Game times? [Crearth: The Third Age]

Yes and no.

I'm entering the Army Reserves.

I will be shipping out mid September (exact date to be deterimined by my MOS selection).

As such, I will not be doing much of any gaming for about 4 months.

Feel free to play this game without me. I can work back in after I return.

In the time before shipout, I plan on playing as many table top games in person as I can get in, plus spending a lot of time with friends and family and finishing a few video games I've put off.
Well, it seems that my work has finally deigned to give me a weekend day I didn't specifically request for other purposes off. I could try running something a week from Saturday...
Dracogryff said:
Well, it seems that my work has finally deigned to give me a weekend day I didn't specifically request for other purposes off. I could try running something a week from Saturday...
That'd be... Saturday 20?

I... might be able to make it if it's late but I can't really confirm now. I've got atleast one BBQ that day. (Sept 18th is Chile's independence day)
If you are free then, Kamina, ZPE has confirmed. If not, we'll likely do a table top game instead. Let us know before then, please.
If you are free then' date=' Kamina, ZPE has confirmed. If not, we'll likely do a table top game instead. Let us know before then, please.[/quote']
Nope. No can do on saturday. If you could on friday or sunday, though, (Or even today) I'm game.
Indeed, Friday is no good. Sunday is, so long as it's around 7-8ish. I work an early shift, but a short one, so that would give LK time to sleep to become coherent enough to will try to find ZPE and ask them. *nods* Will update ASAP.

Edit: ASAP was faster than I thought. Let's plan for 8-ish Sunday, folks. *nods*
Feh. I get home, and now have been informed that ZPE is NOT free sunday. If people want to run a Iggy meets Cap'n Mike pure RP sort of thing to get it out of the way, I'm all right with that, though...

*shrugs, trying to not look too annoyed* Maybe next friday...
I'd be fine with that, alternatively we could perhaps play during the week if people's available, I don't have major tests coming up this week.
We can certainly do a little meet and greet and roll out the rack, iron maiden and red hot irons. Uhm, I mean, friendly meeting. Though actually, the Captain isn't really that harsh, unless you cause trouble...then he tends to come down like a ton of flaming bricks.

Of course, such doesn't prevent doing something this coming week as well. :)
If people want to meet 'n greet tomorrow, feel free to let me know. Otherwise, we'll have to see about friday. It's looking possible, and none of the other days I have off are going to work, it seems.

Will keep people posted.
Friday is good for ZPE, DG and I. If you aren't free, Kamina, we'll probably do something in table top, if you are, then we'll probably drag you along for a visit to West Point. :)
Mmmh. I suppose that could work. LK...let me know if it's too problematic for you...

It likely won't be a overly long session then, as LK will need to be off by that makes it 4 hours at best...but nothing wrong with that. I'll be able to post next week's free times tonight after I get home from work.
*shrugs* I suppose it could work. I'd rather something earlier...but if that's what's an option, well, that's what is. Though 9:30 is kind of pushing it...after all, a game usually doesn't really get going until about half an hour after people are all available...which really cuts it down to an effective 3 hours...
There may be an additional difficulty. My computer...may have just died. At the least it's in unreliable shape, atm. If we can salvage it and get it working, then I'll post again, with that information. If not, either DG and I will have to take turns at her computer, or we'll have to delay this for the moment.
What happened to the computer?

Also... To make it clear, I'm giving myself a margin here, I might actually be free somewhere before that but I'm just not sure, so if people are around there IS a chance I could be ready 30 mins to an hour before that.'s been hard-crashing more and more frequently lately. And clicking. Clicking is bad. We begin to suspect the hard drive may be going or something...

Still...LK just managed to get it to load two seconds ago, so it may function long enough to work from time to time. But...yeah. No specific promises as of yet.

I also can make no promises on next week, as with a few truckloads of price changes being launched at the store with Inventory coming in like a month...yeah. Bad. If it doesn't change, and LK's compy decides to be good, Sunday might work, tho that would be difficult due to the necessity of sleep. Monday, Wednesday and Friday are the days I have off ATM...but the schedule itself warned that it might be subject to change without notice.
It might be that the installation has gone bad, too... When's the last time you reinstalled windows?

And, have you tried using Chkdisk and defragging?
The clicking is not consistent with a need for reloading windows, though. It was installed..oh, april, I think, when the computer was built. Only parts that aren't pretty much new from that date are the CD and floppy drives, hard drive and the case.

The fact that it just died in about half an hour total of being started up today...I don't think that today is going to be possible. *sighs* We shall see what we can find out about what is up with the thing...

It is possible a windows reload might fix it...but the clicking makes me suspect that it isn't going to be that simple. Clicking is usually a BAD THING . Usually involving hard drive, processor, or other part of this nature...but the windows reload will likely be necessary no matter what the issue turns out to be. It didn't want to load in the first place when we installed it.
No if you say you installed so recently and the parts were brand new. What brand is the HD?

Look, try the following... Go to the disk properties in My PC, Go to tools and in error checking press "Check Now", check both "Automatically fix system errors" and "Scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors"

When you press "Begin" it'll tell you that it cannot scan the disk because it needs exclusive access to it, and will ask you if you'd like to schedule the scan for next time you reboot, select yes, reboot the PC and let it work... It should take a while but should help you if only temporarily.
Well, as getting a set schedule at my work isn't exactly going to work until inventory is over with, and may not work at all if I do end up getting a new job as'll be a little hard to organize that for now. However, on the other hand...I have this coming Tuesday and Friday off, if those are good for anyone. On top of that, the entire week starting Sunday the 19th is currently open, so, definitely can do something at that point.

Let me know which work and don't, preferences and all that.
Well, tuesday the 14th and sunday the 19th both work for me. I don't quite have the character put together, though, as I have no lists of merits/flaws from 1e to use, and that's part of the custom chargen here. >.>

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