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Fandom Fruit Basket:The Zodiac Curse


Serenity Sohma


She slightly chuckled a little more as Zenith didn't seem t get her meaning. "I don't think you understand. I have my own home to get back to, but while it rains I can show my gratitude for sheltering me by cooking for you this time." she said and got up and took out the roast and started serving it to the two of them and a small bowl for herself.

"I said that you two are handsome, don't go putting in your own ideas. I only meant that I don't know what I would do if I drank. Even less so what I would do around two men while I was drunk." she grinned, teasing Zenith some more then turned to Ion, "You're awfully quiet for a horse, by the way. Is something wrong?" She asked as she began to eat.

SerenityAngel said:


Serenity Sohma


She slightly chuckled a little more as Zenith didn't seem t get her meaning. "I don't think you understand. I have my own home to get back to, but while it rains I can show my gratitude for sheltering me by cooking for you this time." she said and got up and took out the roast and started serving it to the two of them and a small bowl for herself.

"I said that you two are handsome, don't go putting in your own ideas. I only meant that I don't know what I would do if I drank. Even less so what I would do around two men while I was drunk." she grinned, teasing Zenith some more then turned to Ion, "You're awfully quiet for a horse, by the way. Is something wrong?" She asked as she began to eat.

Ion gently laughs and says" I'm fine just having fun watching for a change and he knows exactly what you meant, he just twisted it knowing you'd get railed up, sometimes i wonder if just his twisted humour or his hobby to tease women like you, speaking of which thanks and it's a shame we don't get to see you drunk for the laughs we could all have but another time".

Zenith watches them talk for while eating enjoying the food, on the insides he was busting out laughing, ' He's only half right on both accounts but i'm starting to understand what kind of women she is and i wasn't wrong in saying this will be interesting, it's clear she tries way to hard, but then again cat's go from one end to the other but even i feel a tad sorry for them'.

Ice came back in the house and smiles gently happy she finally became friendly with him again, ' i like ailsa's hugs it reminds me i'm not alone anymore i don't have to fight alone or suffer, i honestly don't think i'd still be remotely human if i continued on the path i was on'.
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Taylor heard her as she smiled as she ran to her hugging her" I thought you left me I don't like being alone" she told her pouting to her

Erin just smiled " okay you can cook for me lead the way" he say smiling

@Mitchs98 @Leo Radomir
Alisa Ann

Alisa sighed and hugged her back. "
No no, don't worry. Ya didn't leave vy. Ya tripped down the stairs and hurt self. Ya fine now though. We were just about to go get groceries and get vy some spare clothes. Do vy want to come with us now that vy are awake?" She replied. She wondered how long they'd actually been gone and how long Taylor had been awake. She was probably terrified.
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann
Alisa sighed and hugged her back. "
No no, don't worry. Ya didn't leave vy. Ya tripped down the stairs and hurt self. Ya fine now though. We were just about to go get groceries and get vy some spare clothes. Do vy want to come with us now that vy are awake?" She replied. She wondered how long they'd actually been gone and how long Taylor had been awake. She was probably terrified.
Ice rubs head head and then says" yeah we haven't been in a couple of weeks, oh that reminds me a blind friend of mine left his stick here you can uses that so you don't get lost in the supermarket".
Taylor looked at him as she smiled looking" sure thing i wanna go sounds fun" she say as she looked at the direction where ice was" okay i can use it" she say as she smiled looking at her" whats a supermarket" she say to her as she smiled" can i have the stick not Ice" she say as she grabbed for the Alisa hand

Erin looked at him as he smiled looking around" thank you it was nice for you to cook for me" he say as she smiled looking at china place

@Leo Radomir @Mitchs98
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Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann"Awesome! Vy can pick out clothes vy likes too." She replied while grabbing her hand. "As for vy question, it's a place where people buy food and things." She added. "What kind of food do vy like? We can get vy favorite food if vy has any." She asked.
Ice gently laughs and rubs tay's chan's head and to her question about the stick and playfully teases alisa" Does that mean i'm going to get dragged round the whole mall as well please have mercy".
Taylor scratch her head a little as she bite her lip" i don't know" she say a bit embarrassed" its emberrassing i don't know many things" she laughed a bit" clothes i like" she say as she gave heer a big smile on her face" okay come on lets go" she say sounding excited looking up at her she laughed as her head was getting rubbed she just smiled" Ice is not going to have fun" she asked laughing the first time she laughed @Leo Radomir @Mitchs98
Leo Radomir]Ice gently laughs and rubs tay's chan's head and to her question about the stick and playfully teases alisa" [COLOR=#000066]Does that mean i'm going to get dragged round the whole mall as well please have mercy". [/COLOR] [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Zeldafangirl]Taylor scratch her head a little as she bite her lip" i don't know" she say a bit embarrassed" its emberrassing i don't know many things" she laughed a bit" clothes i like" she say as she gave heer a big smile on her face" okay come on lets go" she say sounding excited looking up at her she laughed as her head was getting rubbed she just smiled" Ice is not going to have fun" she asked laughing the first time she laughed [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20955-leo-radomir/ said:
@Leo Radomir[/URL] @Mitchs98
Alisa Ann

"Da. It does. Don't worry, ya won't torture vy..too much." She told Ice before turning back to Taylor as she answered. "It's fine Taylor. If vy don't we will just find out what you like, da?" She replied. "And no, ya doubt he will." She added with a giggle. "Come on, let's go." She told her before leading her to the car. Opening the door she helped her into the left side. Quickly she remembered she probably should get something to hide her unhuman features. Running inside she grabbed a simple white baseball cap, a coat, and her purse. She tucked her tail into her purse and put her coat on to cover the rest before putting the cap on to cover her ears.

With that she walked back to the car and got in beside Taylor. Taylor and Ice were lucky, really..they didn't have anything to hide if they went in town. Oh well..
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann
"Da. It does. Don't worry, ya won't torture vy..too much." She told Ice before turning back to Taylor as she answered. "It's fine Taylor. If vy don't we will just find out what you like, da?" She replied. "And no, ya doubt he will." She added with a giggle. "Come on, let's go." She told her before leading her to the car. Opening the door she helped her into the left side. Quickly she remembered she probably should get something to hide her unhuman features. Running inside she grabbed a simple white baseball cap, a coat, and her purse. She tucked her tail into her purse and put her coat on to cover the rest before putting the cap on to cover her ears.

With that she walked back to the car and got in beside Taylor. Taylor and Ice were lucky, really..they didn't have anything to hide if they went in town. Oh well..
Ice smiles and then grabs the stick from behind the door and then heads to the car and opens the door on their side puts the stick next to tay chan and says" here you go as promised and since were going shopping, i may as well drag you lady's to a few guy clothes stores as well, i have something else in mind for your but you'll have to wait tay chan while i get it after all it would ruin the surprise otherwise". Then closes the door then heads over his side and then opens that door and gets in and clicks the key's and the car starts.
Taylor smiled as she just watching Alisa as she giggled as she looked outside of the car she just hold onto the stick she had to use her face was a little red she was kinda emberessed sh had to use it but it was going to help her" thank you Ice for the sick awwww okay i wait for the surprise Ice" she say as she was excited about going shopping
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor smiled as she just watching Alisa as she giggled as she looked outside of the car she just holds onto the stick she has to use her face was a little red she was kinda embarrassed she has to use it but it was going to help her" thank you Ice for the sick awwww okay i wait for the surprise Ice" she say as she was excited about going shopping
As they continue to drive after about forty minutes or so their almost their and ice says" Ok ladies we're almost there in about ten minutes tops we'll be at the mall and supermarket". Ten minutes blows by and ice parks in an open space and then walks round and opens the door for them and says" Oh i really fancy an oxtail curry i haven't had one in ages but should we buy the food first or go clothes shopping".
Taylor was quite as she saw people looking at her as she grabbed her stick holding onto Alisa hand she was frowning a bit" i dunno Icey" she say as she giggled a little as she was happy to be at the mall and supermarket she was also a little sad why people was staring at her she just looked down she didn't like getting stared at because she was somewhat blind she was still healing from the operation" where you want to go Alisa clothes first or supermarket" she sasked her all she wanted to do was yell at the people who were staying at her' go away' she thought closing her eyes squeezing on Alisa's hand showing her she didn't like being stared at because she was blind
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[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ion gently laughs and says" I'm fine just having fun watching for a change and he knows exactly what you meant, he just twisted it knowing you'd get railed up, sometimes i wonder if just his twisted humour or his hobby to tease women like you, speaking of which thanks and it's a shame we don't get to see you drunk for the laughs we could all have but another time".

Zenith watches them talk for while eating enjoying the food, on the insides he was busting out laughing, ' He's only half right on both accounts but i'm starting to understand what kind of women she is and i wasn't wrong in saying this will be interesting, it's clear she tries way to hard, but then again cat's go from one end to the other but even i feel a tad sorry for them'.

Ice came back in the house and smiles gently happy she finally became friendly with him again, ' i like ailsa's hugs it reminds me i'm not alone anymore i don't have to fight alone or suffer, i honestly don't think i'd still be remotely human if i continued on the path i was on'.



Serenity Sohma


Serenity could not help but giggle a little and rest her head delicately on her hand as she leaned forward, "Oh? Is that so? Girls like me, huh? And what kind of girl am I?" she asked with a smirk before moving on to the other comment, "Well, I wouldn't know what kind of drunk I am. For all I know, I could be a very angry drunk and wind up breaking things. My father was like that, who's to say I'm not the same?" She said using logical genetic reasoning. There was a reason she was a star at school. Athletic, talented, smart and pretty. Everything every parent wants in a child but yet this was all driven into her for one reason, approval. She just wanted someone to recognize her as a person, not as a cat.

"Well, I hope you enjoy the food. It's not as fancy as I would have liked it to be but, it suffices for what you requested, and apple pie with apple roses for desert." she told them so that they would hurry and eat their dinner just to get to the desert.

Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor was quite as she saw people looking at her as she grabbed her stick holding onto Alisa hand she was frowning a bit" i dunno Icey" she say as she giggled a little as she was happy to be at the mall and supermarket she was also a little sad why people was staring at her she just looked down she didn't like getting stared at because she was somewhat blind she was still healing from the operation" where you want to go Alisa clothes first or supermarket" she sasked her all she wanted to do was yell at the people who were staying at her' go away' she thought closing her eyes squeezing on Alisa's hand showing her she didn't like being stared at because she was blind
SerenityAngel said:


Serenity Sohma


Serenity could not help but giggle a little and rest her head delicately on her hand as she leaned forward, "Oh? Is that so? Girls like me, huh? And what kind of girl am I?" she asked with a smirk before moving on to the other comment, "Well, I wouldn't know what kind of drunk I am. For all I know, I could be a very angry drunk and wind up breaking things. My father was like that, who's to say I'm not the same?" She said using logical genetic reasoning. There was a reason she was a star at school. Athletic, talented, smart and pretty. Everything every parent wants in a child but yet this was all driven into her for one reason, approval. She just wanted someone to recognize her as a person, not as a cat.

"Well, I hope you enjoy the food. It's not as fancy as I would have liked it to be but, it suffices for what you requested, and apple pie with apple roses for desert." she told them so that they would hurry and eat their dinner just to get to the desert.

Zenith nodded as he listens then says" The foods fine not really one for fancy foods as a rule and yeah we do, i didn't really know my dad that well, mum says he died from some illness but i don't remember him ever having any issues like that, as for your question before well you seem like a over achiever to me, i used to live my life agreeing with so many mindless or over opinionated people and such but then i had an interesting journey and learned that's not who i'm". " But enough this depressing stuff oh i just remembered there's some vanilla icecream down stairs i'll be right back".

Zenith got up and heads down stairs after he's gone ion sighs and says"
yeah it's a good idea to leave the mum subject alone now i remember why he doesn't talk about it much , at the time when i first met him he was a completely different person i'd definitely say he's become softer since that day but for how long is the question". " i've been living with him for about six years now and just when i think i understand his inner nature he surprises me with something else".
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[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ice smiles and then grabs the stick from behind the door and then heads to the car and opens the door on their side puts the stick next to tay chan and says" here you go as promised and since were going shopping, i may as well drag you lady's to a few guy clothes stores as well, i have something else in mind for your but you'll have to wait tay chan while i get it after all it would ruin the surprise otherwise". Then closes the door then heads over his side and then opens that door and gets in and clicks the key's and the car starts.

Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor smiled as she just watching Alisa as she giggled as she looked outside of the car she just hold onto the stick she had to use her face was a little red she was kinda emberessed sh had to use it but it was going to help her" thank you Ice for the sick awwww okay i wait for the surprise Ice" she say as she was excited about going shopping
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]As they continue to drive after about forty minutes or so their almost their and ice says" Ok ladies we're almost there in about ten minutes tops we'll be at the mall and supermarket". Ten minutes blows by and ice parks in an open space and then walks round and opens the door for them and says" Oh i really fancy an oxtail curry i haven't had one in ages but should we buy the food first or go clothes shopping".

Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor was quite as she saw people looking at her as she grabbed her stick holding onto Alisa hand she was frowning a bit" i dunno Icey" she say as she giggled a little as she was happy to be at the mall and supermarket she was also a little sad why people was staring at her she just looked down she didn't like getting stared at because she was somewhat blind she was still healing from the operation" where you want to go Alisa clothes first or supermarket" she sasked her all she wanted to do was yell at the people who were staying at her' go away' she thought closing her eyes squeezing on Alisa's hand showing her she didn't like being stared at because she was blind
Alisa Ann

Alisa smiled to herself at the exchange between Taylor and Ice, kind of curious as to what the surprise was herself. She stayed silent the entire trip there, slightly nervous about hunters. Not only for herself but mostly for Taylor. Alisa knew how to defend herself, Taylor didn't. Soon they reached it, when they got out Alisa moved to stand beside Taylor and hold her hand. She shrugged when she asked what to get first. "Well..ya doesn't know about vy, but ya is kind of hungry." She replied. Then she noticed Taylor squeeze her hand and further noticed her discomfort which was brought on by people staring at her.

Problem?" She asked the people staring coldly with a deathly glare. "Don't mind them Taylor, they're just jealous they don't have a cute little sister like you, da?" She told her, gently stroking her hair in a reassuring manner.
Taylor heard her stomach growled as she giggled" well i'm kinda hungry too" she say she blushed when Alisa told her she was cute as she she stick out her tongue at the people who was staring at her" Neh" she say pulling on alisa hand she wanted to eat" lets go big sissy" she say she enjoyed when she was stroking her hair" i like that its relaxing" she told her @Mitchs98
With a traffic jam building up behind him he luckily transforms back but naked as he quickly redressed and decides to try the local market for some grub and takes off towards the market fast as he really hungry now. He pulls up to the market parking lot as his tires squeels hard from braking quickly as he pulls into one of the parking bays hops out after turning the engine off and runs into the markets to find a food store
Taylor looked around while holding her hand as she whisper in her ear" i feel a zodiac around besides us and ice" she whisper in Alisa ear as she wasn't sure where the zodiac was she was hungry she was happy that the people wasn't staring at her anymore she was humming" going to get food" she sanged happily walking with her as she was using her stick to find where she was going she accidently made a guy trip as she was at the food store with Alisa" opps i'm sorry mister" she say to him @Purloin kitty @Mitchs98
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He was at one of the food stands ordering his food when he trip on a stick but notice the person was blind "I'm ok just a bit of a tumble maddam" he chuckled a bit "so I take it you like something to eat as well" you could notice his posh richy accent in him a bit even though he tries to hide it
Taylor just nodded" yes i'm hungry and my sister is too" she say as she held her hand she just smiled" you don't have to madam i mean i'm only 13" she say as she looked away she didn't want to be treated any different as she sense he was a zodiac like herslef and her sister" so um what your name" she asked
"My dear y name is Jenny soma" he kisses her hand like royalty "it a pleasure to meet you miss" as the food stand hands his food he gives her a fifty doller note for her food smiling
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor heard her stomach growled as she giggled" well i'm kinda hungry too" she say she blushed when Alisa told her she was cute as she she stick out her tongue at the people who was staring at her" Neh" she say pulling on alisa hand she wanted to eat" lets go big sissy" she say she enjoyed when she was stroking her hair" i like that its relaxing" she told her @Mitchs98
Purloin kitty]With a traffic jam building up behind him he luckily transforms back but naked as he quickly redressed and decides to try the local market for some grub and takes off towards the market fast as he really hungry now. He pulls up to the market parking lot as his tires squeels hard from braking quickly as he pulls into one of the parking bays hops out after turning the engine off and runs into the markets to find a food store [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Zeldafangirl]Taylor looked around while holding her hand as she whisper in her ear" i feel a zodiac around besides us and ice" she whisper in Alisa ear as she wasn't sure where the zodiac was she was hungry she was happy that the people wasn't staring at her anymore she was humming" going to get food" she sanged happily walking with her as she was using her stick to find where she was going she accidently made a guy trip as she was at the food store with Alisa" opps i'm sorry mister" she say to him [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/31105-purloin-kitty/ said:
@Purloin kitty[/URL] @Mitchs98
Purloin kitty]He was at one of the food stands ordering his food when he trip on a stick but notice the person was blind "I'm ok just a bit of a tumble maddam" he chuckled a bit "so I take it you like something to eat as well" you could notice his posh richy accent in him a bit even though he tries to hide it [/QUOTE] [QUOTE=Zeldafangirl]Taylor just nodded" yes i'm hungry and my sister is too" she say as she held her hand she just smiled" you don't have to madam i mean i'm only 13" she say as she looked away she didn't want to be treated any different as she sense he was a zodiac like herslef and her sister" so um what your name" she asked [/QUOTE] [QUOTE="Purloin kitty]"My dear y name is Jenny soma" he kisses her hand like royalty "it a pleasure to meet you miss" as the food stand hands his food he gives her a fifty doller note for her food smiling [/QUOTE] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/20955-leo-radomir/ said:
@Leo Radomir[/URL]

Alisa Ann

Alisa smiled, "
Really? Guess ya found a way to calm vy down then." She replied. She giggled as she was hastily pulled along into the mall, primarily towards the food court. She wondered exactly where the other zodiac was, however. Either she was too dense or lacked the ability but her herself couldn't sense zodiacs. "Alright, alright I'm coming. Be careful, vy might hurt self or someone else." She told her. And sure enough she soon tripped someone, though the situation thankfully hastilly resolved itself as the man seemed to be nice. She watched as Taylor talked to him, figuring it'd be a good idea for her to resolve this herself unless it turned into an argument.

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