Game times? [Crearth: The Third Age]

EST... Does this mean at the time of this post, it's 10:08 for you?

Now... Yes I generally prefer weekends, although I'll be on winter break for two weeks starting July 12 (That same weekend though I'm not available because of birthdayness)

Basically, it should be a bit easier for me to play on weekdays during that period.
So... I'm out on vacations already. Should be two weeks...

I'm free to play virtually any day with some forewarning... (Except this saturday since I'll be celebrating my birthday)

What's the status on this?
Perhaps this coming Sunday? I believe that ZPE and Ops both have it off, and I'm pretty sure DG and I can be long as she's feeling ready. I know I'd like to get back into things with Captain Stewart...he's fun to play.
Works for me so long as everyone's able to, which sounds likely...aside from Kamina. Sunday good for you (IE, day after tomorrow)? Around 7 EST, perhaps, folks?
How about 8-ish.

Gotta go to Clare to get older kid, and I need some time with the lesson book for work...
Fine by me. I'll probably get on Aim sooner than that and potentially handle a few 'solo' things (like ZPE's scounting mission) if others can get on sooner, but we can start it at 8, sure.
Dracogryff said:
Fine by me. I'll probably get on Aim sooner than that and potentially handle a few 'solo' things (like ZPE's scounting mission) if others can get on sooner, but we can start it at 8, sure.
What be yer AIM anyway?
Well, I plan to finish the Pittsburgh invasion on Wednesday, with Kat and Iggy, unless some sort of emergency happens. Cap'n, you and I can log your chats with Randall, Moira, and possibly Alexander whenever you feel like doing them to finish out the most recent session for you.

Ops, I feel like I need to apologize for not having much for you to do, but I hadn't exactly anticipated the Pittsburgh event happening. If you want to get on sometime to do some General Hospital scenes, I'm game, in apology. You can work on that cult your starting. *g* Oh, and since you were there, even though I didn't give you nearly enough to do (sorry again), take the 4 XP.

Let me know when next would work best for an everyone session (so long as it's after wednesday), where hopefully I can have everyone get together, hopefully. Or at least end up in the same state as each other...
The intent was 7-8ish, yeah.

Edit: Hmm. Assuming the weather doesn't do anything to the internet or get bad enough to have to worry about power outage. I don't think it's too serious, but...
Then again. It seems not. Since my net booted me and there's a lot of thunder outside, a severe thunderstorm warning on the county and a nasty looking thing moving at me on the radar, I'm guessing it's not going to go over well. -.-

Evil weather. Evil lake effect, too. *raspberries*
Even if it storms more, I'm gonna get it out of the way. I'll have a nasty headache if there is another one sinuses kill me during bad weather.

'Course, now that I've said that, I've probably jinxed myself and we'll have a power outage or something...sorry about the movie. I'm probably gonna miss it in theaters entirely, myself, because of the baby...oh well.
This is an update to my availabality:

I'll start my second semester tomorrow. What this entails?

I'll be generally unable to play during the week, with the exception of wednesdays, where I might sometimes (but not always) be able to play.

The weekends (Fri & Sat, never Sun) I'll generally be able to play depending exclusively on my girlfriend's schedule and my exam calendar (I'll say in advance if I've got a big test for which I really need to study)
*nods* Alright. I don't think Ops is very available during the week either, so that probably won't affect much. Anywho. What would people's schedules for next weekend be like (Aug 1-3)? I may or may not end up available on one day or another (my sister is due to have her baby around then) but unless that happens, I'm mostly free. What say other folks?
Well, as usual, you know my schedule full well, love. Whenever, pretty much, so long as it doesn't run too late on a work night.
Hmm. With the lack of an Ops reply, and the fact that I got a new neice this weekend (August 1, to be precise)...I'm guessing something's not gonna happen. Ah well. Sorry about that. Keep me posted people...
Sorry, the non-stop job hunt has been taking most of my time. I really don't want to slide back after we've gotten so far ahead of the bills.
Sanity doesn't pay my bills or feed my kids.

Work does.

But, I think I got something that will work till I either find something better or discover that I'm better at direct sales than I think.
*nods* I understand such...but it is hard to job hunt as 8 in the evening most times, so... *chuckles and shrugs* But I understand. No job is a very bad thing. RL is much more important. I go back to work the 17th, but am free any day before then...any day that might be good before then is open in my case.

If you have any days free, post 'em up and we'll see if we can't find one everyone has in common.
And, as always, I am pretty much free any day other than Thursday evening...since I work early then. Otherwise, well, my schedule is pretty easy to know.

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