Game times? [Crearth: The Third Age]

So long as people are okay with an earlier starting time and everyone else is free, Thursday it is. With LK going in at midnight, I would want to start the game by 7PM at the latest so that there's about 4 hours of game time. Starting at 6 would be even better, but I suspect less doable.
It should be indistinct for me in that respect, starting at 6 on your end would be 8 here, that would actually be pretty awesome if it's doable.
Prospects aren't exactly looking good for thursday, at least insofar as having ZPE/Kat around. Sounds like they may be adjusting a sleep schedule or something. May be possible, but also may not. *sighs* Might be able to do something anyhow...I don't know. Opinions?
Hmm I can't on wednesday, said thursday because of your comment about ops not being able to play on friday...
It sounds like ZPE is also unlikely to be able to play, too. I think we'll need to plan for next week, instead, at this point. DG gets her schedule tomorrow, I'm sure she'll post when she's free then.
Well, it really isn't looking likely at all. Haven't heard anything one way or the other from Ops either, so...yeah, doesn't look likely. Tomorrow, I'll be heading down to pick my paycheck up and so will post as soon as I've handled that. Should be by 5PM EST at the very latest. Likely sooner.
Sorry, been a weird week. All this time with no job leads, this week I get two that require a lot of driving all over to meet people, plus a quickie computer job (1 day thing, just had to set up a network for a small office in Alma).
Reminds me...seems that Joe picked someone else for the one at my work. Someone who goes to his church wanted the job.
Barring me being in Chicago* for job training, I think I can do that.

*see LJ
Good luck with the job/jobs. Wish I could have been more help there, but...seems Joe really likes giving jobs to people that go to his church, even if 3 out of the last 4 from there were fired, due to incompetence or laziness.
Eventually he'll get canned for the employee turnover, which costs more than retention and raises over the long run (training times are expensive).

Then maybe you can get his job.
Nah, they'll hire someone from outside, most likely for that. His job theoretically requires an associate degree in some form of technical fixing things field or other...or at least being a trained carpenter, plumber, or some such. Tuesday (2/10) good or no for people? If I don't get a yes from everyone by Monday afternoon, isn't going to happen. Thankee.
I'll try contacting ZPE...who, well, doesn't check the forums much. They might have a TT game, though, at the store.
Will get my schedule in about four hours. Probably will be posted anywhere from an hour to five after then, depending on situation and stuff. We'll see what presents itself then, I guess.
Just posting to let you know I will be going back to classes next monday which means I will have more trouble playing during weekdays. Also, will certainly have to encloister myself for study every now and then.
*nodnods* Well, as soon as I get a week where I'm not going I have...wait. Someone can't do that day...well there''s no good for someone else... *grumbles*' or the like, I'll let people know. *sighs* Neither this week or next has anything useful. Hopefully soon...

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