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Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist

"Perhaps we can... You were looking for someone, right? I might have seen them, I pretty much live in alleyways."
Aedon averted his eyes to the ground. "I doubt you've seen her. I'm looking for my sister, Anna. During the evacuation of my village, we were separated. She got stuck on the western caravan, staying near the enemies' borders. I haven't heard anything of that caravan since."

Aedon sighed, rubbing his temples. "But I am still confused. How did you end up… the way you are?"
Sadly, i will be leaving the RP, i just have forgotten so much about FMA, that i think its best. I hope this Rp goes well <3
I'm sorry for my extensive leave, I've been really busy lately. The role play has died it seems which is disappointing but then again, I can't complain. When I have time I'll come back on and get the roleplay featured. In the meantime please try and make

your posts as long as possible.


(I hope its ok if I hopped in, seeing the previous conversation I thought I would be ok) Hannah tapped her fingers on the street wall as she walked, liking the metallic sound they made against the brick. She was just wandering around town looking for an adventure, maybe a fight to look to for entertainment.
Gus saw the plan he was set up do, and smiled. He started to head out of town to a secret testing facility, it was time for Gus's dark works to begin. His car revs up, and he drives through the relatively empty streets. He lifts up a fluid he is creating and said "Ashes to ashes... is that the correct term?" He stares into the horizon, and slowly started to sing "...i-i... hear your voice... on the wind..."
Aedon wandered down they alleys again, pondering his situation. There was nothing much he could do at the moment. As much as he hated to admit it, it seemed that his best bet was joining the military. Or perhaps, finding a private alchemy instructor. But either way, he had to do something. No more wandering, no more demanding answers from people to no avail. He was going to do something for himself. There was just one problem... he didn't know where to start.

After staring at Michael's home for a few moments, Ajax stood up and left the cab. He pat it on its top after handing the driver a handful of coins and the cab went on its way. Ajax ground his stone hands against each other loudly and then walked alongside Michael and behind Riley into the living room. As he heard Michael's command to sit, he observed Riley sit on the floor and then sat himself down in a nearby chair. He looked over at Riley for a moment and then offered a weak wave and then continued grinding his stone hands together, causing minor sparks every few seconds or so. Ajax shrugged in the couch and then attempted to make himself comfortable in the couch by squirming around a bit in his seat.


Michael came back into the room slowly, he was carrying roughly 10 large leather bound books, all of them containing research. He put them down on the table near to the couch. "this is my non-fundamental research, I keep my fundamental research in my head, not on paper, feel free to read through them, they'll be important." Michael then swivelled round to look at the defiant Riley. He chuckled slightly at his position "You know that wasn't an order right, it is polite to offer people a seat when they enter your home."

(Sorry for the short post, I would usually post a lot more.)


Ajax sits up in his seat and then leans over the pile and grabs the smallest leather bound book and begins to read through it from the first page. He has a bit of trouble opening the book to the first page but then after the first page doesn't have any trouble at all flipping through. He takes his time to thoroughly reading and attempting to understand every single word. Ajax poked his head up from the book for a moment and then asked Michael seriously, "Important how? I mean what do you plan for the application of this research?"

@Kriyze @Saul
Kerena von Brandt was wondering what she was thinking as she held onto the back of the train to Central. There was going to be so many State Alchemists. She could feel it in her gut. But, she needed some new research books. After all, learning is her one and only true passion. For at least the fifth time since she clambered onto the train she debated jumping off and just traveling by foot the rest of the way. It would delay her meeting any of those scum at least... But she knew that she wouldn't do that. It would be a bit too risky, and this way she could get in and out faster.

As she climbed back into the cargo car she was hiding in, after the guard passed through, she just hoped the trip would end soon. She was lucky enough that it did, and in moments she was running among the crowd, enjoying the freedom of using her legs. And now, to get to work. She was going to need to pose as a State Alchemist to get into the library. 'Time to go get myself a special pocket watch...,' She thought, pulling her gloves on tighter and striding tall through the streets.
Thomas walked through the streets of Central, his trench coat open so he could reach easily into his pocket for his gun if needed. He gazed lazily at each of the passing faces, wondering how many have horrendous sins that they didn't realize they did. He shoved his hands into his pockets, his fists clenching and unclenching as he briskly walked down the streets. He shook his head, trying to get any negative thoughts out of his head. He popped his collar up, covering his cheeks and chin from any prying eyes. He had finished his work in Dublith, so he had left for Central, since it was home to multiple State Alchemists with automail parts. If he was lucky, he could find one in the crowd and ask to examine any special work done on it.

He yawned, bored that there was such a lack of anything interesting in Central. He maneuvered out of the way of two older men walking in the opposite direction he was. He scowled at the large sum of people and kept walking, looking for any State Alchemists. He turned to look back ahead of him and noticed a tall woman in front of him with red hair. Well, more ginger. He decided she was probably just another commoner, though she seemed to have the appearance of one. He pushed forward in the crowd, trying to get ahead of all the closing space. He passed by the woman, and habit took his eyes to take a second look, which was only a hunter's instinct. He almost tripped when he saw the familiar circles on the woman's gloves. He looked back up to her face, and decided to slow his pace down, following behind her. His bag clanked against his hip, all his tools and the automail arm hitting each other. He frowned and laid a hand on it, trying to keep it from making noise. He quickly glanced back, hoping she would think he was merely a common citizen. He didn't want to stop her on the streets, so he would have to wait until she stopped at a store or something.
Kerena kept herself from glancing behind her when she heard a loud jingle. She assumed it was probably someone carrying many cens they needed to be relieved of- but she had no time for that. She didn't want to stay here any longer than she absolutely had to. She was glancing around, trying to see anyone with a State Watch, but none seemed to, and she felt too nervous to go near any of the guards. She growled, turning down another street, one filled with shops selling different materials for Alchemists. This caught her eye very quickly and she practically knocked over some of the civilians to get a better look. She slowed her pace a little, admiring the different metals and ingredients. She hadn't seen any State Alchemists so far... She ducked into a shop selling precious metals, and began to look around again. Silver... she just needed silver....

There! She walked over towards the ingredient she needed.
Tommy leaned next to the doorway of the shop, twirling one of his wrench's in his hand. He whistled a slow tune, the wrench flipping around in his hand wildly. He quickly peeked into the shop, wondering what this girl was doing. If she was an alchemist, then she would be buying some form of material related to her style of alchemy, as long as she was an alchemist. But what regular person walks around with transmutation circles on a pair of gloves? No one, so he stuck with his theory. She had walked over to a display of silver, so he deduced she was a alchemist that used silver, or she was buying it because it was pretty or something. He grimaced and slipped inside the shop, sticking to the walls of the shop. He looked over the various metal trinkets, but kept his peripheral vision on the woman. He didn't want to confront her unless he had evidence she was a State Alchemist, to save himself the embarrassment. He placed the wrench back in his bag, a bolt falling out. It was like time slowed down. His hand flew down, wrapping around the tiny metal object, and quickly placed it back in his bag. He put his hand back in his pocket, his back slouched, trying to seem casual. If she recognized him from the street crowd, he didn't want to seem like a stalker. He continued to whistle, his eyes scanning the shop's stock.
The whistling caught her attention before she had grabbed the silver she wanted. She glanced in the direction of the young man, quickly running her eyes over his figure, before deciding that he wasn't worth stealing from. She wondered what he was doing in the shop, since he seemed like someone who worked on Automail or machinery. Maybe he was fetching some metal for a project.

Kerena, now is not the time for daydreaming. She glanced down at the silver in front of her, gathering together a small portion that fit well in her fist. Now to figure out what to do with it. She can't just transmute it here, and if she stole it there'd be witnesses. She groaned a little, rolling her eyes. At least it'd be worth a lot when she was done...

The von Brandt woman walked to the counter, fishing out a small bag of cens. Inside was the money that just hardly paid for the materials. She sighed in relief as the man handed her the bag, saying a grateful, "Thank you, sir!" Before leaving the shop.
Tommy waited a few seconds, after having watched the woman make the transaction of cens for the silver, then looked at the man, placing some cens of his own on the counter. "Sorry for lingering, sir. Have a good day." He fixed his crooked collar and walked out the door. He glanced around the street, looking for the woman. He squinted his eyes, trying to look over the heads of the multiple citizens that dwelled along the cobblestone streets. He frowned, trying to think quickly. If he lost her, it would be a tremendous loss on his part. He wanted to speak with a State Alchemist, and badly. He bounced on his heels. He checked his bag to make sure it wasn't open enough for anything to fall out, and made sure his gun was still holstered in his coat. He smiled slightly when he found both things in check, then noticed the woman nearby. He turned and walked towards her, keeping an even pace with her.
Kerena soon turned down an alleyway as the boy began to follow her again. She rolled her eyes. Is he planning on mugging me with a wrench and some screws? She huffed out a sigh, walking deeper into the side street, before stopping entirely and putting her hand into the shopping bag. She clutched the silver chunk and thought deeply about what the watch looked like, and...

Green alchemical light glowed from the bag, and she pulled out a State Alchemist's "watch." She shoved it in her pocket, hoping the boy may not have seen that transmutation before turning around. "Hello, young one."
Tommy stood at the entrance of the alleyway, his eyebrow raised. There had been a strange glow before he had turned into the alleyway, most likely alchemy. He noticed the discarded bag, and then turned his eyes back to the girl. He laughed. "Young one? Aren't we the same age? Or close enough, or whatever." He kept his eyelids lazily drooped, a half smile on his face. He had to look nonchalant. He started to walk towards the girl. "Anyways, I have a question for you. Are you one of great State Alchemists? I noticed the circles on your gloves. I became interested on sight." He kept his pace slow, but not slow enough to be menacing. The State Alchemists were nothing to take lightly, and he didn't want to piss one off.
She laughed, pulling out the new watch. So he hadn't seen it, that's good. "You betcha! It's just a little habit I've picked up with the whole 'young one' thing. So what do you need a State Alchemist for?" She put the watch away soon after the quick flash, hoping he wouldn't see nor regonize the signs of transmutation. It wasn't very obvious- she had actually done a very good job compared to what she'd been expecting- but it was still easily recognizable to a well trained eye.
Tommy smiled widely as he stood only a few feet in front of the woman. "I'm Thomas Lileese, or Tommy. I was wondering, since most State Alchemists have had automail limbs, like arms or legs, if you had one as well. If so, I would like to see it please." He titled his head, hoping to mimic a sign of innocence. He had noticed the watch each State Alchemist had on them, given to them by the government as proof of their position. But something hadn't seemed right about it. Some sort of imperfection. Maybe it was just hit or something, so he waved it out of his head.
"I'm Kerena, th-the F-Forest Alchemist," she stuttered a little, nearly forgetting to add a title, "Sorry, but I'm not the one you're looking for. I'm one hundred percent flesh and bone!" She laughed a little, saying, "However, if you're really looking for automail to work on, I'd suggest Rush Valley, or maybe somewhere that's seeing a lot of war recently." She stretched her arms, flashing him a cheeky grin. "If you'll excuse me, I need to go visit the First Library. Got some new books I need."
Tommy nodded, scratching his chin. "Of course, of course. But first, well, you see..." He laughed nervously, then reached out, gripping her arm tightly and whipping his pistol out, keeping it an inch from her face. He chuckled. "I'm not that stupid, miss. You see, I never heard of the Forest Alchemist, Kerena. Also, that watch you made with the silver you bought from the store? It isn't a copy of a State Alchemists watch. You made it more thin and the symbol on it isn't as defined. So, from the looks of it, that means you were lying to me. And..." He gripped her arm tighter. I hate liars. So who are you really? Some lower alchemist who wants to be part of the dogs of the military?" He kept his gun steady, waiting for an answer, either verbal or physical. He had the upper hand, his finger tight on the trigger. He still smiled, though.

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