered his weapons once more. "Do you have any weapons to protect yourself?"
(Sorry I didn't post sooner, I was stuck up in finishing my plot but it's done now!! )) 
Melon took her throwing knives and showed them to Cas, and then reached for her bow. She realised that last time she saved the game she'd left her bow and arrows in a cave near a swamp.

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