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Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist

After looking like an idiot running around trying to get the attention of the military, Aedon skulked back toward the refugee sector. Wasn't it the military's job to help the refugees? Apparently not.

Aedon was no longer sure where he was. The depression had gripped him again. A shadow loomed over his mind. Yet, it was a real shadow. Aedon looked up curiously as an image of his sister, Anna, flashed in his head. "A-Anna? Is that you?"

He angrily punched the wall of a building near him as he realized he was staring at an empty suit of armor on a roof top. He was going delusional. Would he ever find his sister? A friend?
Kass would look down on the man below, and shake her head in confusion. "Hey, what're you doing down there?" She would ask, her voice booming out of her hollow metal chest.
Thomas Lileese stretched and arched his back, trying to unknot the twist in his back. After arriving at the city of Dublith, he had conked out in the first alley he deemed comfortable enough. He yawned, then reached for his bag. Against his better judgement, he had used it as a pillow. He rubbed the back of his neck, grunting as he opened it. It was filled with all his tools, and he dumped them all out. He counted everything- His wrenches, his screwdrivers, nuts, bolts, everything. Once he realized everything was in order and counted for, he packed them all back in. He flings the strap over his shoulder, then walks out into the busy streets. He scowls at the sun above him. Too bright. He turns and starts to browse around the individual shops that line the streets. He stops at a few to ask the shop owners a few questions, hoping to learn new techniques for when he goes home. He does this for most of the morning, having only stopped by one vendor selling various parts he had never seen before. He keeps walking, looking for a decent place for a bite to eat. He notices a couple people enter a manor by where he was walking. From a distance, he could just make out the features of military officials. His eyes caught on the largest man of the group, and noticed the automail-like arms protruding from the sleeves of his coat. So, a military official who either lost his arm fighting or, as a highly less likely possibility, is a state alchemist who did a human transmutation and lost his arm or arms in the process. This was all basic deduction, and Tommy shook his head. He didn't care for the state alchemists, but he was curious on the type of automail he used. As they enter the manor, Tommy's interest gets the better of him, and he proceeds to walk over to the entrance of the large estate.
Aedon twitched and peeked back at the suit of armor. That couldn't have been Anna's voice. Could it? Where was it coming from? His heart started to beat faster as thoughts raced through his mind.

"Where are you? Show yourself stranger!"
he barked. Strange emotion welled up inside him and he didn't like it.
Kass would flip her visor down, put her newly-repaired hand back on, and then jump onto the roof of the building opposite of her, leaps back toward the building she was on, and then proceeds to ruin the building's masonry by digging her hands and feet into it to slow her fall. She would end up standing next to you at the end of her descent, and say "I have shown myself. What are you going to do?"
Aedon inched around, squinting. "You're not Anna are you?" he asked, looking to the ground. He continued whispering, "No, that would be too convenient. But how did you get up on that building with that heavy armor?"
Abruptly, a car stops in front of the ally way, and Gus steps out. He spots a refuge, and a damned suit of armor. Gus sighed, stepped in front of them and said, "Enough... What is going on here?" He looks to Kass, snarling out "Your breaking public priority Kass... Be lucky i don't report you and no body else in a twenty mile radius..." He knew Kass from the executions, he had watched her being transmuted into the armored body. He did a quick clap, fixing the wall and then looking at the refuge. He sighs out "Are you mugging a damned refuge?"
Still thinking about his sister, Aedon angrily pushes the newcomer against the wall. Yet when he hears the concept of mugging a refugee, he casts a quizzical look.

"Kass? Mugging a refugee? What are you talking about!"
Gus looked at Aedon and calmly said "You refereed to yourself as a refugee trying to get attention, but that is not my point. That suit of armor is a living girl, and if you kindly could let go of me i simply wish to talk." He snorted, trying to breath through his nose and continued, "Kass is her name, and she mugged and killed a innocent man... so i thought that is what she was doing to you..."
Aedon's teeth began to show through a scowl as he thrust a finger at the man's face. "First of all, I never boasted about being a refugee. When did you hear that? Secondly, I know a girl's inside there, I can here the voice. Don't take me for such a lowlife mister. You say she mugged and killed an innocent man? What are you talking about, how could she do that?"
Gus simply replied saying "Look inside her armor then, and into her face. Second, ask her about a teenager at winter... third... must of mistaken you... and finally fourth. I thought this could of been a chance to clean up a loose end.. but never mind it." He walked back to his car, he was hopping to stop anything bad... but clearly that was him in this situation, so he headed back to central, trying to keep aedon thinking long enough to leave.
"He wasn't innocent, mind you! He challenged me to a duel, and it just so happened I was too good for his prolly royal ways!" Kass would shout out at him. "Now why don't you come back here and explain yourself, oh high and mighty Alchemist of amazement." She would taunt him, with every bit of sarcasm and angst put into her words.
Dublith. Riley looked down at his arm. Wonder if his automail service guy was still alive, that guy was pretty awesome. It had been 3 years though, and he was already old back then. Oh well, he was here in other business right now. He followed Michael as he walked through the city, and finally arrived at a large manor. Pretty fancy manor, too, but Riley was kinda desensitised to fancy buildings at this point. He led them inside, and followed, because, you know, why not?

They entered a large living room. This place seemed unnecessarily big. He lived here alone, yet still wasted so much money on it? Silly man. "Sit down." Seriously? Not even a please? Rude. Riley felt like he needed to show a little spite to this controlling maniac, so he sat down, on the floor.
After a quick five hour sleep, Tyler was up and jumping from shop to shop, buying 2 pounds of fruits and water. His brother, Telreach followed close behind him, the shopping only taking a hour of their day. Tyler smiled, his thin light tan lips curling up, and his red eyes sparkling.

"I have food, and water, thank god. So anytime you're ready brother, we can head out."

"Lets go now, the people wont stop staring." replied Telreach, his head moving left to right, watching as the few people become small groups. Grabbing his brother arm, Telreach left Ishbal, heading towards central city. As hours pasted, the extreme heat only combined with the endless sands.
Joe arrived at Dublith, his home town as he leaned down touching the ground, stretching. Ah, it's good to be home, he thought to himself as he played with his state issued pocket watch, tossing it around in the air. Joe had removed the chain from it so it wasn't nearly as annoying. Walking through the town he understood his bad feelings about being here as it was the place where he ended his family's life but that couldn't stop him, he was given time off and he had his families home rebuilt so it was about time he visited the house. Joe strolled through the town quickly recognizing a place he long missed, the meat shop; Joe quickly stopped where he was and ran towards the shop, stopping right in front of it as he opened the door and walked in making his way to the counter to order what he needed, or wanted rather. "Hello." Joe stated quickly giving the man at the counter a smile. "I'd like to get one of everything." He added still with a big smile on his face. The man gave him a nod and made his way to the back of the shop to obviously begin preparation on his order. Full of energy Joe walked around the shop, pacing all around as he awaited patiently for his meat to be ready.

Once his order was ready, the man quickly brought it out to Joe giving him a farewell as Joe moved swiftly out the door, carrying several bags of meat as there was a large menu at the shop. Making his way to his old yet new family home, Joe looked around the town at the calm streets, Dublith never got too busy compared to central, Joe thought. As he arrived at his house, Joe opened his pocket watch removing a key which he then opened his house with, taking a step inside, quickly he removed his shoes and made his way to store the newly bought meat. As he found his location he quickly sat on his chair and pulled out a book that he began to read.
Gus parked his car near central headquarters, and leaped out. He put both his hands behind his back, held his chin slightly up, stood straight, and walked into central head quarters. Unlike the average alchemist, Gus wore his state alchemist watch like a necklace, so he was given clearance faster then the average alchemist. He marched to a simple room, a private room he had acquired, and saw he had no work. He sighed, he was most likely going to get work within the next hour, so he lifted up a secret book he kept under the cushion of his chair.
Aedon turned back to the suit of armor with a concerned look. "Is it true what he said? Because I assure you, I'm not someone to mess with."
"No, I wasn't trying to mug you," She says, "I was merely trying to find out what was causing such a ruckus down here. I try to stay out of fights, not pick them."
Aedon cast a suspicious look at her, then shook his head. "We could all do with a little less fighting. That's for sure," he replied, "As for the ruckus… I thought you were someone else."

Aedon let his head drop after this statement, remembering his sister again. Was there really nothing he could do?
Tommy yawned, tinkering with a few parts he had bought on his trip to Dublith. He looked at the sky, then at the manor behind the fence he was leaning on. He wondered if they would notice him outside, because a lot of the people walking by did. He pulled off his trenchcoat, his gun making a muffled clank as it hit his extra wrench he kept in the opposite pocket. He felt vulnerable without the coat, wearing his sleeveless shirt and long pants, but he couldn't wear it while working on his design. He pulled out a couple nuts and bolts, putting the pieces together. The goal of his design was to be a fully functional right arm, with small holes in the fingertips to shoot darts, either poisonous or sleep-toxined, and a hole in the elbow to fire a gun. He had found and bought multiple gun parts to add to the arm, including a revolver cylinder that held a modified eight rounds of ammunition. He frowned at the almost complete arm, wondering if he should add something else. He pulled out his pocketknife and experimented on different places to attach it. He decided that the best place to put it would be in a small compartment next to the revolver cylinder, so if the wearer was stuck reloading, he could pull out the knife to use against close up targets, or toss it at his attacker. He checked the trigger that was activated by snapping, a unique choice he had seen when he was back in Ishbal. He suddenly remembered the day his family was taken from him. Those two men...he would find them. He pushed the thought out of his head, then pulled out a hammer to smooth out the small bumps he noticed in the metal plating, humming an old war song he had heard when he was little.
"Oh, who did you think I was?" She inquires, and pulls her visor up to reveal her metal face and glowing eyes.
"I…" Aedon began. He twitched when he stared into the abyss of the armor. "My mind's just playing tricks on me," he continued, drooping his head, "At first I thought you might be my sister. Now I would swear that I'm just talking to an empty suit of armor."

Tears welled up in his eyes.
Kass would put an arm on the man's shoulder and say "I'm far from empty, sir. Though I may sound hallow, I'm real. Just not in the average sense of the world."
Aedon opened his eyes as the metal arm wrapped around him. A sort of warmth emanated from it, the type that normally accompanies living flesh. He angled his head to look at the armor again with concern. Understanding danced at the tip of Aedon's mind.

"It seems we're both missing something," he whispered as a spark light in his eye, continuing with a ripple through his fiery hair, "Perhaps we can help each other."

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