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Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist

Kerena growled, her eyes narrowing. "So you saw through it, huh?" She clenched her fists, but made no other sign that she would move. She winced slightly as his grip tightened on her arm, and she growled again, "I want nothing to do with the Dogs of the Military. If I had it my way, many of them would be dead for their crimes in Ishval, against those who I called brother and sister despite appearances. I simply need to get a few books from their damned library. That's all. I would have simply snuck in if it wasn't for the fact that there are probably many guards there. I am but a simple thief who wants to conduct some research." She tensed her body the moment she was done speaking, prepared to dish out some moves she'd learned over the years. She'd probably still be shot, but she could try.
Tommy stood there, listening to what she was saying. After she had finished, he stood still, the gun trained in between her eyes. He sighed and twirled the gun in his hand, then slipped it back into his trenchcoat and into its holster. He let go of her arm and yawned. "I see. Well, I guess I hold somewhat of a similar grudge. But let me say, it's a stupid thing to just try and sneak into the library disguised as a State Alchemist. Especially because you suck at lying." He rubbed his neck, thinking. He snapped his fingers and smiled. "But. What if you, somehow and amazingly, got your hands on some official documents stating your position, instead of just your word?"
"Wait, what?" She had totally been expecting him to shoot her not help her. "How on Earth would I get something like that without just getting hired? Which, if I really tried, I could probably do?" She pretty much went completely limp from shock. (She was still standing, but a breeze could knock her down.)
Tommy laughed. "I can tell you don't want to work for the military. That would just hurt anyone's pride. But I know how to do so. If you let me help." He shrugged. "It's fine as long as we don't get caught. Follow me." He turned and started to walk down the alley, back to the streets. He had no clue why he was helping this person, who was going to try to perform the crime of disguising as a State Alchemist. Maybe it was just the thought he could find out anything on known Ishval criminals still out there. He turned back to her and gestured for her to follow him.
She followed him with eyebrows raised, but a smile forming on her face. She loved when people trusted her. Although, she did stay a good distance away this time, in case he tried to pull that gun out again. Or, y'know, if this was a trap. She really hoped it wasn't a trap. Getting a look at the library was great, but posing as a State Alchemist? This could seriously help her in times of need, considering the fact that she'd be able to control multiple soldiers when on the run- until they found out she was a fake.

"Where are we going?"
Tommy looked back at her, his expression blank again. "I need to make a call." He turned back forwards and kept walking, looking for a phonebooth to use. He kept looking back to see if she was following him, and then turned back forwards, doing this every few yards until they reached one of the parks in Central. He kept walking until he found a phonebooth, then walked over to it and took out a few cens to use as payment.
Anthony ran down the street bleeding from his side and still gasping from the fight earlier. He slowed down and bandaged himself up but it was obvious that he had blood on him. He put his jacket back on to cover it up then started walking he spotted a girl and some guy at a phone booth. Anthony bumped into the girl making it look like a accident but he had actually stole a watch from her pocket. He fell and slipped the watch into his pocket before letting the blood show a little. "T-The guy was slaughtering everybody he could find. I only barely got out alive." He mumbled crawling backwards away from where he had come from before running off towards the library.
Riley watched Michael leave the room, and stayed on the floor. It was a more comfortable floor than some beds he'd slept in anyway. Michael came back, carrying a whole bunch of books, which he set down on the table. Rileys facial expression didn't change a lot. He was bored, and it showed. He sent a glance at Michael when he commented on his behaviour. "Of course it is. An offer that I kindly took up. I have nothing against this seat." He leaned his head on the palms of his hands like always. "I can't say I have a very big interest in reading through all of those, only to realize I already knew half. Tell me what you're researching about them, and how I can help."
Michael stretched, pushing his arms as far up as they could go, a loud noise of metal emanated from his automail, sitting down shortly after, carefully and politely in an eccentric fashion. Michael then rubbed his eyes and sighed "Well I've gone this far, I have to trust you now." He said "First of all, I believe you aren't telling me the full story Riley, the story of what happened to you and how much you know about homunculi, but honestly I couldn't care less, I've spent my entire life researching alchemy, and a big portion of that includes homunculi, so don't expect me to be ignorant of simple things, for example how to kill a homunculus, I know full well they cannot be killed like any other being, and that you must destroy their philosophers stone heart, along with getting the homunculus in close proximity with their original identities dead remains." Michael then readjusted himself, calming himself down, he placed down the cup he had bought in the room with him. He picked up a book and continued "these" He said shaking the book slightly "do not have any information regarding my important research, they simply contain information already known about homunculi" Michael placed the book down and continued "my goal is something secret and dangerous, it was assigned to me by the fuhrer himself and if it was to get out every single person that I have as much as spoken to would be executed, of course I would be executed too." Michael put emphasis on the last section of his sentence, he was obviously concerned about the secret getting out.

(Okay I'm kind of stuck now, the end of this post will decide a big part of the plot of this story and I can't think of anything big enough. So if you have a good idea post it in the out of character section and I'll decide which one to use.)
Abruptly, Gus came from the trains back into central, walking off in his gentleman style. Gus's secret deeds were theoretically correct, and he could do it, however he didn't have enough resources to do it on himself after the experiments. He walked forward, heading to the library because he was just plain board, his resources would take a day to finish processing. He stepped in front of the library, stood like an elite honor guard, and stared at anyone coming by.
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Kerena looked questioningly at the running man as he bumped into her and- waS THAT A HAND IN HER POCKET?! "T-The guy was slaughtering everybody he could find. I only barely got out alive," the man said, stumbling backwards. "H-hey, wait, what are you- HEY!" The man turned tail and began to ran.

NO ONE, and she meant NO ONE stole her stuff and got away with it! Unless, y'know, they did. Kerena growled and immediately started to sprint after the man, calling to Tommy, "I'LL BE BACK!"

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Tommy stood there, phone in his hand, a dumbfounded look on his face. He groaned and started to run after them, his bag hitting his side as he pumped his legs. Why was she chasing him? Maybe to help him? And if there was a slaughter in Central, he wanted to find out anything about it. He kept running, feeling himself lag behind Kerena, his bag weighing him down. He finally slowed down to a stop, and watched her run after the kid. He sighed, turning around and walking back to the phone booth. He leaned against it and waited for Kerena to return.
Anthony heard her following him and stopped. He turned and drew a pistol aiming at her. "Just let it go. I really don't need or want this trouble I just want to pay my medical bills." He said holding his other hand to his side. He was leaning against the wall of the alley and was visibly bleeding on the wall.
The sight of the blood made the blood in Kerena run cold. She slowed to a stop at the sight of the gun, taking in a few deep breaths to try and calm her beating heart. 'It's just blood,' she thought shakily, 'It's not your blood, it doesn't-doesn't belong to anyone you know. You are okay.'

"If you want to pay your medical bills you should ask someone for help instead of stealing from them." She grinned, waving a hand lazily and attempting to hide her internally growing panic. "Then again, I'm not one to talk. But I spent a lot of money on that watch. I'd like it back, please." She narrowed her eyes, showing a bit more of her teeth in her grin. Play it cool. "C'mon, now, young one~. Why don't you just hand it back over, and maybe I'll consider helping you."

She hoped he made a decision soon, or she may be the one needing help. She inhaled deeply again, through her nose, and attempted to keep a somewhat cruel smile playing on her features.

@Holo @Refaulted
Tommy pulled out a pair of binoculars from his bag. He scanned the crowd for Kerena and the thief, but couldn't see them anywhere. He scowled and put it back in his bag, then attempted to run, his bag flinging to both sides as he ran. He scanned the streets for the two, seeing if he could spot them. He heard Kerena's voice closeby, and steered himself in the direction it came from. He walked in front of the entrance of an alley, and stopped when he saw the glint of a gun. The thief had pulled one on Kerena. 'Not her lucky day at all.' He sighed and looked past her at the thief. "Hey, put that away before you do something we'll all regret."
"And why would I give this back to you. You foolish state Alchemists who run around ruining lives like a child breaking toys. You who slaughter innocent parents in front of their families and cause people like me to exist in a realm of loneliness and pain?" Anthony was sliding down the wall as he spoke due to blood loss. He passed out and her watch tumbled towards her blood on it. A few real state alchemist watches followed covered in markings from fights.
Kerena held in a scream as the other fell down, passed out. She took a few gasping breaths, taking a few steps forward. She could do this. She could so totally do this. It-It wasn't that bad. She whimpered slightly as she moved closer. She just wanted the silver back. And, honestly, she didn't want the thief to die. She began to quiver in her boots, staring at the young man who practically mirrored her- well, probably not at all, but right now she was trying not to start screaming and freaking out.

She is in control. 'I am in control. I am in control. I am...' Kerena gasped a few hiccuping breaths and forced herself closer, and she slowly reached for the watch. She could do this. She is in control.

She froze just a few inches from the watch, staring at the blood splattered on it. Oh god... She couldn't do this. She was not in control.

@Holo @Refaulted
Tommy watched the boy slip to the ground, knocked out. As Kerena slowly walked over to the watch, he raised an eyebrow. He had his hand in his pocket, on the grip of his gun. She suddenly froze, most likely out of fear or shock. He sighed and walked past her, picking up the watch and wiping the blood off on the inside of his coat. He then grabbed her wrist and lifted her hand up, and placed it in her hand. He looked her dead in the eye. "Hide it." He manually closed her fingers over it, then turned and walked over to the boy. He put his fingers to his neck, checking for a pulse. He found one, but it was pretty faint. He pulled out a cloth and pressed it against his wound, keeping pressure on it. The whole time, he had a blank expression on his face. He looked back at Kerena. "Go and get me some sort of cloth. Like a scarf. Quickly."
Kerena seemed to snap out of her daze a little, shoving the watch into her pant's pocket. "R-Right..." Uh... She slipped off her coat, leaving her in a black zipped-up and long sleeved shirt jacket thing. She honestly didn't have a name for it, she got it from some Xingese tourist back East. She clapped her gloved hands to the jacket, transmuting it into a long strip of cloth- purposely making it a little thinner so it could be torn. "Here," she said, handing it to Tommy and diverting her eyes.

She had to take a few more deep breaths (through her mouth, the stench of blood was beginning to seep into the air) in order to calm down to a much more reasonable state. She stopped shaking, and was now gently rubbing her hands together in suppressed anxiety.
Tommy nodded and waded the cloth he had used before up into a ball, pressing it against the wound. He then proceeded to wrap the long cloth strip around the boy, keeping the ball secure on the injury. He knotted and tightened it, the leaned back to examine his work. It was makeshift, so he needed medical treatment, and fast. He picked him up and threw him over his shoulder. He looked back at Kerena and pointed to the watches that had fallen on the ground. "Pick those up. I'm gonna bring him to the closest hospital."
She nodded, closing her eyes a moment before turning around and quickly grabbing what he had asked. "I'm going to go with you. I want to know more about him when he wakes up. Plus, he's gonna need someone to cover up for him." She began to follow, doing her best to focus on her feet and the back of Tommy's head.
Gus had saw some civilians running, and he stopped one, showing his badge and said "...Whats going on?" THe lady quickly added "Someone pulled a gun...!" He looked, and started to run, screaming "Thank you!" He spotted the three from afar, and clapped his hands together. He ripped from the ground two large spears made of Coal, it was weak but it could hold together. He screamed "STOP!" while charging them, he was ready for battle if he needed to be.
(seriously we need some more ideas for the plot of this roleplay. it has to go somewhere doesn't it?)

(it doens't HAVE to, the RP is just a location when we started to play there was never any predetermined plot, we make it as we go.)
Michael stretched, pushing his arms as far up as they could go, a loud noise of metal emanated from his automail, sitting down shortly after, carefully and politely in an eccentric fashion. Michael then rubbed his eyes and sighed "Well I've gone this far, I have to trust you now." He said "First of all, I believe you aren't telling me the full story Riley, the story of what happened to you and how much you know about homunculi, but honestly I couldn't care less, I've spent my entire life researching alchemy, and a big portion of that includes homunculi, so don't expect me to be ignorant of simple things, for example how to kill a homunculus, I know full well they cannot be killed like any other being, and that you must destroy their philosophers stone heart, along with getting the homunculus in close proximity with their original identities dead remains." Michael then readjusted himself, calming himself down, he placed down the cup he had bought in the room with him. He picked up a book and continued "these" He said shaking the book slightly "do not have any information regarding my important research, they simply contain information already known about homunculi" Michael placed the book down and continued "my goal is something secret and dangerous, it was assigned to me by the fuhrer himself and if it was to get out every single person that I have as much as spoken to would be executed, of course I would be executed too." Michael put emphasis on the last section of his sentence, he was obviously concerned about the secret getting out. "There have been reports of a group of homunculus in Amestris, but not just a small group of accidentally created ones, oh no, this is like an organization, a syndicate of hundreds trying to take Amestris and overthrow the government. no doubt their plans with the population are horrendous. My mission, and now yours is to find whoever, or whatever runs this syndicate and end them, disbanding the group. You both will be invaluable to me" Michael looked at Ajax "your skills in combat" Michael then looked towards Riley "And your experience with homunculi"

(reposting because I've decided an ending to the post and added it on)


@David Van Aken

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