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Fandom Fruit Basket:The Zodiac Curse

Erin was at the park as he was on the monkey bars upside down as she liked being upside down it was cool the kids looked at him weird but it was okay he was the monkey zodiac he just smiled closing his eyes as he fell" ow that hurt" he say to himself he just sat on the bench as he just looked up at the sky
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ice half smiles and then says" it's good you understand i don't do it for nothing and sure i don't mind after all it needs to be done since were running out of food ,but at some point it would be nice if you let me take you out on a proper date, i know a guy that i can trust to look after tay while were out called ion he's a bit of a joker but he knows when not to much around

Alisa Ann

Alisa blinked, proper date? Did he..no. Really? She hadn't understood at all, she thought he meant as friends. She had no clue he meant he cared for her on a deeper level, at all. She inched backwards a bit nervously, "
U-Uh...Okay..?" She replied questioningly and continued backing up. "Y..Ya didn't exactly mean that though.." She added. Not that it would be the worst thing on Earth, but still. She continued backing up slowly towards the stairs, and inevitably slipping and tripping backwards down said stairs. She let out a shriek of surprise as she slipped followed by a pained groan when she was on the bottom.
Kenny was at his mansion home in the garage fixing and tuning up his mustang as it lost control the other day driving to school luckily he was fine but his car had to be towed back dude to the engine quitting on him so a few days later here he is working on getting the car started again
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann
Alisa blinked, proper date? Did he..no. Really? She hadn't understood at all, she thought he meant as friends. She had no clue he meant he cared for her on a deeper level, at all. She inched backwards a bit nervously, "
U-Uh...Okay..?" She replied questioningly and continued backing up. "Y..Ya didn't exactly mean that though.." She added. Not that it would be the worst thing on Earth, but still. She continued backing up slowly towards the stairs, and inevitably slipping and tripping backwards down said stairs. She let out a shriek of surprise as she slipped followed by a pained groan when she was on the bottom.
Ice closed one eye and cringed at little as alisa falls down the stairs and then when he walks to the bottom and gently helps her up and leans her against the wall and smiles gently and then says" are you ok that was a fare fall, i haven't seen you do that in some time".
Zeldafangirl said:
Erin was at the park as he was on the monkey bars upside down as she liked being upside down it was cool the kids looked at him weird but it was okay he was the monkey zodiac he just smiled closing his eyes as he fell" ow that hurt" he say to himself he just sat on the bench as he just looked up at the sky
Cinla sneaks behind erin and playfully says" long time no see erin i was wondering what you were off to, even though i'm from the main house i'm not like so many of them, i would at least offer you a meal since you were visiting me".
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ice closed one eye and cringed at little as alisa falls down the stairs and then when he walks to the bottom and gently helps her up and leans her against the wall and smiles gently and then says" are you ok that was a fare fall, i haven't seen you do that in some time".

Alisa Ann

Alisa clung to the wall for dear life, her entire body was sore and her vision was blurred. She barely comprehended what Ice said, to which she responded with a weak nod. Then she felt something warm on her forehead, touching her fingers to it she summized it was blood. Probably a concussion, if not worse. With her luck, probably worse, it felt worse anyway. She was probably only able to stand due to some freaky weird Zodiac thing. Regardless she slowly slid down to the ground and sat down leaning against the wall, the entire room was spinning and her head was throbbing she still couldn't see so good either. It was probably best she go to a hospital at this point, as much as she hated them, at least to get checked out. "Ice..take ya to the hospital. Please.." She muttered.
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa AnnAlisa clung to the wall for dear life, her entire body was sore and her vision was blurred. She barely comprehended what Ice said, to which she responded with a weak nod. Then she felt something warm on her forehead, touching her fingers to it she summized it was blood. Probably a concussion, if not worse. With her luck, probably worse, it felt worse anyway. She was probably only able to stand due to some freaky weird Zodiac thing. Regardless she slowly slid down to the ground and sat down leaning against the wall, the entire room was spinning and her head was throbbing she still couldn't see so good either. It was probably best she go to a hospital at this point, as much as she hated them, at least to get checked out. "Ice..take ya to the hospital. Please.." She muttered.
Ice nods and gently picks her up and then walks to the door and opens it then gently turns her and then uses hit other hand to close to the door and then bring her over to his car and does the same and gently puts her in the car and takes his jacket off and wraps in a ball gives it to her and says" Hang in there i know it's not much but please use my jacket to comfort your head". Ice gently closes the door and then rushes round to his side and opens and gets in and then closes the door and clicks the keys and the engine starts and he starts to make his way to the hospital. He grits his teeth for a moment' I was finally able to tell her how i feel then she falls down the stairs i hope it's not as bad as it looks'.
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ice nods and gently picks her up and then walks to the door and opens it then gently turns her and then uses hit other hand to close to the door and then bring her over to his car and does the same and gently puts her in the car and takes his jacket off and wraps in a ball gives it to her and says" Hang in there i know it's not much but please use my jacket to comfort your head". Ice gently closes the door and then rushes round to his side and opens and gets in and then closes the door and clicks the keys and the engine starts and he starts to make his way to the hospital. He grits his teeth for a moment' I was finally able to tell her how i feel then she falls down the stairs i hope it's not as bad as it looks'.

Alisa Ann

Alisa nodded slightly and put the jacket under her head. She hoped he didn't take it the wrong way. She wasn't exactly adverse to try dating him, she was just a bit shocked was all. Though she guessed she proved the saying about cats landing on their feet wrong. At this point though she was practically willing herself to not transform from the amount of stress her body was under from her injuries. Her efforts were in vain, however, as she soon transformed with a puff of smoke into her cat form curled up on the backseat in pain.
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa AnnAlisa nodded slightly and put the jacket under her head. She hoped he didn't take it the wrong way. She wasn't exactly adverse to try dating him, she was just a bit shocked was all. Though she guessed she proved the saying about cats landing on their feet wrong. At this point though she was practically willing herself to not transform from the amount of stress her body was under from her injuries. Her efforts were in vain, however, as she soon transformed with a puff of smoke into her cat form curled up on the backseat in pain.
Ice finally got to the hospital but as he looks as the back he sees she's turned back into a cat and sighs then gently picks alisa and wraps her gently in the jacket then grabs her clothes and stuffs them in his pockets and sighs feeling some what awkward about this but it can't be help when he had taken her out of the car closes the door and locks the car and see the vets area and rushes over and when he get's there see the male vet says" fell down several flights of stairs and injured herself pretty badly".

The vet nodded the took her off ice and gently places her on the table and sees the blood and then injects her with a relaxant/painkiller then gets some wipes and starts cleaning the blood off and says" Yes i see what you mean from the looks of it there's a chance of concussion, i can stick her head after i put the blood clotter but i don't know well else unless there's more to go on".

Ice nodded then says" That's fine doc please do your best to help her she's very dear to me", with that ice went and sat down on a chair in the room and let's doc do his thing.

The doc uses witch hazel to clog up the blood and then gently starts to the wound after a few minutes he's done and then throws the needle and the dirty cloth away.
Eric looked at the girl as he smiled" hi there how you doing" he say" where you heading cina" he asked her as he put her hands on back of his head" i was going to see ice but i forgot where he lived" he say to her smiling" oh no you don't have to offer me a meal its okay really" he say nervously @Leo Radomir
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ice finally got to the hospital but as he looks as the back he sees she's turned back into a cat and sighs then gently picks alisa and wraps her gently in the jacket then grabs her clothes and stuffs them in his pockets and sighs feeling some what awkward about this but it can't be help when he had taken her out of the car closes the door and locks the car and see the vets area and rushes over and when he get's there see the male vet says" fell down several flights of stairs and injured herself pretty badly".

The vet nodded the took her off ice and gently places her on the table and sees the blood and then injects her with a relaxant/painkiller then gets some wipes and starts cleaning the blood off and says" Yes i see what you mean from the looks of it there's a chance of concussion, i can stick her head after i put the blood clotter but i don't know well else unless there's more to go on".

Ice nodded then says" That's fine doc please do your best to help her she's very dear to me", with that ice went and sat down on a chair in the room and let's doc do his thing.

The doc uses witch hazel to clog up the blood and then gently starts to the wound after a few minutes he's done and then throws the needle and the dirty cloth away.

Alisa Ann

Alisa curled into Ice instinctively as he picked her up, only half concious and in pain. It probably would've been better if she were able to stay in human form, seeing as in her cat form she was much smaller and thus had much less blood. Not to mention the injuries were undoubtedly worse on her. Her breathing was heavy and pained, though she relaxed when she was placed on the table and injected with painkillers.

Everything that happened next was pretty much a blur to her. Once everything was said and done she relaxed fully, her facial expressions and muscles relaxing fully. In turn a short bit later she transformed back into her human form unconcious, and of course fully naked as all transformations back went.
Kenny decide to take a break fixing his mustang as he looks a bit dirty so he heads inside takes a shower dresses in some nice looking going out clothes and heads back to the garage grabbing the keys for his Audi q5 and hops into it starts it up and drives into town to find a restraunt to eat looking around and thinking about what to eat as he is close to the park he finds a nice quite restraunt pulls into the parking lot parks his car turns off the engine and hopes out shutting and locking the door behind him a he heads for the restrarunt
Taylor woke up as she just yawned walking down the stairs as she felt she was alone she just frowned a bit as she sighed she hid under the table she was hungry she been asleep for a long time' where are you ice Alisa why you leave me alone i thought you said you never leave me alone' she thought thinking they left her for good she just cried a bit she didn't like being alone at all she was scared if the hunters will come and get her again she just close her eyes as she had a knife besides her just incase if they do come for her she had to be ready
He walks into the restraunt and sees that its empty as he calls out for anyone but doesn't get a response and keeps looking around wondering where the staff are
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa AnnAlisa curled into Ice instinctively as he picked her up, only half concious and in pain. It probably would've been better if she were able to stay in human form, seeing as in her cat form she was much smaller and thus had much less blood. Not to mention the injuries were undoubtedly worse on her. Her breathing was heavy and pained, though she relaxed when she was placed on the table and injected with painkillers.

Everything that happened next was pretty much a blur to her. Once everything was said and done she relaxed fully, her facial expressions and muscles relaxing fully. In turn a short bit later she transformed back into her human form unconcious, and of course fully naked as all transformations back went.
The doc had a nosebleed at the same time and then says" Ay you lied to me a cat doesn't turn into a girl and especially one with a body like that, i don't what your relationship is but i'm so jelly most of the nurse here are so drab".

Ice teased the doc and says" If i was tapping that i'd be a secret i don't kiss and tell and besides it's far more fun that way, but tell you what i know they don't pay you nearly enough for your hard work so he's a little extra incentive". Ice put several bills in his pocket then went back to alisa gently picks her behind the changing section and takes out all of her clothes and puts them neatly to one side and then goes out again closing the area so she can change.

Then a women about the same age as alisa comes in and says" Who's the hot guy doc you never told me you had a friend like him no fair, i've been looking for ages".

Cinla playfully teases erin and says" it's not like you have girls lining up to cook you a meal who knows i might even show even more interest in you". "As for him well he's still at alisa's house".
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[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]The doc had a nosebleed at the same time and then says" Ay you lied to me a cat doesn't turn into a girl and especially one with a body like that, i don't what your relationship is but i'm so jelly most of the nurse here are so drab".

Ice teased the doc and says" If i was tapping that i'd be a secret i don't kiss and tell and besides it's far more fun that way, but tell you what i know they don't pay you nearly enough for your hard work so he's a little extra incentive". Ice put several bills in his pocket then went back to alisa gently picks her behind the changing section and takes out all of her clothes and puts them neatly to one side and then goes out again closing the area so she can change.

Then a women about the same age as alisa comes in and says" Who's the hot guy doc you never told me you had a friend like him no fair, i've been looking for ages".

Cinla playfully teases erin and says" it's not like you have girls lining up to cook you a meal who knows i might even show even more interest in you". "As for him well he's still at alisa's house".

Alisa Ann

Alisa groaned and brought a hand to her forehead to be met with the slight scratchy fabric that was stitches. She guessed she made it to the hospital without too serious of an injury, though her head was pounding. She moved to stand up but was immediately greeted by the sight of her own naked body and her clothes neatly placed beside her. To top it all off she was in some small room alone. ....

Her incredibly added and confused mind quickly put a scenario together. Clearly Ice had done something to her while she was unconcious and put her clothes near her as some form of recompense. Right after she was injured and he said he liked her too! Clearly it was all planned, or maybe it was the painkillers and concussion talking. Maybe..or she was completely right and he had his way with her while she was unconcious.

Quickly dressing herself she exited the changing room with a glare followed by walking up to Ice and slapping him across the face. One annoyed 'hmph' later and she turned to walk out of the room. "Cyka blyat...figures he would do something like this. Ya doesn't know why ya expected better.." She muttered as she walked out of the building and back to the car.

It was no telling how long they were gone, hopefully Taylor didn't wake up yet..she'd probably be worried sick.
Seeing no one around he leaves and walks back to his car and starts his ca and finds a good restraunt or fast food joint to eat at and drives away
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann
Alisa groaned and brought a hand to her forehead to be met with the slight scratchy fabric that was stitches. She guessed she made it to the hospital without too serious of an injury, though her head was pounding. She moved to stand up but was immediately greeted by the sight of her own naked body and her clothes neatly placed beside her. To top it all off she was in some small room alone. ....

Her incredibly added and confused mind quickly put a scenario together. Clearly Ice had done something to her while she was unconcious and put her clothes near her as some form of recompense. Right after she was injured and he said he liked her too! Clearly it was all planned, or maybe it was the painkillers and concussion talking. Maybe..or she was completely right and he had his way with her while she was unconcious.

Quickly dressing herself she exited the changing room with a glare followed by walking up to Ice and slapping him across the face. One annoyed 'hmph' later and she turned to walk out of the room. "Cyka blyat...figures he would do something like this. Ya doesn't know why ya expected better.." She muttered as she walked out of the building and back to the car.

It was no telling how long they were gone, hopefully Taylor didn't wake up yet..she'd probably be worried sick.
Ice blinks and then follows back to his own car unlocks the car and sighs then say" I don't know what missunderding lead to this point, but at no point did i do anything but take you to get fixed up even my jacket has got blood on it from earlier where you were using it to support head". 'ice is some what angry even though he's not showing it, and he opens his door and gets in, how many times i'm going to be accused of stuff that isn't my fault this is getting to be some what unfair'.
He continues driving getting rather annoyed that he can't find a good place to eat as there eather booked out full or not open he just sits at a red light with no traffic behind him as his frustration grew so much he transformed into his bunny form with the car still running idley at the lights as he sighed to him self hoping that no one will pull up behind him before he transforms back with his little belly growling of hunger
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Zenith gently laughs and then smiles devilishly from the comments and such he's now learned about her and he leans on his hands and says" It's true i like my food and drink but i have my own way of sorting out issues when they need to be in a way many don't expect, so i wouldn't be so hasty to assume that today happen to be in i'm in a good mood". "One thing for sure is having you around will make things interesting and with that said i think we should get some wine out to celebrate this soon to be fun and long journey". " I got to be honest i can't cook as well as you but i'm happy to learn after all one doesn't get wise but not learning a skill to better themselves and there's skills i can teach and show you places many thought were only rumours".

You should be living your life for yourself not caring what the ignorant main family think or have to say, when you live like that your just existing that's why in a way you're cutting off you own tail so to speak that's why i cut my ties with the main family and i'm doing alright'. 'i've killed many that don't know when to back off from the main family and i didn't even blink an eye or lose any sleep why because you pick a fight with those far above you in power or contacts there's a chance you'll die such is the way of the wise and crafty'.

Ion gently laughs at the cat's quip and so on but is also enjoys his friends reaction and words, then get's up and get goes into the kitchen and got three glass and a bottle of red from the lowest level and brings them back to the table and places a glass in front of everyone and then puts the wine in the middle of the table and sits back down and watches the two to see what would happen.



Serenity Sohma


She slightly chuckled a little at Zenith's reply "Oh really now? Who said I was sticking around? It's not like I'm staying forever or anything. I'm only here for one night, until the rain stops. I don't know if you're up for cooking. Besides, if you learned how to cook properly, how would you get women to feed you?" She teased a little. She was definitely quick with her quips and a smile.

When Ion came over with the wine she shook her head, "No thank you, I don't drink. Besides, I'm still a minor. Plus what would I do if I had too much to drink around two handsome boys like you?" she grinned and giggled playfully.

[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ice blinks and then follows back to his own car unlocks the car and sighs then say" I don't know what missunderding lead to this point, but at no point did i do anything but take you to get fixed up even my jacket has got blood on it from earlier where you were using it to support head". 'ice is some what angry even though he's not showing it, and he opens his door and gets in, how many times i'm going to be accused of stuff that isn't my fault this is getting to be some what unfair'.

Alisa Ann

Alisa glared at him, likely story. Or maybe he was telling the truth...ehh. It was possible. Or it was possible he was trying to lie to her in her drug induced state. Though..he'd never done anything before to her knowledge. "Alright...Ya believe vy. Come on, let's get home. Ya doesn't know how long it's been, Taylor is probably worried about us." She replied with a sigh. "Sorry for hitting vy.." She added.
SerenityAngel said:


Serenity Sohma


She slightly chuckled a little at Zenith's reply "Oh really now? Who said I was sticking around? It's not like I'm staying forever or anything. I'm only here for one night, until the rain stops. I don't know if you're up for cooking. Besides, if you learned how to cook properly, how would you get women to feed you?" She teased a little. She was definitely quick with her quips and a smile.

When Ion came over with the wine she shook her head, "No thank you, I don't drink. Besides, I'm still a minor. Plus what would I do if I had too much to drink around two handsome boys like you?" she grinned and giggled playfully.

Zenith winks and then playfully and teasingly says" that's true but i can't help wonder are your saying you my be interested in one of us to stick around longer, as for my skill set well i can create things from wood both small and large scale, learning how to do the other stuff won't take me as long as many would to learn it". "what would you do well depends on how much you want to play and keep up and two of us my my you're a bit of greedy one ay well not that i mind keeping one's options open makes the game so much more fun".

Ice sighed and then starts to head back not saying a word, not happy about the fact she still doesn't fully trust him after the amount of times he's saved her from her lack of thought. As they got with in ten minutes of getting to the house he says" that's true given we've been gone a couple of hours or so and somehow i don't think she'll be sleeping with her energy levels, and please try and have more faith in me it kinda hurts my feelings being lumped in the same boat as guys that do that sort of thing" "i'll leave it at that since you did say sorry for hitting me and your worried about tay chan". It wasn't much longer before they got to the house and he stops the car outside and then gets out and closes his door and then walks over and opens the door for alisa.
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Alisa Ann

Alisa nodded and sighed, he did help her after all..she probably just misunderstood things. "
Vy is right...sorry. Thank vy for helping menya." She replied as they came to a stop outside. When he opened her door she hugged him to accompany her apology before quickly walking up to her house, unlocking the door, and entering. "Taylor, are vy awake?" She called out, assuming that she was.

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