Game times? [Crearth: The Third Age]

For Merits and Flaws, one of us could probably send you a list in PM or some such, even include any house mods to them. Probably the realm of the ST, more than anything though. But, if DG doesn't want to handle it, more than willing to do so myself. Probably not a concern, really. Those dates, like any other, are fine for me. I have a pretty darn set schedule. If the game is over so I can get to work at 2 AM on most days, then not a concern. Only Thursday night do I have less freedom, since I go in at 12 AM instead.
atma said:
Well, tuesday the 14th and sunday the 19th both work for me. I don't quite have the character put together, though, as I have no lists of merits/flaws from 1e to use, and that's part of the custom chargen here. >.>
If you give me your IM, I could give you the complete list of merits/flaws over there.

Also, I cannot play on those days really, I've got two huge exams coming up wednesday and monday, respectively.
Unfortunately, I work wednesday the 22nd. That said, I'm not in the game yet so don't let that stop you guys from playing. (=
DST for Chile begins an hour from now so from now on I will be in GMT -3 instead of -4... And starting November 2, when according to interwebs your DST will end, that will be 2 hours apart as you guys return to GMT -5...

Something to keep in mind when planning future sessions.
Will make a tentative plan for the 22nd, so long as ZPE is free as well to get on at some point that day, and LK's computer decides to be good or we manage to get the other hard drive Windows to install or something. Other than that, could possibly do something on Thursday, Friday or Saturday too, if people are free...should have enough planned by then for two sessions. Otherwise, I'll know the 23rd what days I have off the week after that, and we'll see what else presents itself...

But for now, we'll tentatively plan for the 22nd.
It seems that my computer, it is dead. I don't think today is an option. If we can manage to get our hands on a Windows disk, we do have a spare hard drive on hand to replace the dead one with, but need to be able to put Windows on it, before it will be much use.
I will be on IRC after 6 (worst case, dependent on errands, 7, but unlikely) PM EST. Ops may or may not show up as well, from what I've been told, if he's free. Whenever other people are ready after that, though, we'll get started. Should have mentioned something sooner myself. *chuckles*
I'll probably be there, but due to family diner and stuff, not till after 8pm.

So, ya got two hours to get wounded before I can patch you all up.
Two days later than I'd intended to post this, but meh. First I couldn't get it Thursday because the only time I ended up beign able to call, people weren't allowed in the office, which is where the schedule is posted. And yesterday, I worked, so could get it, but don't get home until like close to 11 and usually don't feel like posting that late a lot of the time.

That and I forgot I'd gotten it by then, busy working out plans for getting stuff ready for today.

Anyhow. Monday, Tuesday and Saturday are free for me. All I really need for the next session is ZPE, LK and Kamina. Since the first doesn't even look here half the time even if I tell them to, and the second lives in the same house as me and is pretty much always free, I suppose what I need to know is which ones work for you, Kamina, and then I'll poke at ZPE for an answer and work things out that way. *sighs*
Tuesday would probably be best for me, but I gotta confirm some stuff first.

Uh, I am sorry. I totally forgot about this, I was sort of pretty busy monday (6 straight hours at the laboratory and then pretty tired on tuesday, after doing more than just a few errands)
Bleh. My apologies in the lag-time in responding. As it turned out, ZPE wasn't free tuesday, and I ended up not free on saturday due to a no-call-no-show at work. *sighs*

Seems, though, that this Thursday may be doable. ZPE is supposed to call today to say for sure. LK will hopefully update if it is or not...if it's doable for other folks. I seem to finally have been given hours at my work. On the up-side, more money, means I can afford to start living again. However, on the down order to keep them, most likely, I'm not going to be able to be any less available than I already am due to LK's work times conflicting with my own possibilities. It also means I'm only going to end up with two free days a week. This week happens to be Tuesday and Thursday. ZPE isn't free Tuesday, though, so that leaves Thursday as an option if any are at all.

If it doesn't work for you...well, there's always next week. Or the week after...
I work this thursday, then have a flight up to chicago for a convention the next thursday, then work the thursday after that. So it'll be about a month before I'm free on a thursday, unfortunately. Well, guaranteed free. Some days I work are slow enough that I can participate on IRC. >.>
I really shouldn't be playing this week. Exam season is coming up again and I've got one I really need to study for.

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