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Fandom Fullmetal Alchemist

Kerena turned quickly at the sound of the man shouting for them to stop. She shoutd, "RUN!" Before clapping her hands to the ground, transmuting a wall between them and the alchemist. This wasn't good...
Tommy looked back, then started to sprint down the street. The boy was limp on his shoulder, not making a sound. 'He better not die before we get to the hospital.' He weaved around the crowd, looking for the hospital. He assumed it would be closer to the heart of Central, through logical deduction. He stopped and wrapped his hand around the collar of a man's shirt. He shook him. "Hospital. Where?!" After he got the directions, he shoved the man aside and looked back at Kerena. "Let's go!" He started to run again, hoping the man who had tried to persuade them to stop wouldn't catch up to them. If he was a State Alchemist, they would be in big trouble, despite their current good intentions.
Kerena ducked down and covered her head, beginning to run after them. That guy was either part of the state of a vigilante. That much was obvious... She really hoped he was only a vigilante.
The deafening sound of exploding concrete rips through the air, as the alchemist makes a large pillar fire out from the ground, sending him flying forward! He landed infront of the three, slammed his hands down, and made a dome of solid stone around them. He lifted up his body, and said "I am the state alchemist Gus... If you follow my orders and questions... you will not be killed and you will not be hurt... most likely."
"State alchemist huh? My lucky day." Anthony scoffed and forced himself off the guy carrying him. He laughed and winced before touching the wall. "Call me Anthony the fully armed alchemist." He pulled out a large peice of metal and a bag. He slammed the two together and made a loaded .44 out of it. "And if you don't mind I'd prefer we take up this chat at a hospital."
Gus clapped, and placed his hands on the barrier. Stone ripped from both the top and bottom of the barrier, aiming to crush Anthony's arm, while a 3rd sheet comes from the middle, to stop the bullet if it fires. He simply says to the air "...Unlike my other state alchemists i follow what I feel is right, and not what the damned law is. You try to murder me, i harm and scold you for it... Make you squirm as i rip you apart..." He spoke cold, calm, calculated and collected, this will be a hard fight if they continue.
Anthony pulled his arm back and smiled. "Now that i've got your attention. Let's go to a hospital before I bleed to death you moron." Anthony said stepping to the side to make sure he wasn't a easy target while spinning the gun so Gus could grab the handle.
Gus's barrier suddenly strengthened, and a hidden gun fires from his palm at Anthony's hands. He snarled out "Your father... he did speak highly of his little boy... how young you were... 7?" Gus had read the files on all of the tragedies caused by the ishbal war, and everything around the time frame of about 6 years. He knew this guy's dad was killed by state influence. His augmented eye started to glow brighter.
He blocked the bullet. "Yes corrupt alchemists killed my father. Doesn't mean I have to hate you. I was 13 by the way." Anthony was irritated by this guy's assumptions.

Ajax nodded to Michael as a sign of approval. He didn't just want to be the muscle, that was always the role that he was pushed into. He always wanted to be a researcher funded by the state. But considering he knew nearly nothing about homunculi, he deduced that his mind wouldn't be very useful in the same respect that Riley's may be. Ajax closes the small leatherbound book that he was reading after putting a nearby napkin in the section that he was reading as a bookmark. Ajax looked up at Michael and then glanced over to Riley, he nonchalantly shifted his gaze beetween them as he spoke calmly, "It would seem that I will actually be put to use for once. Thank you gents for having me, when do we leave?" Ajax wasn't one to put complete or even partial trust in anything, but he knew Michael to be a smart and kind hearted man. He had no reason not to trust him.

Abruptly, they stopped moving... the barrier had shrunk around them. It opened and they were in the hospital. He repaired the ground and said "Help the bloody man.." as some nurses went to Anthony. "Now for you two..." As he looked forward..
Kerena raised an eyebrow. "That was certainly a strange technique. What do you want with us? An automail mechanic and ameteur Alchemist?" Keep your voice steady and don't let your discomfort show, girl, it's okay. "Who even are you? We were just trying to help a poor guy keep living."
Gus looked at them, and his eye seemed to stop glowing, but a dark "X" formed on it. "Thomas, he is the man to your left, he went to ishbal and leaved, he did automail and mechanics... parents were killed by Ishbalans, and his sister went for ransom..." He twitched his head to look at Kerena "Ah, the Von Bandt. family of five, all died in the Ishbal war but one... The flaming house was a nice touch my dear..." He knew about them already, and with such stunning detail?
"My knowledge about homunculi, eh? Fair enough." He'd been dying for an excuse to kick some asses, but even though Ajax was the one in charge of that, maybe there'd be some chance for him to slip in. "It would seem that I will actually be put to use for once. Thank you gents for having me, when do we leave?" Riley looked at Ajax. Ah, of course. Michael shouldn't keep his lab in his house, yes? And that's what Ajax was talking about. Of course. He stood up, and stretched his arms. "Yeah, let's get to work already."

(Short, yeah, but I'm lazy right now. Next one'll probably be better.)
Michael sighed and rubbed his temples with his thumbs. "That's the problem" He said in a beaten tone "I don't know" Michael stood up, pushing his arms on his knees and rising slowly then walking out of the room, coming back a few moments later with a large leather-bound folder. He spread it's contents across the table. It was littered with schematics and quick scribblings, all on suspicious activities or the sighting of an Ouroboros, but no solid evidence. "This is what the military send me to work with, It's all fluff and gibberish!" He exclaimed, he was obviously frustrated by the rubbish that was his only source, and it was certainly rubbish. It came solely from people looking for attention so there was nothing to get out of it. "That's why I need both you're help, we need to think how they think, work out where to start. Do you have any ideas where to start looking?" Michael continued, leaning back in the seat and resting his head, taking a sip of his drink. "Okay, I have one lead, but it means nothing, it was sent to me anonymously, but there is no mainline street!" Michael placed the scrap of paper on the table, it read

May be useful: 22 mainline street


@David Van Aken
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Suddenly, Aran heard a huge commotion not far off. It seemed that alchemy was involved. Here was his chance. Perhaps he could ask the victor to train him. If they weren't military anyway. As he rushed around a corner, the skirmish had already died down, but there was a girl yelling about something. So he walked up to see what the situation was all about.

"What's going on here?"
"How do you...?!" Kerena took a step back, pulling out her knife. No one knew what happened to her. Unless... "Was it you? Were you the one who attacked my family?!" She moved closer to Tommy, already trusting him much more than this Dog. She glared, the knife gripped in her hand and her body poised to move.
Suddenly the girl pulled out a knife. Aran didn't like where this was going, so he stepped in between them and put his index and middle finger to his forehead. A few tendrils of electricity shot forth as his warning for them to stop.
Anthony stepped next to her and was shoulder to shoulder with her. "He's probably a intelligence operative either way I figure I kinda owe you for helping me so you go high I go low?" Anthony asked the girl before making another gun he aimed one at Gus. He then pointed the other at the new guy and didn't look at either directly keeping both in his peripheral. "Such excitement maybe I should fire first eh? Or perhaps we can act like adults."
Kerena turned her head just slightly to glance at the newcomer better. Instead of backing off, however, she moved in front of Tommy. She wouldn't let someone nearly-defenseless, or actually, just alchemy-less, face off with two alchemists. Oh, wait, hold on, there's that bleeding kid- wait- "AREN'T YOU STILL INJURED?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" She gave a loud, annoyed groan as she readjusted her position. "I just want some anwer outta the guy, okay? Dear Ishbala, people feeling the need to get involved with matters that don't concern them is getting annoying."
"If you didn't want me to have your back you shouldn't have helped me. Besides I want answers too you know." Anthony said not lowering his gun even as the nurses tried to help him complaining that he shouldn't even be standing. "I'll tell you what you promise me you won't try and kill him alone and i'll go let them torture me with rubbing alcohol and stitches."
"You got a deal. I doubt that I'd get away with killing a State Alchemist anyways. Especially since we're in a military hospital by the looks of things. There's probably no guards because he ordered them away or something." She huffed a little sigh, saying, "I don't even know what's up with the electical guy, he just showed up. He's also in my way."
"Just shout if you need me." Anthony said letting the nurses guide him while they worked. "Hey ouch don't just finger my gunshot wound! What kind of evil nurse are you!" Anthony said trying not to have them mess with him too much.
"So who are you, mister lightening alchemy?" She just kind of glared at him, whilst glancing at Tommy and Anthony and attempting to keep an eye on the State man. 
*Actually, Anthony was taken from the room. She almost didn't notice it.
Tommy watched the exchange in silence, Kerena doing most of the talking for him. He sighed and checked to see if he had his gun still. It was in its holster in his trenchcoat, and he made sure his automail arm was still in his bag. When he had everything checked he leaned forward and whispered to Kerena. "I would assume bullet's travel faster than the eye can focus on, so I'm safe. Thanks for attempting to act brave by being my meat-shield." He stepped out from behind her and looked at both of the men. "Listen, all of this can easily be avoided if we all just forget we encountered and go our separate ways. We just wanted to get the kid safe, alright?" He held his hands up, trying to defuse the situation, though it seemed pretty calm already.

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