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Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist

Damn it, Solaris thought as the guy slipped into the crowd. She ran out, pushing several people aside and attracting many curious glances. Unfortunately, he had escaped and she had found out nothing. She thought about what he had said just before and made a plan of action. The other alchemist was probably not still in the library, but she wanted to figure out what had happened. Before she could decide on what to do, she heard a woman's voice say, "What is so special about you, alchemy lass... you look so average, and yet people pay in pure gold for the slightest little nibble of knowledge on you..."

She crossed her arms at the woman and said, "Who are you?"
As Haki made his way closer to his destination he began to notice several military personnel running in from various directions. Men were screaming commands for others to follow. "Secure the area!" He knew something was wrong. Someone stirred the hive...This would be a lot harder to sneak into the library now, but this wasn't out of his calculations. It would still be possible. I've got to hurry though, before too many soldiers surround the area. Haki quickened his pace, trying to close his distance faster.
"he'll be far away by now, I might as well start my research again, away from central" Michael thought, sighing deeply, his face tired and disappointed that he had to leave his home once more. The commotion of the military alert was dying down as they secured the buildings and searched them orderly, the citizens were beginning their daily routines once more. He transmuted his left arm back into a normal automail one and brushed himself off, gesturing to a government car parked by the first branch, there was always a few by any government building, they were like a private, free taxi service. Michael opened the door and sat in the back seat, beginning to continue his book.

The government car was heading up a small road, it was just the beginning of his long journey to dublith. They passed a small mill where he saw some commotion. Michael tapped the back of the drivers seat and asked him to stop, he complied and they halted on a gravel path, creating a bit of noise. Michael contemplated exiting the car immediately but changed his mind, he would see what the fuss was first before he made took any rash action. It could simply be an argument between a couple or a simple fist fight, so he stayed inside the car, watching through the window his eyes narrowed and his brow furrowed, with his hands right hand on his left. He was fully prepared to exit and possibly attack. Then the thought crossed him that it could be the stranger he saw at the library. Michael then began assessing the stranger from the evidence he had, just encase it was him causing the commotion. "he'll be wanted by a government, as he panicked and fled, it most probably is our own, but hey, I like his style. he definitely isn't a priority target or I would have recognised his fa- ..." Then suddenly his train of thought was interrupted, he knew his face from somewhere "he does remind me of someone" Michael continued "a colleague possibly, I can't have known whoever it was for a while though, or I would know who it was"

(I changed my characters age to fit into a roleplay idea, it's only up five years)
The cat was flung from the roof and actually landed against the window on the car the military man was in, even against the car window he was looking out of. The cat hissed furiously as it slid down the window.

Nidelia looked over gapsing. "Noncy!!" She yelled running over and picking her up gently. She stood and looked into the car and saw the military man. He would be able to see her fully, crystal arm and all.
Michael din't even flinch as the cat hit the window, he opened the car door slowly and in a business like fashion so as to look as official as possible. He glanced around at the mill, it looked beautiful, the stream glinting in the sunlight and the rhythmic turning of the wheel was wonderful. Michael turned his attention back towards the citizen, possibly the cat owner and asked, with a straight posture and his hands linked behind his back (he had also, in secret transmuted his left automail arm to include a blade, just encase) and asked "are you okay, miss? what happened to your cat?"

Suddenly, with the unveiling of the sun by an obnoxious cloud something glinted in the corner of Michaels eye. He turned his gaze downwards, towards the source of the reflection and looked moderately surprised when he found it, the girl had fused a crystal arm on to her stump which operated almost like a functional automail one, albeit heavier "that's great alchemy there. Please contact me in the future" he said, passing over a small piece of paper, it read:

Michael Kerin aka the steel alchemist

state alchemist

Tel: 1283 19058

17 kelp road

Michael continued "so, what happened to your cat? Sorry for my slight detour then"

Kass would freeze, completely forgetting how difficult it is to whisper when hollow armor amplifies everything she says or does. "Oh, me? I'm eh, just a curious bystander. Of course. Totally." She says, a bit sarcastically, before leaping from the building and landing at the edge of the crowd. 'Too late to not get noticed, I guess'.

Ajax began to march, his incredible weight creating a loud thuding noise with each step. He wasn't going anywhere specifically, just looking around for something to do. He was booed by about a dozen people as he walked by. He was greeted with such pleasant screams as, "Go to hell!", "You should be ashamed of yourself!" and so forth. Ajax replied by yelling back blandly, "Just doing the State's work is all."

After a while of stomping around town he saw the back of a fellow State Alchemist's head. He would recognize that automail and haircut combination anywhere. Ajax walked beside him and patted him on the back, just to show that he was there. Then he said calmly, but with his usual madman's gaze,
"Michael, haven't seen you around the office in a few days, been busy or something?" Ajax crackled his neck with one of his giant stone hands and then said, "Well, I'm bored as hell. Our lovely superiors have been sending me out as a delivery boy for the last few days. Let me tell you, it's been pretty boring. Anyway, want me to help you with whatever job you're on right now? It's not like I have much else to do." Ajax then looked over and saw Nidelia. He loved her arm, it was a beautiful work of automail, in his opinion.

Ajax tipped an imaginary hat to her then tried to wipe the madman's gaze off of his face, only moderately succeeding. Ajax began to speak to Nidelia,
"Lovely automail that you have there. Mine aren't quite as graceful looking." Ajax gestured towards his two automail legs and arms, all of which looked like charcoal shaped into hulking appendages.



Things had happened. Tons of things, and fast. Riley peaked over the corner of the roof, and down at the ground about were the cat had landed. That godamn alchemist from earlier was there, and another bigger alchemist, and the ballet girl, too. He'd count the cat, but he tried to ignore it's existence. Arrogant creatures. Either way, that alchemist was there, and he had brought muscle with him. Were they still chasing him?... Grahh. Running had gotten boring, maybe he should just teach them all a lesson.

He sat on the corner of the roof, on the side facing the little group conversation. He leaned his elbows on his legs, and his chin on his palms, and assumed his regular bored-face. They seemed to be talking about nothing in particular. It was kinda funny, really. He wondered how long he could go without being noticed. Just sitting there, swinging his legs, he wasn't an obvious target, but definitely not hard to see. No one had reacted yet, so he didn't say anything, he just sat there, and observed the bunch.
Michael felt the pat on his back and turned to the source, it was Ajax, a friend and colleague of his. "Hey, yeah I've been busy with some research, it applies to you in a way I guess. This guy came in and stole a book from the first branch, nothing too important, And then I met this woman when her cat hit my car" he said gesturing towards the car and then the cat nonchalantly. "I gave her my card of course, that crystal binding is amazing, she could be worthy of taking the state alchemist trials"

Michael then straightened his posture and glanced around again, the scene was beautiful as ever until Michael noticed a pair of dangling legs, It came as a slight shock to Michael that it was the stranger from earlier. He gestured over in the strangers direction discreetly, his eyes now narrowed, anyone who has been in war knew that it was the signal for incoming combat. He got on his knees, clapping his hands together and transmuted a small cannon from the ground. He fired it at the stranger, a clump of hard mud created from the ground acted as a cannonball . The cannon fire however wasn't intended to harm the stranger, it was simply intended to knock him off his position and shake him up a little bit so that they could approach him.
Kass upon entering the crowd, would be getting looks of fear and anger from just about everyone. "My apologies, good citizens." She would then slip out into an alleyway and proceed to wander with her mind more on the female Alchemist then where her feet would take her.
"Huh? What was the alchemist doing now? He just bowed down, for no apparent reason... Wait, is he transmuting something?" The thoughts went through Riley's mind just before a small cannon fired a projectile at him. He instinctively raised his arms from his shoulder, and due to the short distance in between, managed to block the ball with his arms. A cloud of dirt spread around though, and mud was all over his sleeves. He coughed a couple times, and rolled backwards onto his feet. "Mud?! Man, you are the most malevolent bastard I've ever met!"

He'd be damned if this guy could beat him, but holy hell was this guy annoying. He could've done anything, even just shoot him with regular bullets, but he had to go and shoot him with mud, of all things. Riley was going to have to get a new shirt! "Can't you just leave me alone? What did I ever do to you?... And what I've done against the government doesn't count. I even returned the book!"
Nidelia smiled at the man. "Thanks. I specialize with crystals, would you like to buy some?" She asks him showing him the ruby rose after accepting his card. State alchemists... dogs of the military and to the Furhur.

She shrugged. Then watched as the man attacked the boy in the top of the mill. "You wanting him alive? Crystal is a strong cage," she says looking at the man holding two huge crystals in each hand. She loved using her crystals for good and if the military wanted this brat she'd help.
As the stranger coughed and spluttered Michael dashed around and up onto the roof, running quickly with both his arms beside him, each footstep onto the ground creating a thud and throwing up dirt. he did this all in the in the strangers blind spot to avoid detection. He then then got to a pipe, shooting up it quickly by propelling himself up the side with his legs. He was now behind the stranger, ready to hold him down at a moments notice. "now that was very rude of you, slamming that door in my face. All I wanted to do was talk, you remind me of someone" he said, mocking the stranger slightly, the right corner of his lips risen to create a grin.

Michael gestured to the alchemists on the ground to prepare to help, He gained a foothold on the roof. Transmuting his automail arm into a blade so that he could hold it near the strangers only escape path.

Ajax cracked a bit of a smile and said, "Heh, lucky man, being put on research again. I've been trying to get get in that department since I joined this blasted bracket." Ajax sighed a bit and then said, "They just prefer me to walk around, looking intimidating... Wait, who was sleeping on duty that some hoolgan could have goten into the library? Was it Jenkins? And your car got hit by a cat? Hope that they're both alright." Ajax then looked over to Nidelia and said"Oh and Ma'am, I don't need any crystals right now, thank you. Also, come around for the next round of trials, who knows, you could me just like us, the infamous dogs of the military" Then Ajax shot another wide grin, there was no hiding it any longer, he really loved this job when it got to get exciting.

Ajax watched helplessly as Michael transmuted a cannon and splatered a stranger with mud. Ajax raised an eyebrow at this and said confusidly,
"Wait, he gave the book back? And you let him go? What kind of an operation are you running when I'm not around?" Ajax realized that he had been asking a lot of rhetorical questions.He figured that he would shut up for a minute and make himself useful. He saw that Michael turned his arm into a blade and the mysterious crystal girl offered to imprison the man. To her, he gave an indecisive shrug of what was left of his shoulder. Ajax followed in Michael's vein and put up his large stone hands in a way so that he would be ready to tackle Riley if he tried to run.


Riley sighed. "You guys are the brashest statee's I've ever met." He pointed with his thumb over his shoulder at the guy behind him. "Do you have ANY friends? Whenever anything happens, at all, you just pull out the swordarm. It's not very friendly." He slid his left foot in a circle and transmuted a short pillar with it, that he sat down on, chin in hands again. "Don't worry about it. I won't run unless I feel threatened. And if you believe you've cornered me.. Well, I'm sure you've heard that one saying about the rat."

He glanced around at the bunch. Did it not hit them he could just take the aerial path over them? Meh. If it was anything he was good at, it was running. He was pretty quick in general, actually. There was less strength in him though, he mostly used alchemy for anything that required a lot of strength. "Return your arm to normal, and I'll agree to have a little conversation with you."
Solaris watched the woman in the suit of armor run off after saying that she had just been a bystander. Sure, she thought. And I'm the Fuhrer. She chuckled a little at that thought and started walking after the woman. The crowd was parting slightly after all the confusion, so it was fairly easy to see even the feet of a suit of armor disappear behind other feet. However, the woman had disappeared through an unusually crowded area of people, and Solaris couldn't be bother to pursue yet another person that day. Instead, she decided to find out more about the woman, and the two men she had seen in the library earlier, by using her military status, and her State Alchemist powers.

Making her way back to the State Alchemists office, since she had seen both of the men do alchemy, she stopped quickly to buy a few more donuts. Finally back in the office, she went to the records department and asked about men of about 30 years of age who were already State Alchemists. The person at the counter grabbed a stack of files and placed them on a table in the back of the department, also offering to get her some refreshments or anything else she'd like.

"That's alright," Solaris said, holding up her package of donuts. "I'm well stocked." She smiled and sat down, preparing herself for the long sit. She sorted through quite a few files before stumbling on the picture of the man she had seen. Michael Kerin, eh? Solaris thought as she scanned through the document. Also known as the Steel Alchemist. Hey, I guessed his age correctly. She stopped dead in her tracks as she looked over the next couple of lines. Doesn't need a transmutation circle?! Not another one of those! She placed the document back in the pile and signaled to the person at the desk that she was done with that stack. Why was he talking with that guy outside of the library? she wondered as she left the building, stuffing her mouth with donuts. Seeing as she couldn't track down either of the men at that moment, she decided to take a small stroll through town.
Aedon had been sleeping under a cardboard overhang for a few days. Every moment he thought of his dead family members, junkie father, or missing sister, he would become more depressed. He had no leads, absolutely nothing to go on to find his sister or new alchemy training. Although there was one route he could take. But the military disgusted him. His city hadn't been warned, hadn't been defended. The military didn't care, they just learned how to kill in his opinion. But after a while of complaining, he decided there was no other place to start. Finally, picking himself off his feet, he walked to the headquarters.

Aedon waltzed right in the front door and looked around for someone he could talk to, anyone of authority. (Could I get a little help? I'm camping and can only check fleetingly. Thus my character's a little lost :P Sorry)
Along Kass ' wanderings, she would cut a couple meters in front of Solaris, who was on her walk. Kass wouldn't be paying any attention, the events of the day had really got her thinking. "Maybe the guy wasn't just a fugitive... maybe he was just a ruffian..".
Michael pouted and rolled his eyes, transmuting his arm back to normal with a loud electronic buzz of blue light. "You aren't worth my time" He said, sitting down beside the stranger, cautiously however, he was prepared to defend himself. The man wasn't trustworthy, he could try to kill him any minute now. "So, what are you wanted for? Petty thievery, murder, the taking of forbidden knowledge?" Michael also gestured down to the alchemists on thw ground, telling them to stay down and that he had resolved the situation. He brushed off the tails of his coat and clicked his neck, all casually. The light around them was growing dim, the sun was nearly down. It was that evening light, a grey dullness filled the air. The before beautiful mill looked slightly creepy now, it was a strange affect.

"Hmm, I wonder what this man did, the only reason I pursued him is I thought he was wanted, he ranaway after all. It'd be a real let down if he was just some full of himself citizen" Michael thought to himself as he waited for a reply from the stranger.
"I never said anything about being want- Eh, whatever. I said I'd respond to your question. Petty thievery, murder, the taking of forbidden knowledge... Yeah, probably all of those. I'm not sure it was PETTY thievery though, that golden chandelier fetched a pretty nice price." He paused for a second. "Though I don't get shunned everywhere you know, some places really love me. Oh, wait, you haven't figured out who I am, have you? Man, my crimes have to sound real bad in your ears right about now."

He just kinda hoped that this man was pragmatic, or shocked, enough to give him some room to explain himself. Running had gotten boring, so he'd rather talk himself out of this one.
Michael continued to sit beside the stranger, his expression did bot change "eh, I said you aren't wprth my time, unless of course you killed a state alchemist. So what's your name, got a fancy criminal nickname?" He said, almost as if he was catching up with an acquaintance. He started to fiddle with the piping on the roof, idly tramsmuting it into a sculpture and back again, like someone might bite their nails or curl their hair. It was completely dark now, the lights of central were visible, illuminating their surroundings like an enormous night light full of people.

"Maybe this guy's some super wanted criminal, I should arrest him, but his skills are good, it would feel like a waste of good talent" Michael wondered
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Riley sighed a sigh of relief, this guy didn't immediately try to stab him in the face, which is nice. "I do, ever heard of "The Vigilante"? It's him, right here." He said, patting his chest. "People tend to be pretty split about whether I should be apprehended or no." He said with a laugh. He had support from many people, and lots of people thought he was an unjustified asshole, so it all depends, really.

"And, ehm, I have killed state alchemists, BUT WAIT, WAIT, WAIT, WAIT. Let me explain myself, alright?"
Ajax, who has been standing there quietly all along, listening to the criminal's story, has now grown irritated with his arrogance. This guy wants me to sit idly by and listen to a recapping of his killing of a state alchemist? Ajax's limbs started to creak loudly, a sign that the hydraulics in his joints were preparing for a fight. Ajax spoke, with the usual madman's look in his eyes, "Ah, so you're an alchemist, eh? In which case you have two minutes before I come over there and turn you to pulp." Ajax quickly glanced around, knowing that the man that he was pursuing was an alchemist, there were now a whole lot more opportunities for the man to escape. Ajax figured that if Riley went up, Ajax could jump and catch him, although more likely he would jump and crush him. If he scaled a building, Ajax figured that he could throw a nearby boulder at him or something. Ajax also knew that if the man was really clever, he would go down into the sewer below him. Ajax wasn't sure if there were pipes down there, but he was ready for the possibility of them being there.

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Michaels face appeared angered, his jaw was clenched and his teeth were grinding, brow was also furrowed slightly, though not very much. Michael felt his first duty, above all personal opinion, was to his comrades, the military personnel. This applied specially to fellow state alchemists, his fathed had always told him of the state alchemists goid duty, that's why he had become one.

Michael clasped his hands together, this was muscle memory. to start the flow of power to create alchemy you have to clap your hands, like a lighter.

"Go. Right. Ahead" Michael said, each word more aggressive than the last. "If you killed for no good reason your head juicse will be clogging up these poor peoples pipes very soon" he continued, putting alot of emphasis on very. 
(Sorry for the shorter posts, I'm tired at the moment.)
The man looked upset, which was understandable, but at least he held himself back. He took a deep breath. "Alright, this may take a minute." He spent half a moment to gather his thoughts. He looked at the bigger alchemist, who seemed a lot less likely to hold himself back if he got angered. "Yeah, yeah, hold on for a minute." He looked at his hands and frowned. This was going to take a minute. At least.

"Alright, let's start from the beginning. I'm sure you've heard a couple stories about me. That one guy who kills people on a whim or something. Let me tell you a less known fact. I'm a homunculus hunter. I've killed.. 3, so far? Yeah, three. So to start from the beginning... My father was killed by homunculi, and the same ones took my right arm."
He tapped his right arms sleeve, to reveal the familiar sound of metal. "So it's been my mission for tons of years to kill them. I got my revenge on those two that killed my parents, and that went quite easily. They were apparently just unplanning idiots who go around killing people for fun. It was the third one's story I think you're interested in. So let's tell you about that.

Two years ago, in a small mining colony in the mountains is where this all begun. I got quite cocky about my successes with the previous homunculi, so I decided that I'd start hunting them as a goal in life. In this little town, the atmosphere was eerie. Everyone acted so weird, like they had a secret they wouldn't share with anyone. Anyway, weird things had started happening there. Lots of bad things. I was never told the details, but the army had sent two state alchemists there to investigate these things.

I was, at the time, in a different location, killing bandits who'd terrorized a small village for a long time. As soon as I caught wind of something weird happening in a nearby mining colony, I was off though. When I arrived, I noticed how weird everyone acted, but I wasn't exactly scared of them, so I spent the day talking to as many people I could about these alchemists, but according to them, there hadn't been any alchemists there at all. It seemed weird, so I decided to stick around. On my third day in town, I woke up in the middle of the night, because of a group of loud miners in the other room of the place I was staying at. So, I decided to get up, since there was no way I'd be able to sleep with all that ruckus.

So I was just walking around, minding my own business, and suddenly I see something in the corner of my eye. I turn to it, and what do you know? There's a half dead state alchemist in the alleyway. So I walk up to him, and see if there's anything I could do. The man is calm, and simply says that he won't make it. He tells me about this one closed mine, and says that the other alchemist is down there, and that I should try and help him if I can. After that, he hands me a gun, and orders me to blow his brains out. I comply, since the guy seemed to have his mind made up, and would've done it himself anyway.

Well, a gunshot in the night didn't sit right with the miners and villagers of the colony, and I had to make a hasty escape. I got to these mines he talked about, and broke my way in. And down there, I shit you not, there's a manor built. A big, freaking, manor, in a large cave. I'm freaking out, this was really scary, but I still move up and into the place. It looked like someone was living there, candles were lit, the rooms were clean, but I didn't find anyone. Just when I'm about to give up and leave, I hear some noise by the front door. I sneak back into the main hall, and an entire group of homunculi was there. They said some things about where they'd meet again, and all that stuff, but they were really cryptic about it, so they didn't exactly give anything away.

Either way, after about 5 minutes, the group leaves, and two people stay behind. A homunculus, and some guy dressed in state alchemist clothes. I immediately assume it's the state alchemists buddy, but listening to this guy talk... I don't know, either he must've been a traitor, or he'd been brainwashed or driven mad by the homunculus. By this point though, they noticed me, and the fighting broke loose. I'll spare you the details, but I'm still alive, right?.. Yeah, when I was done in there though, I came out, and found a mob of people. They were all carrying pitchforks and stuff, and attacked me. They called me a demon a couple of times, so I think they mistook me for the homunculus I killed. None of them knew how to use alchemy though, so getting away from them wasn't too hard.

Oh yeah, I stole that chandelier I talked about from the mansion as well.

"Well, that was that story. I guess it's up to you whether you want to believe me or no." He stood up and lifted his shirt up to reveal a few large scars around his abdomen. "It's how I got these scars, anyway." He folded his arms and looked at the alchemist. "So, what are you going to do now?"

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