
"Well, okay. No one has to answer," he said, feeling rejected from the group. "Those bigger names probably don't have time for me."

He flew off, remembering a small dungeon he could grind in. This dungeon just spawned a lot of easy monsters which gave you easy leveling, but you could easily be overwhelmed by them. He figured he could try them out. He landed near the cave, the blackness clearly a visible item.

"Okay. This is weird."

He stepped closer to the blackness, and the closer he got, the more it enveloped him. After it completely surrounded him, he felt himself being squeezed through a tube pretty painfully, and found himself inside the dungeon.

"This is sweet." He gazed around at the cavern, the graphics not as good as real life. He stepped forward as a hawk, and saw one of the easy enemies. It spotted him as well, and ran at him. He prepared for an easy battle.
"Hey, where did he go?" Mo wondered. He quickly turned into tiger form and sprinted after the fleeing hawk.

"No! Wait!" Mo roared. His voice sounded sooo strange as a tiger.

Mo arrived near the dungeon, making to sure to mark my route on the map in case Andy or Eb wanted to find us. He entered the cavern.

"Huh," he said, bounding lightly next to the hawk.

"Well," Mo growled, "Why don't you and I team up for a bit?"
Ashlee responded with a "Great! But there is the problem of using our powers. Hopefully it'll be the same as in the game." She watched Mo race off, chasing the falcon who had just flown away after asking a question. It didn't seem that hard for him to change into tiger form, Ash thought, so hopefully magic will come naturally.
Wisps are shadowy figures that have the resemblance of humans. He was about to strike out with his razor sharp talons when a tiger appeared next to him, and asked a question. He jumped back in surprise, leaving himself completely open to the Wisp. It ran to him, and slashed him in the arm with its claws, tearing a gash in his wing. He cried out in pain, and fell over, not used to the feeling. He lay on the ground, immobilized, watching the Wisp out of the corner of his eye. It raised its claw again, ready to deal a finishing blow to the wounded hawk.
Mo noticed the Wisp attacking the hawk and remembered his skills.

"Okay, okay, I got this," he muttered to himself.


-Attacks all enemies in nearby area

-Stuns targeted enemy


-Deals damage to one enemy

-Leaves them bleeding over a set amount of time

"Wait," Mo thought, "That's all I have?"

But there was no time. The hawk was about to die. Mo used Roar of the Jungle, causing a shockwave to hit the attacking Wisp and all other monsters in the tunnel with them. Mo then used Fury Claws to finish off the Wisp. He tossed a potion to the bird.

"Come on, buddy, I know you're a player, get your act together!" I roared.
miku and dante, reached the cave of end. and under normal circumstances would be a low level dungeon however dante had a gate pass to change it into a high level area of lvl 9 - 11. "Miku: hope their's no one already inside, this might get dangerous for them." she said with a smile as dante used the pass, the dark cube takeing the shape of a set of large black doors. "Dante: if we find anyone inside i'll try to keep them alive." dante replied opening the gates as he and miku went inside, only to stop and see two animals about to be attacked by a stronger monster. "damn fools." he said walking up behind them. miku laughed, "Miku: im gonna go ahead and do a area of effect heal song. who knows maybe these guys will beat it without your help" she said as she began singing, healing energy washing over dante, and the two animal forms.
Ebenezer followed the group they had now created on the way to Rose Town. Rose Town is a pretty good town to go to if you want to form a Guild and train your character. "How long until we reach Rose Town? We'll need to pace ourselves if we can't make it in one day."
"It's ... not my fault. You scared ... me," he uttered out, barely able to move due to the pain. "I can't reach ... the potion. Hurts too much." He tried to move his wing to reach for the potion, but it was no use. He felt like his arm would be torn off if he moved it too much. Then suddenly, a female player suddenly started singing a bunch of Japanese words accompanied by a xylophone, piano, backup singers, and a touch of techno, and he felt better.

Is that really what the healing songs are? Nice one,

He looked down at his wing in time to see the hole closing up, skin reattaching and feathers re-growing. He moved his wing around, trying to stretch it out.

"That feels much better."

He picked up the health potion with his beak and tossed it back to Caven.

"I don't need this anymore. Anyway, don't bother me again. I'm going to level up quick enough to get out of here."

He shifted back to his human form, feeling much better after such a long stay in a hawk body. He unsheathed his knife from the small leather pouch that was his inventory. He walked deeper in the cave.
"Hey!" Mo yelled after the hawk, "We have to stick together! If you go alone, you could die! You saw the Wisp-"

It was then that Mo heard Eb's voice in the distance. After a while, Mo muttered, "Suit yourself," under his breath and walked outside the dungeon, where he found Eb and Andy walking along the path.

"Hey, guys," Mo called out, "Sorry about that. I was trying to get someone else to join our guild, but no such luck. Right... Rose Town. We have to cut through the Spiraling Woods and then through the Gravel Plains. Then we cross Rose Bridge and into the Parliament. You guys ready?"
dante's chains blocked the now human looking players path creating somewhat of a fence. "Dante: loner or not, once a gate pass has been activated the monsters within a dungeon become akin to the level of the player who used said pass. meaning every mob in this dungeon is now lvl's 9 - 11 with the boss being a clear 12. i can't with good conscious let anyone go in alone." dante said with a grim tone. miku smiled glad she healed someone. "Miku: what a nice way of saying, i'm sorry i raised the dungeon level to near end game, xrosa." miku said before looking at the player. "Miku: we really are sorry, xrosa just wanted to level me up fast, he didn't think anyone else would be in here." she said appologizeing for dante and herself.
"I'm ready to go on this very long and hopefully entertaining journey. Hopefully we can kill some monsters as well on the way. And find some items, or something really cool and useful on the way and-" Ebenezer began rambling before he realised and cut himself off. I sometimes do hate my rambling. Hope they don't mind.
"Well, before, I probably would've been blocked by these chains, due to the game's programming. But now, I can do this." He turned into a fly, and slipped through the chains. They could only fill up so much space, and a tiny insect could easily go past. He didn't change back to human form because he didn't want them following him. And he didn't want to attract the attention of these little minions, he wanted the XP from the giant boss. That would be sure to level him up to Level 5, and it might carry over, and if he killed some minions on the way out, that should lead him to Level 6. Although, these creatures were a much higher level, meaning they had a high chance of killing him. He decided it was worth it.
"Yeah," Cas started, looking around at the vast field they currently stood in, "it would appear so." He sat down, pulling out some gauze and wrapping a small gash on his arm. "Its a bit odd, yeah, but eventually you'll get used to living here. Just know that you feel pain, like real life..." Finished wrapping his wound, he drank a healing potion just to be sure. Soon, he was feeling in tip-top shape once again.
Mo sighed. "I think I can promise interesting. But hey, it'd be nice to get some loot. I'm a little worried, though. Before, all you needed to do was press Q and the coins would fly right in. I'm pretty sure you have to pick them up yourself now. God, my back's gonna hurt..."
"Well that is the problem with being stuck inside of the game itself. But I think that we'll get used to it rather quickly." Ebenzer sighed and looked around for anything worth while.
dante sighed. "Dante: darkness technique: Great Wolf Hunt." he said as his wolf pack familiars ran through the dungeon with his shadows sliceing and biteing at the mobs as miku began singing the song again healing the familiars. they continued to walk like this letting things respawn and doing it all over again staying away from the boss room until miku was at least level 10.
Mo sighed.

"I certainly hope we do. But hey, at least we're not stuck in a Tim Burton movie. I'd probably crawl up in a corner and hope nobody notices me. But this is a game with such an expansive universe and-"

A wild Purple Wolf appeared!

"Watch out, Eb!"

The Purple Wolf attacked Eb, but Mo managed to block its attack by jumping forward while transforming into a turtle. By exposing his iron shell, Mo actually somehow managed to break a few of the wolf's teeth.

"Handy," Mo muttered as he turned into a human, drawing his sword.
(I didn't get alerts for like 7 pages as well. It's weird.)

He buzzed into the final room, the boss room. Being a fly, he couldn't see much, but he could just barely make out a hulking figure. He had to be wary. This boss could be stronger than any other creature he'd ever fought before. Being able to shapeshift, he had made a game strategy where he would avoid all other minions, and just kill the boss with his knife before it was able to agrro him. But this was much harder. Whenever his character was hit, he would just spam buttons and yell at him to get back up. Now, he might not get back up, like with the Wisp. And he had no idea what was here. Before, there was just a harmless level 2 wolf, but now, who knows what happened? He flew down from the ceiling, and near the back of the creature. This was going to tire him out, but he would have to do it.

He quickly transformed back to his human form before he caught the beast's attention. He could see in bright red letters, indicating it was a boss, "Troll Lv. 12". It had elephantine skin, wrinkly and tough, all over his body. He could clearly see the giant wooden club he held menacingly in his hand. He was luckily facing its back, and it didn't seem to notice him. He quietly took out his dagger, and held it high above his head. He would thrust it into its skin, and hope it pierces something vital. He brought it down upon the troll, barely reaching its chestlevel. It roared, and turned around before he could pull it out. It didn't look hurt, but angry. Very, very angry. The only way he could have a chance at winning this fight would be to pull out the dagger. But it was stuck in a troll.

It held its club in both hands, and smashed the floor. He was able to jump out of the way, but just in time. The ground cracked where he hit. That give him an idea.

If that happens, that means there floor under it is hollow. It's time to see if my character is good at dodging or not.

He ran at the troll, full speed.
dante and melody watched from the sidelines after finishing there level spree, Dante thought of telling the kid that the creature he was battling wasn't the actual dungeon boss, but thought it more fun to see if he could take out a troll at his level. miku had stopped singing and began to regen her mana for the big fight. "Dante: kids good. needs to learn how to work with others, but if he can actually pull this off he might make it to level 7." dante said to miku which made her giggle. "Miku: thats mean. you know you should tell him about the item. i mean sure you have it but its not nice to let him think~" she was cut of by dante giving her a glare. she knew he wanted to see how far this one was willing to go but she hoped he didn't let the kid die.
As he ran at the troll, it raised its club again, eager to end his life. He jumped to the left again, just barely leaving room between his shoe and the smash. The crack widened and spread. It met up with the crack that was already there. He repeated this tactic in circles, weakening the floor considerably. The troll was dumb, and didn't anticipate his moves. It kept falling for the same trick. After a bit, the floor seemed so unstable that it would break with just one more move. This was an important time.

He turned into a housefly, and flew behind the troll. It looked around confusedly, unable to find him. He shifted back, losing a lot of energy. Two transformations in a row was a lot of work, especially after jumping so much. There was no time for rest now. He leaped onto the troll's back, and ripped the dagger out of its back, and plunged it back in, this time in its neck. This time the beast felt it.

It roared in pain and frustration at having a little, puny human bother it. It stomped its feet, and smashed its club, trying to assert its dominance and instill fear in all its enemies. That did it. He pulled the dagger out again, and he jumped off, near the exit door. The stone floor gave way, starting in the middle at the weakest part, coincidentally where the creature was. A piece fell off, the troll's leg falling in. It looked around, confused. This has never happened before because the game never allowed it. The troll was immobilized. Its other leg went through, creating another hole. The troll evidently realized what was happening because it started pushing on the ground to get himself out. This only applied more pressure, and its whole torso fell through. It looked around in a panicky fashion, searching for any means of help. He got none. He tried to clamber out, but he wasn't quick enough. He kept reaching forward to grasp another piece of floor, but it kept detaching and falling to an abyss below. Then, when there was no more stone to grab, the troll fell too, its flailing arms and wild look the last thing for him to see, before it faded into the darkness. He heard its scream of fury well after he lost sight, though. It stopped soon after. He sat down and rested after the fight. After so many transformations, and so much happening, his adrenaline had worn off, and he found himself extremely tired. There was now a massive hole in the middle of the dungeon, swallowing up any who even dared to try to pass. He took heavy breaths, and realized someone else was standing at the entrance.

"Oh. You again. Seems like," he took another deep breath, "you can't follow me now. Try and you'll die, along with that thing."

He pocketed his knife back in his inventory when a strange thing started to happen. A yellow light flashed around him, and a circle appeared at his feet. A loud voice boomed, "Mooalally has levelled up to Level 5!" He cheered in triumph, surely being the first one to level up so quickly. Blue words appeared in the air, repeating what the voice had said. He felt much better.
@Britt Eb, Mo and Andy were all heading to a place called Rose Town, where the Parliament of the Guild is. Dante, Miku and someone else are in a dungeon, fighting basically endgame monsters to level up quicker. We just encountered a Purple Wolf in the forest.

Andrea pulled out the katana at her waist from its sheath, completely prepared if the Purple Wolf decided to come after her. She didn't see any water around, so the amulet was of no use to her right now.
Wondertainment said:
@Britt Eb, Mo and Andy were all heading to a place called Rose Town, where the Parliament of the Guild is. Dante, Miku and someone else are in a dungeon, fighting basically endgame monsters to level up quicker. We just encountered a Purple Wolf in the forest.
Someone else? Come on, it's hawk-guy! You know him, right? Your best bud? No? Okay, he's not your best bud. :3
"Dante: your good kid, couple problems though." dante said pointing to Miku's name plate that now read that she was lvl 9. "Dante: one, you made an entire level off of a common troll. two, you have trapped yourself on the exit side. meaning to come back you would have to wait an entire day. three, i hold the boss key. and he's alot smarter than a common troll." he continued. miku got up from her mana regen. "Miku: already i'm all set to fight Balthazar: Undying hope(you know bosses always have special names) xrosa. lead on." she said with a smile, kinda sad that the other player didn't want to join them or be friends but was glad he didn't die.

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