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Fandom Fruit Basket:The Zodiac Curse

Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann
Alisa jumped slightly as Taylor ran out of the closet, not really expecting her to be there. She sighed lightly and frowned slightly at Taylor's words and as she started crying. She brought the girl into a hug and gently rubbed her back in a comforting manner. "It's alright Taylor. Vy don't have to worry anymore. We will protect vy until vy learns how to protect self, da? Vy doesn't have to be scared anymore, we are hear for vy. We might not be vy parents..but we'll protect and take care of vy." She told her reassuringly. "If vy escaped, ya is sure vy parents did too. Please don't cry, everything is fine and vy is safe." She added.
Ice watches then for a few minutes then says" I'll go and get some calming tea and some snacks for us and i think alisa would make a good mum but that's just my viewpoint". Ice gently rubs the back of tay chan's head and then smiles gently and then heads down stairs to make the tea and get the snacks for them. ' I wanted to go on a proper date but it looks as though for now that will have to wait, i wonder how long it's going to take for tay chan to get over the damage from her past, i hope soon as possible otherwise she's barely living'.
SerenityAngel said:


Serenity Sohma


Serenity continued to pet the fluffy little cat in her lap quite contently until she felt another human's presence right next to her. She turned her head to see who this person was and saw it was one of the boys she had past and was talking about her for a second. When she saw him she smiled at him sweetly and couldn't help but get the feeling that she had seen him somewhere before but she couldn't put her finger on where. "Hello." she said calmly. Her smile was bright and kind and her hair shimmered with the sunlight.

Ion smiles back playfully and says" Hello as well and my friend seem to think you're not human but he didn't tell me what you are he's always teasing me about being a horse and how i'm a bit of a emo, but then again it's not like it's not completely true i sorta remember a big house with lots of other as a kid but my memory's of the place are kinda faded now what about you".
Taylor looked at her as she sniffle" i'm sorry i cried and worried you i didn't mean to" she say to her enjoying the hug smiling" this is nice" she say she went over to the bed she was waiting for the tea she is hiccuping she just lay on the bed @Leo Radomir @Mitchs98
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor looked at her as she sniffle" i'm sorry i cried and worried you i didn't mean to" she say to her enjoying the hug smiling" this is nice" she say she went over to the bed she was waiting for the tea she is hiccuping she just lay on the bed @Leo Radomir @Mitchs98
Alisa Ann

Alisa smiled and shook her head, "
It's alright. Vy have nothing to be sorry for. It's good that vy says what's wrong with self instead of bottling it up." She replied as she walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed beside her. "Besides, ya wouldn't be a good sister for vy if ya didn't care about vy, da?" She asked.
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann
Alisa smiled and shook her head, "
It's alright. Vy have nothing to be sorry for. It's good that vy says what's wrong with self instead of bottling it up." She replied as she walked over and sat down on the edge of the bed beside her. "Besides, ya wouldn't be a good sister for vy if ya didn't care about vy, da?" She asked.
Ice came back ten minutes later with the tea and snacks then puts it on the side table and says in a gentle voice" Is a little calmer now and i hope she get at least two hours sleep other wise it will take much longer for the medicine to help her, i'm not saying it's easy but the healing time will take a month instead of a fortnight at this rate".

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[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ion smiles back playfully and says" Hello as well and my friend seem to think you're not human but he didn't tell me what you are he's always teasing me about being a horse and how i'm a bit of a emo, but then again it's not like it's not completely true i sorta remember a big house with lots of other as a kid but my memory's of the place are kinda faded now what about you".



Serenity Sohma


Serenity didn't seem to take the mention of her curse very well and her smile went away for a bit, "You really shouldn't talk loudly about that. As for your friend's thoughts on me, he's right. I'm not human. I'm a monster." she then held up her wrist with the bracelet made of bones to show him what she meant. She was a cat. A foolish cat that no one wanted to be near. She then smiled at him apologetically, "I'm sorry to ask you this but you seem familiar. Have we met before?" She then sighed and looked up and saw it was getting dark and it looked as if it might rain and she hated to be out in the rain. "I hate to ask and be a bother but it's getting really late, would you mind if I went with you and your friend for the night?" She looked back to him and smiled kindly.

SerenityAngel said:


Serenity Sohma


Serenity didn't seem to take the mention of her curse very well and her smile went away for a bit, "You really shouldn't talk loudly about that. As for your friend's thoughts on me, he's right. I'm not human. I'm a monster." she then held up her wrist with the bracelet made of bones to show him what she meant. She was a cat. A foolish cat that no one wanted to be near. She then smiled at him apologetically, "I'm sorry to ask you this but you seem familiar. Have we met before?" She then sighed and looked up and saw it was getting dark and it looked as if it might rain and she hated to be out in the rain. "I hate to ask and be a bother but it's getting really late, would you mind if I went with you and your friend for the night?" She looked back to him and smiled kindly.

Ion gently laughs and says" It's not like most humans would know what were talking about and yes you should know me i was the clown at one of your birthdays in the main house ages ago, the names ion if that rings any bells" " Yes you can and by the way don't mention the main house around him like you he has many issues with them which i'm not going to get into and you really shouldn't call yourself a monster you seem like a very sweet women that's just been through a lot that may seem hallow coming from a joker like me but that's my earnest feeling when it comes to stuff like this"
Taylor just looked at him" thanks Ice your very nice" she say to him as she smiled as she drink the tea" when i can see propolay can someone teach me how to read and write like normal humans do and go see a movie i never done anything like that" she say drinking the tea relaxing a bit feeling a bit tired" ca ca cat goes meow" she say randomly a little tired from the drink as she was sitting up on the bed she couldn't find the pillow


Serenity Sohma


Serenity looked at the boy as if he were saying something very strange but continued to smile a little, "I don't think it was at any of my birthdays. Maybe one of the other family members. It definitely was not me." she said then stood up and picked up her bags of groceries and stared walking with him, "I don't know how you would know what I've been though nor my issues with my family since you don't know me, at least not really." She was genuinely curious how he would know her like that but she understood not to mention the main family or the main house around his friend and would be content just to have a place to get our of the rain for the night. "As my thanks for letting me stay with you both, please allow me to make dinner for you both."

SerenityAngel said:


Serenity Sohma


Serenity looked at the boy as if he were saying something very strange but continued to smile a little, "I don't think it was at any of my birthdays. Maybe one of the other family members. It definitely was not me." she said then stood up and picked up her bags of groceries and stared walking with him, "I don't know how you would know what I've been though nor my issues with my family since you don't know me, at least not really." She was genuinely curious how he would know her like that but she understood not to mention the main family or the main house around his friend and would be content just to have a place to get out of the rain for the night. "As my thanks for letting me stay with you both, please allow me to make dinner for you both."

Ion laughs gently hiding the darkness of his heart as they start walking back to his home then says" I don't fully know you and you're right i'm simply saying everyone has bits of their past they are uneasy with talking about whatever that may be and the reason i say the main family haven't always been the kindest to me for so many reasons even though i play it off and pretend it doesn't matter i know i'm not the bright bulb in box but i'm certainly no fool, i've come to learn but their not nearly as kind and smiley as they or people make out to be".

"Any ways we'll be there in ten minutes, i would be nice to have a women cook for use it's been ages since we had a women cook for us i'm really looking forward to it". " The house is clean odd for many guys but we brought the home with money we saved from out jobs so we do our best to keep it in the best condition, it's a humble place i'll sleep on the couch and you can have my bed, i wouldn't feel right making you sleep on the couch isn't pretty old".

After about ten minutes of walking they got to the house and zenith opened the door then moves to the side so they can get in.


Serenity Sohma


"Maybe not, but they are family, harsh or not." she said still smiling as her hope of being recognized as someone worth something by the main family kept itself rooted in her heart. She let that topic drop as it switched to dinner. "Well, I'm not a professional or anything but I think I can provide a decent meal at least. Is there anything you prefer to eat or not eat?" She asked kindly so that she could get a better idea of what she wanted to make for them to thank them for their kindness, "I could not take your bed. Besides...I wouldn't want my stench to permeate your room. At least on the couch I can leave the room without being seen...or smelled...without a sound." she explained as she looked up at the darkening and clowding sky. She smiled at Zenith in gratitude for holding the door open for them and she made her way to find the kitchen and get a better lay out for how she could cook for them

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SerenityAngel said:


Serenity Sohma


"Maybe not, but they are family, harsh or not." she said still smiling as her hope of being recognized as someone worth something by the main family kept itself rooted in her heart. She let that topic drop as it switched to dinner. "Well, I'm not a professional or anything but I think I can provide a decent meal at least. Is there anything you prefer to eat or not eat?" She asked kindly so that she could get a better idea of what she wanted to make for them to thank them for their kindness, "I could not take your bed. Besides...I wouldn't want my stench to permeate your room. At least on the couch I can leave the room without being seen...or smelled...without a sound." she explained as she looked up at the darkening and clowding sky. She smiled at Zenith in gratitude for holding the door open for them and she made her way to find the kitchen and get a better lay out for how she could cook for them

Zenith scans over her as he watches from the lounge and thinking' I can't blame her after all most hate the cats, i just hope she's not setting her self to fall so deep she can't recover i know all to well how many i've had to scrape up over the years from expecting to much then says" Can you cook roast beef and vegetables i hadn't had that in age and ok then i hope ion didn't say anything to weird sometimes he says stuff that doesn't make sense but in his own way he's a good guy". " And from what i can see your sweet and caring girl not a something i'm used to but i don't hate it, and just so you know i'm the snake".
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just looked at him" thanks Ice your very nice" she say to him as she smiled as she drink the tea" when i can see propolay can someone teach me how to read and write like normal humans do and go see a movie i never done anything like that" she say drinking the tea relaxing a bit feeling a bit tired" ca ca cat goes meow" she say randomly a little tired from the drink as she was sitting up on the bed she couldn't find the pillow
Alisa Ann

Alisa smiled at her before gently patting her on the head. "Of course we will. Ya and Ice both can teach vy, we would be glad to. We'll take vy to the movies too, infact we were just talking about it earlier." She replied. She giggled about her comment about a cat before realizing she couldn't find her pillow. Instead of forcing the girl to lay down she picked it up and placed it in her lap for her to posistion it how she wanted to. "There vy go. Get some rest, vy want to see as soon as possible, da?" She told her.
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann
Alisa smiled at her before gently patting her on the head. "Of course we will. Ya and Ice both can teach vy, we would be glad to. We'll take vy to the movies too, infact we were just talking about it earlier." She replied. She giggled about her comment about a cat before realizing she couldn't find her pillow. Instead of forcing the girl to lay down she picked it up and placed it in her lap for her to posistion it how she wanted to. "There vy go. Get some rest, vy want to see as soon as possible, da?" She told her.
Ice drinks his tea and gently sighs, ' it's not that he doesn't want to do all that stuff with tay chan but ice wants to try and deepen his relationship with alisa but she took it as the three of them going to movies and such and he couldn't tell her how he feels about her with out feeling any more awkward then he already is'. After a couple of minutes in thought says half jokingly" you really are a sweet and kind soul, i might have to get a stick so the guys don't mob you when we go out".
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann
Alisa smiled at her before gently patting her on the head. "Of course we will. Ya and Ice both can teach vy, we would be glad to. We'll take vy to the movies too, infact we were just talking about it earlier." She replied. She giggled about her comment about a cat before realizing she couldn't find her pillow. Instead of forcing the girl to lay down she picked it up and placed it in her lap for her to posistion it how she wanted to. "There vy go. Get some rest, vy want to see as soon as possible, da?" She told her.
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ice drinks his tea and gently sighs, ' it's not that he doesn't want to do all that stuff with tay chan but ice wants to try and deepen his relationship with alisa but she took it as the three of them going to movies and such and he couldn't tell her how he feels about her with out feeling any more awkward then he already is'. After a couple of minutes in thought says half jokingly" you really are a sweet and kind soul, i might have to get a stick so the guys don't mob you when we go out".

Taylor looked at them as she put the pillow as she grabbed a stuffed rabbit as she yawned" night" she say as she smiled looking at them she start to close her eyes" movies sounds fun" she yawned a little she closed her eyes falling asleep
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ice drinks his tea and gently sighs, ' it's not that he doesn't want to do all that stuff with tay chan but ice wants to try and deepen his relationship with alisa but she took it as the three of them going to movies and such and he couldn't tell her how he feels about her with out feeling any more awkward then he already is'. After a couple of minutes in thought says half jokingly" you really are a sweet and kind soul, i might have to get a stick so the guys don't mob you when we go out".

Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor looked at them as she put the pillow as she grabbed a stuffed rabbit as she yawned" night" she say as she smiled looking at them she start to close her eyes" movies sounds fun" she yawned a little she closed her eyes falling asleep
Alisa Ann

Alisa chuckled at Ice's statement. "Ya is stronger than ya looks vy know." She replied. When Taylor laid down she moved to kiss her on the top of the head, "Goodnight Taylor, sleep well." She told her before standing. "Come on, let's let her sleep." She told Ice while walking to the door and motioning for him to follow her out.
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann
Alisa chuckled at Ice's statement. "Ya is stronger than ya looks vy know." She replied. When Taylor laid down she moved to kiss her on the top of the head, "Goodnight Taylor, sleep well." She told her before standing. "Come on, let's let her sleep." She told Ice while walking to the door and motioning for him to follow her out.
Ice follows and then say" you're right but even so that doesn't mean be reckless, i'm sorry that i'm a nag and pain and a tease and i'm rude at times but your more important to me that you may realizes". Ice waits for alisa to exit room, ' i hope it gets through this time because she's sometimes pretty dense when it comes to certain matters'.
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Zenith scans over her as he watches from the lounge and thinking' I can't blame her after all most hate the cats, i just hope she's not setting her self to fall so deep she can't recover i know all to well how many i've had to scrape up over the years from expecting to much then says" Can you cook roast beef and vegetables i hadn't had that in age and ok then i hope ion didn't say anything to weird sometimes he says stuff that doesn't make sense but in his own way he's a good guy". " And from what i can see your sweet and caring girl not a something i'm used to but i don't hate it, and just so you know i'm the snake".



Serenity Sohma


Serenity always had a feeling that the main family would never accept her but she tried anyway but never expected anything to ever change. When Zenith made his request she smiled and nodded her head. "A personal sociality of mine. So good in melts in your mouth and the flavor drenches the vegetables. But no leeks. I hate those." she said and went to the refrigerator and got started getting to work on dinner. She got all the ingredients and started chopping and dicing with speed and precision that would be on par with the martial artists on tv in flare. She mixed the vegetables and blended the spices perfectly into the meat. She put the meat into a pot and poured water half way up the meat and dumped the vegetables in to surround the meat so they would all cook at the same time and marinade in the juices. Once that was in the oven and cooking she got on to making the desert. She pulled out some fresh apples from her bag and started peeling them in a single ribbon all around and cored it with ease then sliced them into thin slices. She did this three more times and then made a crust from scratch and found a tin that would work and started making a pie out of it. She even saved the ribbon apple peels to make them into roses and sprinkled them with cinnamon and sugar to make them sweet and eatable. She left no detail unattended and popped that into the oven as well and once it was done baking she put it on the window sill to cool a little then put it into the fridge till the roast was done. "I hope you like apple pie." she said with a sigh and washed her hands after she was finished.

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Taylor was just sleeping as she smiled hugging the blanket she wanted to see all she wanted for her eyes to heal she couldn't wait to see her family she just smiled' i want to see now' she thought while sleeping yawning when Alisa kissed her head she was a bit surprised but happy she did that
SerenityAngel said:


Serenity Sohma


Serenity always had a feeling that the main family would never accept her but she tried anyway but never expected anything to ever change. When Zenith made his request she smiled and nodded her head. "A personal sociality of mine. So good in melts in your mouth and the flavor drenches the vegetables. But no leeks. I hate those." she said and went to the refrigerator and got started getting to work on dinner. She got all the ingredients and started chopping and dicing with speed and precision that would be on par with the martial artists on tv in flare. She mixed the vegetables and blended the spices perfectly into the meat. She put the meat into a pot and poured water half way up the meat and dumped the vegetables in to surround the meat so they would all cook at the same time and marinade in the juices. Once that was in the oven and cooking she got on to making the desert. She pulled out some fresh apples from her bag and started peeling them in a single ribbon all around and cored it with ease then sliced them into thin slices. She did this three more times and then made a crust from scratch and found a tin that would work and started making a pie out of it. She even saved the ribbon apple peels to make them into roses and sprinkled them with cinnamon and sugar to make them sweet and eatable. She left no detail unattended and popped that into the oven as well and once it was done baking she put it on the window sill to cool a little then put it into the fridge till the roast was done. "I hope you like apple pie." she said with a sigh and washed her hands after she was finished.

Zenith grins and says" I can tell when a women is a good cook and you're definitely beyond good, and yeah i haven't had apple pie in ages either now thinking about it, ion probably told you i'm not normally the warm oh welcome type and he's right as a rule i'm not but in your case i'm willing to make an exception even if it's just to come over cook for us from time to time". " Is the main meal ready i'm starving and can't wait to dig in, and as the saying goes the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach are you sure you've never cooked for a guy friend before"?
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ice follows and then say" you're right but even so that doesn't mean be reckless, i'm sorry that i'm a nag and pain and a tease and i'm rude at times but your more important to me that you may realizes". Ice waits for alisa to exit room, ' i hope it gets through this time because she's sometimes pretty dense when it comes to certain matters'.

Alisa Ann

Alisa giggled and shook her head as she walked out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind them. "
It's fine. Ya knows vy is only trying to protect menya(me). Vy is important to ya too, vy is a great friend." She replied. "We should probably get Taylor some clothes. Groceries too, da?" She asked him.
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann
Alisa giggled and shook her head as she walked out of the room, quietly shutting the door behind them. "
It's fine. Ya knows vy is only trying to protect menya(me). Vy is important to ya too, vy is a great friend." She replied. "We should probably get Taylor some clothes. Groceries too, da?" She asked him.
Ice half smiles and then says" it's good you understand i don't do it for nothing and sure i don't mind after all it needs to be done since were running out of food ,but at some point it would be nice if you let me take you out on a proper date, i know a guy that i can trust to look after tay while were out called ion he's a bit of a joker but he knows when not to much around
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[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Zenith grins and says" I can tell when a women is a good cook and you're definitely beyond good, and yeah i haven't had apple pie in ages either now thinking about it, ion probably told you i'm not normally the warm oh welcome type and he's right as a rule i'm not but in your case i'm willing to make an exception even if it's just to come over cook for us from time to time". " Is the main meal ready i'm starving and can't wait to dig in, and as the saying goes the fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach are you sure you've never cooked for a guy friend before"?



Serenity Sohma


She sighed as she sat down and waited for the food to cook thoroughly and the flavors mixed. "I've just had to learn how to cook for myself and I figured, if I'm going to eat something it might as well be tasty and pretty so I taught myself. Honed every skill I could up to this point just to try and make them happy or even remotely proud of me. Just a little positive recognition is all I wanted, but I'm not going to hold my breath." She told him and looked at him, "It's going to take a little while for the meat and vegetables to cook and soften. So, you're a snake. Reminds me of so many toys I used to play with as a child. Often reminded me of a long piece of string I used to play with then I upgraded to yarn.....then I found a use for my delight with thread and yarn. Learning to knit and sew came in handy. So, to you as a snake...I have to thank you. My fascination with long thin things turned out to be helpful during winter days. Though I have to say, your bites are not as bad as I've heard." she grinned and giggled at her little quip, trying to make him laugh a moment. "Guys like you are way too easy to understand. Make a decent meal and you become putty in a girl's hand."

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SerenityAngel said:


Serenity Sohma


She sighed as she sat down and waited for the food to cook thoroughly and the flavors mixed. "I've just had to learn how to cook for myself and I figured, if I'm going to eat something it might as well be tasty and pretty so I taught myself. Honed every skill I could up to this point just to try and make them happy or even remotely proud of me. Just a little positive recognition is all I wanted, but I'm not going to hold my breath." She told him and looked at him, "It's going to take a little while for the meat and vegetables to cook and soften. So, you're a snake. Reminds me of so many toys I used to play with as a child. Often reminded me of a long piece of string I used to play with then I upgraded to yarn.....then I found a use for my delight with thread and yarn. Learning to knit and sew came in handy. So, to you as a snake...I have to thank you. My fascination with long thin things turned out to be helpful during winter days. Though I have to say, your bites are not as bad as I've heard." she grinned and giggled at her little quip, trying to make him laugh a moment. "Guys like you are way too easy to understand. Make a decent meal and you become putty in a girl's hand."

Zenith gently laughs and then smiles devilishly from the comments and such he's now learned about her and he leans on his hands and says" It's true i like my food and drink but i have my own way of sorting out issues when they need to be in a way many don't expect, so i wouldn't be so hasty to assume that today happen to be in i'm in a good mood". "One thing for sure is having you around will make things interesting and with that said i think we should get some wine out to celebrate this soon to be fun and long journey". " I got to be honest i can't cook as well as you but i'm happy to learn after all one doesn't get wise but not learning a skill to better themselves and there's skills i can teach and show you places many thought were only rumours".

You should be living your life for yourself not caring what the ignorant main family think or have to say, when you live like that your just existing that's why in a way you're cutting off you own tail so to speak that's why i cut my ties with the main family and i'm doing alright'. 'i've killed many that don't know when to back off from the main family and i didn't even blink an eye or lose any sleep why because you pick a fight with those far above you in power or contacts there's a chance you'll die such is the way of the wise and crafty'.

Ion gently laughs at the cat's quip and so on but is also enjoys his friends reaction and words, then get's up and get goes into the kitchen and got three glass and a bottle of red from the lowest level and brings them back to the table and places a glass in front of everyone and then puts the wine in the middle of the table and sits back down and watches the two to see what would happen.
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