Game times? [Crearth: The Third Age]

Thursday or Friday this week may be possible. Or should we wait until exam stuff is done (is it done, even)? O.o
This is my schedule so far:

November 19: Neural Sciences, test nº6

November 21: Endocrine Physiology Test

November 25: Human Genetics Test nº3

November 27: Research Project final presentation, poster and final written exam.

December 5: Physiology Final Exam

December 9: Human Genetics Final Exam

December 12: Neural Science Final Exam

December 15: Social Responsibility Final Exam

I don't think I'll be free 'til then, really.

And perhaps maybe even more, if I don't do good on the exams, I'd have to go for the 2nd chance exams... (Hopefully not)

So, if you can play any sessions without me, by any means go ahead.
Unless you want us to finish that mass combat thing you're in without you (which I would rather not), we're sort of stuck for the current moment. Exams and doing well on them is more important than the game though, so I'm all right with waiting.

Maybe if others have free time, wouldn't mind doing some downtime short things with them for fun and character development (like Golden Jesus' first official shift and all the scared/worshipful nurses... *g*). If you want anything of the sort with NPCs, don't be afraid to ask me. *nodnods* However, if you don't ask me, it won't happen.
So... I don't have all my results yet, meaning I could very well have to give an additional exam (I hope not) but things are looking mostly clear for me for a while from now on.
Woot. So, are people free this Saturday (Dec 20th), then? Probably the only day before the holidays I'll be able to manage anything. The only other possibility is Wednesday the 17th, but I'd prefer Saturday if possible. Wanted to put the tree up Wednesday. n.n;

Time would be 7-8 EST, whichever day. And no, LK, you do not need to post. I already know you're available. :P
I'd be free for that, in the evening. Might be late however (family X-mas gathering down in Lansing) so I could run late.

And would you guys and ZPE be free for WoD on Wednesday night?
operations said:
I'd be free for that, in the evening. Might be late however (family X-mas gathering down in Lansing) so I could run late.
And would you guys and ZPE be free for WoD on Wednesday night?
Yes. Will give you a call to make sure.
Anytime after Tuesday (so that I have enough time to get my notes back in order). Pick a day. We'll start at 8 EST then.
Now that I got this site added back to my bookmarks, I might even remember too.

Boot sector of Hard Drive took a dump. Saved documents, but forgot to save bookmarks. Yeah.

Also forgot to save my braille work, so I have to start lesson 11 over. Fuck.
DG has the following days off this week. Wednesday and Friday.

Ops, if you still need a job, apply at my place again, and make sure to list me as a reference. We're losing someone by the end of the month, and my boss has indicated that he's likely to take my advice on such rather seriously. As in, pretty much near a guarantee. :)
Thanks for the heads up.

I'll see if Geoff is free either of those days. If not, maybe we do WoD or even your Exalted game.
To help me remember. Tentative scheduling of next game session of Wednesday the 28th. Around 7-8ish. Whenever everyone gets there, or 8. Whichever comes first.
I think everyone that needs to be there has confirmed. :) Geh, now I need to get my head back into Exalted, and especially Mass Combat rules. Ah, well. I really enjoy playing this game, and my character in it.
I'll read up on Mass combat _again_ but odds are you'll still have to help me a bit with it, since technically it'll still be my first time on Mass Combat.
If it helps, I do intend to push a bit for forced Single Combats between Heroic characters of the appropriate units. Why? Well...when both players and ST aren't sure on Mass Combat can make things easier. And it's not like it's wonderful for shattering the backbone of an enemy force...not at all.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday are my free days next week. I shall have to see what other people are doing for schedules, but I do already know that Ops is a no-go for friday. So...possibly one of the other two. Will pester ZPE for shcedule tomorrow or something.

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