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Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist

Ajax listened, staying on his toes the entire time in case Riley planned on escaping. Well, if what this man says is true, he has done some good and some bad. However, killing a state alchemist in an alley with not a single witness after the fact leaves plenty of room for lies and deception to slip into this story. Ajax said, "Seems like your four minutes of fame are over." Ajax jams his hand into the soft ground and then transmutes a wave of soil onto Riley, covering him from his knees down to the floor. Ajax spoke calmly, "If you are as good of an alchemist as I believe you are, you won't have any trouble escaping that. I just want you to stand there while I tell you my counter to your explanation." Ajax stood upright, towering over Riley and casting a shadow over him. Ajax straightened the collar of his lab coat as he usually did when he was concentrating, "One, how did this alchemist have a gun in the first place? How many state alchemists do you know that carry firearms? I for one couldn't think of a single one. And that gun, I suppose that the person who attacked him just threw it onto the alchemist after he was done? Hardly seems logical." Ajax straightened his lab coat again, significantly more forceful that time, almost tearing his coat, "Two, I suppose that it didn't occur to you to get a witness for your mercy killing? I do realize how heartless it sounds to pull someone out of their home just to watch you plug a state alchemist, but surely it must've occurred to you to get some sort of evidence other than your own word that you didn't just flat out murder the alchemist in cold blood?" Ajax buttoned up his coat and then straightened the lapel four of five times, clearly frustrated at what he believed were a series of flat out lies. Ajax spoke calmly once again, "Three, you made an error in over complicating that story of yours. I said two minutes to give you a fighting chance, you see. Most liars throw in uneccesary details of their crimes. Such as where they went out to dinner an hour before the crime, or that they couldn't stand their neighbors and why. In your case, you gave us a brief description of your life over the last two years. It would have sufficed if you had just told us the barebones of your story. Leaving us room to inquire, and making you seem less suspicious." Ajax sighed and then said, "If you really know what we are going to do with you, if it were my decision, I would strip you of your automail and leave you in a cell with your other hand tied and leave you to rot." Ajax stepped back behind Michael and said through gritted teeth, "But that's not my call, it would seem that Michael here outranks me. Barely, but he still has the final call."

Riley looked at the impatient alchemist with a bored look. He hadn't lied, but this guy was apparently set on fighting. He sighed, and said "For one, just after that library incident today, I met a girl alchemist with a gun. Hm, now that I think about it, she did seem familiar.. I think she was the coppar binding alchemist. For two, no, it didn't occur to me at the time, and even if I were to have a witness, it wouldn't help me right now would it? And for three... That's not even almost evidence against me. I may be called the vigilante, but even I gather more than that before killing someone. Go ahead and ask questions, if that's what you wanna do... And four, you do realize that I by no stretch of the imagination would've told you I killed state alchemists to begin with, unless I had a good reason backing it up?" He made a pfft noise and leaned back wards. "And what reason would I have to kill a half dead alchemist in an alley anyway?.. You're paranoid. Which, I suppose, is a good thing for a state alchemist.

Ajax stood there and listened once again. He thought for a moment. This is where everything gets confusing, when two logical ideas interlock. On one hand we have the fact that he's too cocky, most people that I've used this tactic on have just folded and gave up the lie, on the other hand, he does bring up good points, but he could easily be making up lies to cover up others, in some of his reasoning at least. I'm not a trusting person, even with sufficient evidence. There is a fifty fifty shot that this guy is lying. And why did he even bring up the killing of the alchemist in the first place? He's either truthful or very cocky that I'll buy this. Ugh, this is making my head spin. Ajax straightened his collar calmly and collected his thoughts.

He then said,
"Well, for speculations sake, lets just say that the alchemist wasn't half dead when you found him. Perhaps he was attempting to apprehend you or something along those lines. Perhaps you disarmed and shot him or perhaps you used your own firearm. Once again, speculation. I don't have a crime scene in front of me, so its hard to point fingers... OR you may not have killed a state alchemist at all, the opposite side of the coin, hmm? Perhaps you just want some attention from some state alchemists for whatever reason, in which case you have succeeded. Perhaps you are hiding an even more terrifying crime." Ajax straightened his lapel, "Let's say once again, for speculations sake, that everything that you said before is true. In which case, I commend you for a majority of your actions and I'm impressed with your skills. I'm glad that you killed the state alchemist, because he was likely suffering greatly and most state alchemists wouldn't throw away their lives so easily if they knew there was a way to be saved. Also given the chance, I may have taken a chandelier as well. It would be just swell to have one in my home." Ajax cracked a bit of a grin for the first time in a while but it went away a moment later, "Unfortunately, it doesn't matter how much I would appreciate your mercy killing if I were in that alchemist's position, in the eyes of the law... You realize that we can't just let you go. Mercy killings in the eyes of the state are illegal in most cases unless the one being killed is comatose or in a state that is very similar, with a small area for exceptions and I'm afraid that you confessed. Mercy killing or not, it is illegal most likely. If I were to learn that you were telling the absolute truth here, the best case would be a few years in jail or a moderately sized fine. And yes, paranoid. I am a bit paranoid I suppose, I just like to examine all of the possibilities." Ajax felt a bit of sorrow at the thought of having to locking him away. He liked the fighting spirit that the kid had, and he does agree with most of what the alleged criminal claims that he did.

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Michael moved along a little after the soil hit, brushing any mud which bounced on to his coat off it in a sophisticated manner "that was a little unnecessary" he thought to himself.

Michael looked at the stranger, and the at Ajax. Ajax did make some good points, but so did the stranger. He was quite conflicted in his final decision making. He rolled his eyes a little and crossed his arms, putting his right leg over his left in the common sitting position. "well, that was an...interesting biography but, alas, we are in a little bit of a situation aren't we. Ajax thinks I should have you imprisoned and he makes the best points, as well as being the persons word I believe and agree with above your own. Michael turned to Ajax "I'm sorry, and I believe you but..." Michael turned back to the stranger "but I don't doubt you are skilled fighter and escapist, I've seen the latter with my own eyes after all, so if I did try to arrest you it would most probably be met with failure" Michael Replied, thinking aloud as well as addressing the alchemists. "So due to this you aren't really worth the time and money. Even though your mercy killing does sound off to me. If of course you'll come quietly I'll escort you to a prison cell, but I highly doubt you want to spend 5 + years rotting away. Any way, as a side note I definitely know who you are now, your nickname is on my records. Riley is your name I believe? Also I know who you remind me of, your father. I didn't know him for very long, but he oversaw my assessment, and I had quite a few conversations with him, so I would feel kind of bad locking you away"

(I guess I'll start highlighting speech and tagging people now, it seems like a good idea)

The big alchemist kept talking against him. "Well, first one of those speculations don't work, I wasn't wanted for anything back then, AND I don't use firearms... For the second one.. Heh, you overestimate me. I'm a simple man, with simple needs. I don't have any deep plans like that." He stopped and thought for a moment. "What would there be in it for me, for getting your attention anyway? I'm a wanted criminal, I didn't have to make up a story to get your attention. And for the third one.. Heh, thank you, that's usually how people react to it. Being kinda split about it. I don't regret anything anyway."

The other Alchemist spoke up again. "You think his arguments were better than mine? Ouch. Hm. I might've followed you just to prove that a cell can't hold me.." "Riley is your name I believe? Also I know who you remind me of, your father. I didn't know him for very long, but he oversaw my assessment, and I had quite a few conversations with him, so I would feel kind of bad locking you away"

Riley stopped for a second. "Oh. So you knew my old man. Well.. You're not the first one." He paused, and contemplated something. "Well, what happens now?"
Aedon wandered around the headquarters talking to random people, looking for someone and anyone to give him some answers. Yet he always got the same jaded answer, giving him no real information.

He angrily strolled back out into the alleys, walking along the warehouses near headquarters. Suddenly, he heard voices coming from one and became curious. He snuck up to it and leaned against the door. He could hear them talking about crime of some type. Were they interrogating a criminal? Aedon couldn't tell, but maybe it was one of the people responsible for the attack. He couldn't sit by without getting answers.

Thus, after taking a deep breath, he tried to open the door. When it didn't open, he knocked on it loudly and called out. He demanded they let him in.
(we're outside, by a mill.)

Michael looked around. His driver had fallen asleep in the car. He glanced at his watch, it was well past midnight. The moon was full and glowed brightly, the stars however were not visible, the light pollution of central was the culprit. "yeah I knew him. Honestly I don't know what'll happen now, you are still wanted in the city, the military is looking for you. Here" Michael handed over some money, he had plenty after all "Take a taxi somewhere. I have to leave, I'm going to dublith. Honestly your fate lies with Ajax here, if he chooses to apprehend you it's his own choice, but you aren't worth the time I'm wasting, I could be halfway to my destination now."

Michael jumped off the roof, his automail legs accounting for the distance of the drop. He approached Ajax and held out his hand for a handshake "You could come with me, to dublith. I need help with my research" then Michael turned to the woman he had met "it was nice to meet you, my name's Michael, I hope you contact me" he said to her, referring to the details he had given her, and the offer of the state alchemists test.


@David Van Aken

"I'm always wanted." He said with a glum look. The money he gave him didn't really do much. He was already quite wealthy. It was probably the only good thing about his life. The man jumped from the roof, and left him in the hands of the Larger alchemist. Or well, that's who he thought he meant when he said Ajax. He felt a little depressed. Not only had he mentioned his father, but he was also leaving. Despite the risk, he liked the kick of being in direct danger. Everything was soon going to return to the normal quiet mood. He hated that. He really, really, hated that. He looked up at the stars and frowned.

He had been asked to become a state alchemist once. He didn't like the army, but it would be much easier to fit in, being a part of it. Wonder what would've happened if he was accepted? These guys would definitely be more positively dispositioned towards him. *Sigh*. He'd been an outcast since he started his hunt. He felt like a martyr. He takes on this pain, and lives in this darkness to protect the world from itself. He'd never get used to it.

"You could come with me, to dublith. I need help with my research." He heard the alchemist say to Ajax. It peaked his interest. He raised his voice, and semi-shouted to the alchemist. "What kind of research do you do?" Call it a hobby, but Riley had always been interested in research regarding alchemy, and he wanted to know if it was anything about that. His past experiences had also brought him through plenty of places filled with research knowledge, as the group of homunculi he was chasing went through them on a regular basis. He knew, for example, the theoretical price for transmuting the philosopher's stone. A shiver went through his spine at the thought though. No, no one should have that knowledge.


@David Van Aken
Michael turned slowly to the source of the exclamation, lowering his hand (After the handshake or before I don't know because he hasn't replied yet)with a smirk painted across his face he replied and interest evident on his eyes "some secret government stuff... about homunculi"

He knew what Riley's response would be. He'd read his file, it was full of hate mingled with interest in the particular species of artificial organic animal which he knew so well. He felt sorry for Riley, his story was rather tragic, and his father was a good man. He knew the pain the guy must have gone through, he had experienced an almost identical situation, up until they made different choices, this guy was more sensible at the time. He didn't sacrifice his arm and legs for a frail, hideous, monstrosity. Michael doing this is probably why he is a state alchemist now, and is probably also why his rank is high. You needed to have knowledge on the darker aspects of alchemy to go anywhere in the profession, though this particular fact is kept behind closed doors.
(Yeah, we'll deal with that retroactively.)

"some secret government stuff... about homunculi"
Despite him being overly obvious about knowing how Riley would feel about the subject, he couldn't surpress a smile from overpowering half his face. With an asymmetric smirk on his face, he said "Oh yeah? You sure you don't need any help with that?.. Your friend there, Ajax, could always be sent along to keep an eye on me, you know." If he understood the military as well as he thought he did, having someone potentially dangerous with him could definitely be a good enough excuse to commandeer help from a fellow state alchemist officially. "Heh." He thought. "Maybe I'll have an interesting future anyway."

He hesitated for a moment, and then added "I know plenty of things I'm not supposed to. I assure you there's a few dark secrets I can spill for your research. That is, if it's a mutual agreement. You tell me about your research, and I'll help out wherever I can." Hm. Maybe this could be considered charity work of some sort? Getting a pardon from the military due to outstanding citizenship would be pretty cool.

Nidelia watched them. She doubted if she would contact Michael. Then again... it could prove useful to her to be able to better experiment with crystals. Bah, she quite liked what she had going on... even though...

Her thought process was interrupted by a loud growl coming from her stomach. Witht the military she would have enough money to get food on a regular basis. She looked at the man and ran up to him. "I don't even know how to go about trying out for the military," she says frowning.
Michael looked intrigued. There might be information Michael did not know which this guy did. But then again, there might not be. "how do I know you aren't going to run off with my research and never tell me anything? and how do I know that you know something I don't?" Michael then gestured to Ajax "Ajax won't want you on military business either, and to be honest you are a wanted crimi-" Michaels words were cut short by the woman running up to him and asking him how to go about trying for the military. He had all ready given his details but he answered nevertheless "Contact me"

Michael turned back to Riley, continuing "but yeah, you are a wanted criminal"


"Run off with your research..? It's your own fault if you keep all your research on papers. Besides, don't glorify yourself, sounds to me like you don't aren't sure about what you're doing at all. Keep me in handcuffs or a straightjacket or something." Man, these guys were stubborn. Were there any cool people left in the world at all? They all seemed to have died off with his dad. "I hunt homunculi for a living.. Well, not for a living.. Actually, yes, most of the money I've got is after homunculi, so alright, I hunt homunculi for a living. Don't you think I've picked something up along the way? Ah, nevermind, I could just show you this.." He unbuttoned his shirt, and revealed the transmutation circle on his chest, that spread out to his legs and arms.


"Do you even know what this is?"
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"I assure you I do not keep my research on paper, and I certainly know what am doing, if I did not I would probably be rotting away in a bug infested grave." When Riley lifted his shirt Michael appeared intrigued, he studied it and came to a conclusion after a few short seconds "I expect that to your egos disappointment I do know what it is. it appears to be a flamel upon an almost pentagonal star, which would make it an anti-homunculi transmutation circle. I can see how that would come in useful for someone who hunts the homunculi, do you honestly think someone of my rank and knowledge is ignorant to that?" Michael straightened his posture and brushed off his coat "never mind that" he continued, holding his hand out for a handshake "offer accepted, I'm Michael, aka the steel alchemist, get in the car 'aiden piercevigilante"

Michael walked over to his ride and knocked on the window, the driver jolted awake and grabbed his gun automatically, holding it to the window. Michael waved and grinned, the driver put down the gun slowly, gesturing an apology through the glass. He unlocked the door and Michael stepped inside, crossing one leg over the other and laying his hands on the top of the seat, resting his head on them. The sun was just beginning to rise, it had been a long night.
Riley would have to admit he was a little bummed out. Very few people he'd met, like two, had actually known what this was. Eh, it was still more famous than the arrays he had, but he wasn't about to go spoil that he had those on him. "Eeh, close enough. I guess you're theoreticly right." He said in a defeated tone. Well, that was that. He didn't have anything else he wanted to reveal to show his expertise on the subject. He supposed he'd have to go back to finding those homunculi without any help..

"Never mind that. Offer accepted, I'm Michael, aka the steel alchemist." He looked up. This guy should just've given up on him, so what the hell? Well, don't question it, he was kinda relieved. Being a vagabond gets dull over time. He smirked. "Awesome. And I'm Riley DeLucio, or The vigilante, as if you didn't know." He said as he jumped off the roof, stuck the landing perfectly, and shook his hand. Michael. Michael the Steel Alchemist. Weird, he hadn't heard the name before. Hm, he had to inquire about that later. He gave Ajax a pat on the back in passing, saying "Hey, follow along man, it'll be fun!" with a somewhat sarcastic tone.

He followed Michael to the car, and watched him wake up the driver. He really would've expected a military driver to be more professional about his job, but maybe this is what the army had succumbed to. He followed Michael into the car, and sat down leaning against the window. Something about cars really bored him, and he never really understood why. He sent a glance to Michael, and said "Hey, why's your nickname "The Steel Alchemist"?"
Michael continued resting his head, he closed his eyes and thought about the current situation "well this was certainly a big turn of events, a wanted criminal helping my research is strange indeed" he looked around the car, it probably wasn't fitted very well for this many people, seat wise any way. It was long however, almost like a limo, so it'd probably be fine. He then heard Riley enter, he moved along a little to provide mores space for the guy. Michael heard 'hey why's your nickname the steel alchemist' ,he answered by pulling up his trouser legs and pushing his arm out to reveal his automail limbs. The automail where his arms would have been engulfed his shoulder whilst (luckily for him) the automail where his legs would have been ended at his crotch. "that's why" he said "the fuhrer has a...lets call it 'sense of humour' when it comes to naming the alchemists. "any way, we better go" (with or without Ajax depending his choice) he said, tapping the back of the drivers seat, a signal to start driving. "I'm surprised you have the capability to use a full body array, you should consider the state alchemist trials" He said rather sarcastically. He knew of Riley's past, and so he knew he had all ready turned down this opportunity.

The car began, Michael sat in silence for a while. The car winded down streets, though not very populated ones. They were all ready on the edge of central. Michael spoke up when the car left central completely, revealing the vastness of the country itself. It appeared that central was the whole country when inside, but when left the massiveness of their nation reveals itself. "So, what exactly is your method of killing homunculi?" Michael said this more alike to someone exchanging research than someone seeking knowledge, he already knew some ways after all.


@David Van Aken
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<p>Riley glanced at him when he showed his automail parts. <span style="color:#003366;">"Eh? That's kinda weird. I've met state alchemists with more automail parts than you, and they didn't have nicknames about metal. Eh, whatever, I'm sure your... </span><span style="color:#003366;"><em>Fuhrer.. </em></span><span style="color:#003366;">Has his reasons."</span> He didn't like that. He thought there should be a lot more people in charge of the army than there was. Basicly just one guy. No one should have that much power. <strong>"I'm surprised you have the capability to use a full body array."</strong> He smirked. <span style="color:#003366;">"Thanks for the flattery, but it's not very impressive."</span> <strong>"You should consider the state alchemist trials."</strong> He looked back out the window, and quietly responded <span style="color:#003366;">"Psh, yeah, right."</span></p>


<strong>"So, what exactly is your method of killing homunculi?"</strong> Yeah, Riley liked that. Finely a subject he could elaborate on. <span style="color:#003366;">"Well, if I have time to plan it, I gather things like these.."</span> He reached into his jacket, and pulled out two small knives, seemingly made of bones. <span style="color:#003366;">"I keep them as something like a trophy, and making them to begin with was difficult, so I couldn't just throw them away. These are each made from the original bones of the homunculi who killed my father. I killed them by driving these through their skulls, after draining their stones... It can get hard to find these though, so in most of my encounters I've had to rely on my array. Oh yeah, I've had more than three encounters, I just haven't killed more than three. That one I told you about though, it wasn't very strong. The alchemist was the stronger opponent there, but after taking this from the homunculus, it was easy."</span></p>


He put his hand into another pocket, and pulled out a small ring with a cracked red stone on it. <span style="color:#003366;">"It's almost depleted, so I never use it. Either way, after the alchemist was out of the way, I forced myself close to her, drained her, and made her..."</span> He stopped himself. He was about to say "And made her heart burst." But it was too acurate. Michael might figure out his array business. <span style="color:#003366;">"And I killed her, just like you'd kill any old creature."</span></p>
Ajax replied after a long silence to Michael, "Well, I would love to do some research. It's where my passion lies, unfortunately, I've never gotten the opportunity to research for the State, like I said before. So I'll leave with you whenever you're ready. I'll arrange for my things to brought over later. Also, not even in a millenia would I want to work with this criminal." Ajax grinned a bit at this. He was overjoyed that he could actually research for the first time in a few years. He looked at Riley, bored with what he believed to be weak reasoning skills on his part, "And you, I'm done with you. As far as I'm concerned, you're a petty crook. There's no evidence to back up any other accusations. Keep in mind that if I do learn of you being a murderer, I will volunteer to take you down. And I'll actually use my alchemy, not just my wits."

Maaan. This Ajax guy is totally a jerk. Even though he was really tempted to say "I just said I am a murderer, dumbass." and "Use alchemy too? Good idea, your wits were questionable.", he abstained from it. He had nothing against Michael, who seemed like a pragmatic fellow, and didn't want to mess up his car because his associate got all mad. He just ignored him and kept looking out the window. Well, at least he could pride himself with having better self-control than both these people. They both seemed to wanna mash his face in at the time of his alchemist killing confessions. He wouldn't have. Heh.
Adalrich thumbed through the stack of folders on the desk in front of him. The information within didn’t surprise him, but it did save him some reconnaissance work. Official orders from their fuhrer to quietly discharge war criminals rather than make their actions known. He took the name of each soldier mentioned in a small notepad next to the stack. Edgar Went, Jaslin Sint, Alden Drez, Roseaye Van Lohengrin. He knew there were others, but the files only mentioned those four, and they only contained the location of one. Adalrich pocketed his notebook,picked up the stack and set it down on the secretary’s desk. He looked up at Adalrich.

“Will that be all Major Flint?”

Adalrich smiled, his alchemized, skin tight mask mimicked the expression.

“Yes, I’ll be leaving now. Thank you for your hospitality, it has aided my research greatly.”

Adalrich spun a silver pocket watch in his hand, Thomas Flint’s silver pocket watch. Then, with a quick nod, he departed from Central’s military archive. He sat down in the driver’s seat of the car he had parked outside the archive and ran his hand through his black dyed hair. Only a little longer. He thought, then he could toss aside the guise of Major Thomas Flint and resume his life of anonymity. He shrugged and looked down at his now blue coat. Donning the colors of the Amestris military made him sick, he could still see the faces of all those who died and he had no desire to dress like their killers. He started the car, glanced at the fingerless steel gauntlets that covered his hands and forearms and smiled. Armistice and Penance were never more than a tight grip away. The car edged forward, pulling out into the wide roads of Central. He kept one hand on the wheel, flipping out his notebook with the other. Alden Drez, 133 Midge Street, Dublith. Adalrich had his next target. He put the notebook away and tucked Thomas Flint’s silver watch into his jacket pocket with it’s two sisters. Traffic was flowing quickly, it was time to get another watch.
Gus woke up, his eyes darting along in his house. He made a home for himself a few miles away from central, a building of pure steel that was about 2 stories tall, not that large but it was enough for a family of 3 to live in. He got up, started a toaster, and walked into the basement, where he looked at a new creation he had made, a triple chimera. The monster looked up, its reptilian eyes turning jagged, then into cat like as it purred. Gus fed the beast a raw steak, and it gulped it down like a dragon. The chimera had golden fur, bronze colored skin, reptilian wings, and a lion mane. It was a fusion of a lion, a Komodo Dragon, and a Bald eagle. The results were good, it couldn't fly but it could glide like a pro, and its claws also excreted the hostile saliva a KD makes, so it was a major plus.

Gus went back upstairs, his pet at his heels, where from the toaster he lifted up toast, opened the fridge tossing the jar of jelly and peanut butter to the counter, he liked both cold. He made himself a sandwich, and dogged it down as fast as his pet. He scratched the head of his four legged friend and said "You can play in the forest, but please try to not stay in sight of anyone but me, your prey, and the wilderness... alright?" The large beast smiled, roared, then ran outside. Gus smiled saying "Good girl..." before he went into his car, and drove to central head quarters.
The vehicle halted suddenly as Michael tapped the back of the seat. Surrounding them was Dublith, the automail city. The streets bustled with people, all but a few adorned with automail limbs. He exited the car and straightened his coat, brushing it off. He clicked his knuckles as well, stretching and moving his neck in a circular motion. "we're here!" he declared. "My second residence, and I guess yours as well is this way" He added, gesturing to the eastern direction down the bustling street.

Michael began to walk, occasionally greeting someone or shaking hands with a military official as they travelled. He had obviously been here before, and often. Eventually they arrived at what appeared to be a small manor, an enormous courtyard lay in front like an eccentric welcoming mat, a fountain with some cherubs pouring water with jugs was in the centre. Rows of flowers circled it. The manor itself was large, it had two marble pillars near the porch, holding up a rain covering. Gargoyles lined the entirety of the outside, even the blandest places had complicated patterns carved by hand on them. Michael was quite obviously very, very rich.

Michael walked up to the massive doors and unlocked it with three large keys, all on different key-rings. When they entered immediately the smell of old books and musty papers wafted over them, this was due to the book shelves lining the walls. everywhere you looked there was a document, and there was even a library further up the stairs. The ceiling had an intricate painting covering it, it involved the story of an alchemist, the alchemist was seen transmuting, fighting and eventually dying. Michael entered a large living room, three large couches were contained within, along with some bookshelves (obviously) a large radio and and a television, and a small (compared to the dining rooms) table with chairs. "Sit down" Michael said, as he sat on a large cushioned chair near one of the couches. 
I am adding this as a rule and writing it here as just in case people don't read the rules again. I cannot stress this enough, You don't not decide if your character hits someone with a gun etc and you do not decide if you kill a character, their creators do. it would be better if at least occasionally you got hit though. Write 'attempted to hit with a bullet' not 'hit with a bullet' (Or anything similar)
Elsewhere, in central, Kass would be sitting on the rooftop of one of the tallest buildings, with her legs tangling over the edge. The visor of her armor would be up, revealing her light purple eyes. One of her hands would be detached and in her lap. She was glaring at it, and using her other hand to try and fix a finger that was stuck.
"We finally made it!" Exhaled Tyler, his hands cupping his face as he smiled. Telreach was close behind, his large metal boats smacking against the earth. Ishbal quickly surrounded them, Stares flew past them, but not a single word was spoken, thus because Tyler showed his Ishbalian ancienter's skin, and eye colour. Telreach on the other hand, was far different. Telreach stood at 6'4, pure metal and covered in ancient Ishbalian war clothing. The clothing covered him from head to toe, leaving only the front of his helmet exposed.

"Brother, They all keep staring at me, they stopped looking towards you." Spoke Telreach, His feminine voice ringing through the metal helmet.

"I would stare too, If i saw something as big and scary as you!" Replied Tyler. Tyler laughed at his own joke, and took a sharp left, and continued the quest to exit the city. Telreach watched as people went on staring, some even stopping there daily active's to do so. As they neared the cites exit, Tyler threw his arm up, stopping his brother by his side.

"We have no food or water....I have some money, maybe we could just drop into a inn and stay till morning, Then grab what we need and go."

"Tyler, I don't really have much of a choice, i could travel for week's with out food, water and rest, if we need to stop, then we stop."

"Okay, come brother, I found a Inn."


"What are yo-"

The women's voice came to a quick halt, her throat being tightly held by Lust's shadow, and his smirk being the last thing she saw before her wind pipes where crushed. Dropping the women to the floor the 5'7 shadow looked to lust, its black figure only seeping into the stone ground, and returning to copy him. 'Well, looks like she wasn't Taylor Rosefell.' Leaving the central ally, lust smiled, his clothing was stainless, Ironed, and he had a smile that could melt any man or women, making his get away so much easier if someone saw him. Lust paced his walk, returning to his Hotel.

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