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Fandom Fruit Basket:The Zodiac Curse

Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor was on the couch as she woke up hearing Alisa as she yawn a bit she smiled watching the tv as she place her hands on her eyes getting a headache from the blurry she had the operation about few hours ago she is weak she lay on the couch she just stood up as she walked to Alisa but bumping into her she is trying to get used to the blurry in her eyes" we okay just i had the surgery i'm okay though" she say feeling the wals looking for the room the couch wasn't comfortable for her
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor looked at ice and alisa as she wanted to bug them" hey hey whats going on" she say as she smiled she was a little bit hyperactive as she was poking ice cheeks" poke poke poke" she say very playful as she look at Alisa as she smiled" are you okay i missed you" she say as she smiled she was bored @Leo Radomir
Alisa Ann

Alisa sighed with relief as it seemed the both of them were alright, Ice she didn't worry much about seeing as how strong he was, at the time she was unaware that Taylor had had eye surgery so she was mostly worried about her due to her blindness. She blinked at Ice's question and felt her neck, sure enough it was scraped and bleeding slightly. "Please. If vy don't mind." She replied.

She smiled at Taylor when she said she had the surgery, "
Vy did? That's great! Ya told you not to give up and ya was right." She replied. She giggled at her poking Ice's cheeks and nodded when she asked if she was alright, "Ya is fine. Ya was just worried about vy is all." She quickly replied. "Did vy have a good time with Ice?" She asked.
Taylor just smiled" yup ice cook good ice cook good food" she say to her while looking up at her" i won't be able to see until few weeks i can kinda see but it's very blurry" she told he" why ya were worried" she asked holding onto her pants she is short for her age @Mitchs98
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Mitchs98 said:
Alisa AnnAlisa sighed with relief as it seemed the both of them were alright, Ice she didn't worry much about seeing as how strong he was, at the time she was unaware that Taylor had had eye surgery so she was mostly worried about her due to her blindness. She blinked at Ice's question and felt her neck, sure enough it was scraped and bleeding slightly. "Please. If vy don't mind." She replied.

She smiled at Taylor when she said she had the surgery, "
Vy did? That's great! Ya told you not to give up and ya was right." She replied. She giggled at her poking Ice's cheeks and nodded when she asked if she was alright, "Ya is fine. Ya was just worried about vy is all." She quickly replied. "Did vy have a good time with Ice?" She asked.
Ice smiled more warmly than normal, knowing this is the progress to what he wants and says with more warmth than normal" Tay chan i need you to take the medicine cinla gave you with some water before you go to sleep and even though it's not the case it seems like we're becoming more like a young couple with their daughter maybe i just act older than i should". Ice stretches his hands and some of the bones click and then he goes back to looking between the two of them.
Taylor just whine a little bit" but i'm not tired and i can't see that well so i still need help to look for the color of the bottle of pills" she say to him she just smiled a little bit her eyes was hurting again she just wimper a little taylor blush when he said about her being the daughter" i cab be the daughter daddy" she say playfully

@Leo Radomir
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Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor just smiled" yup ice cook good ice cook good food" she say to her while looking up at her" i won't be able to see until few weeks i can kinda see but it's very blurry" she told he" why ya were worried" she asked holding onto her pants she is short for her age @Mitchs98
@Leo Radomir[/URL]

Alisa Ann

Ya and Rowan heard fighting or what sounded like fighting. Ya was worried it was hunters after vy, though ya guess ya was wrong." She replied. "A few weeks or not, that is still good, da?" She added. She giggled at Ice's statement, it certainly probably did look that way to anyone else, though Alisa herself didn't view it as such. But of course, Taylor took to the idea for some reason or another. "Da. Ya guesses vy would be." She replied jokingly.
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann

Ya and Rowan heard fighting or what sounded like fighting. Ya was worried it was hunters after vy, though ya guess ya was wrong." She replied. "A few weeks or not, that is still good, da?" She added. She giggled at Ice's statement, it certainly probably did look that way to anyone else, though Alisa herself didn't view it as such. But of course, Taylor took to the idea for some reason or another. "Da. Ya guesses vy would be." She replied jokingly.
Ice smiles gently and then says" I just have to help with give the medicine then i'll be back to help you very soon alisa i left something nice for you in the fridge since you've almost been working hard, i know it's not masterfully done but i hope you like it all the same". Ice looks at tay chan the gently grabs her hand and starts heading back to her room so he can give her the medicine.

Taylor walked up the stairs she stayed in Alisa room it had a extra bed she smiled she enter the room as she sit in her bed she just didn't want to go to bed yet she is pouting" do i have to go to sleep daddy" she say playfully as she was getting ready to take the medicine @Leo Radomir
Sun sighed slightly relieved that the fight was practically over now. He walked toward his brother and scooped up his clothes just as he transformed back. Sun had to know what was the meaning of this ambush "Why did you attack us? What is the point?" He asked Lucy in a tone that was a mix of confusion and anger.

Was it because they were Zodiacs? Or was it because they had plans to turn everyone into Zodiac and wanted to test on them like a rat?
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor walked up the stairs she stayed in Alisa room it had a extra bed she smiled she enter the room as she sit in her bed she just didn't want to go to bed yet she is pouting" do i have to go to sleep daddy" she say playfully as she was getting ready to take the medicine @Leo Radomir
Ice gently taps tay chan's head and says" You really seem to like that idea but something tells me she doesn't feel the same way and yes just for a couple of hours so your eyes can recover quicker". Ice then goes to the bathroom and gets a cup of water in his other hand and then head back into the room opens the meds taps a couple on to his hand and then put the medicine gently in tay chan's mouth and then then brings the cup to her lips so she can drink.
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Taylor just took the pills as she yawned" night" she say as she smiled" night da i mean ice" she say hugging the blanket she was smiling she didn't want to sleep but the medicine made her tired she yawned
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Ice got out the med kit and moves over to the kitchen table and unzips the med kit and gets what he needs from the med box and waits for her to come so he can treat her wound. ' i wonder if she took me seriously when i said i made her some homemade sweets since i give her a hard time about being a clutz sometimes'.

Zenith and Ion walking down the street together after coming back from the supermarket and having no luck spotting any babes just kids and grandparents and such, the ion says" I really don't see the point of hanging around here any more we got the food and it's not like with our luck we'll suddenly spot any babes or even a women worth talking to and you go all emo the minute a girl rejects you and i find it bloody annoying because then i have to snap you out of your depression i do have a life besides looking after you you know". " Zenith don't say such mean things that's why most of the girls don't like you and would it kill you to be nicer to me it's not like i'm always causing issues for you and there has been a couple of times off the top of my head where hanging out with me has worked for you".

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Leo Radomir]Ice got out the med kit and moves over to the kitchen table and unzips the med kit and gets what he needs from the med box and waits for her to come so he can treat her wound. [B][I]' i wonder if she took me seriously when i said i made her some homemade sweets since i give her a hard time about being a clutz sometimes'.[/I][/B] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24115-mitchs98/ said:
Alisa Ann

Alisa smiled and waved after them, "Sleep well!" She called out to Taylor to accompany her wave. Afterwards she walked over and sat down at the kitchen table, she'd get the snack Ice had prepared for her later seeing as she wasn't exactly that hungry right now. Soon after Ice came into the room with the medkit to treat her. "Thank vy, for helping ya and for helping Taylor. Ya is sure Taylor appreciates it too." She told him.
Mitchs98 said:
Alisa Ann
Alisa smiled and waved after them, "Sleep well!" She called out to Taylor to accompany her wave. Afterwards she walked over and sat down at the kitchen table, she'd get the snack Ice had prepared for her later seeing as she wasn't exactly that hungry right now. Soon after Ice came into the room with the medkit to treat her. "Thank vy, for helping ya and for helping Taylor. Ya is sure Taylor appreciates it too." She told him.
Ice get a disinfectant wipe and gently wipes the blood and then gets a plastic and then within a minute it was done and he says" It's fine and yeah she's a sweet kid it kinda reminds me off me and my brother used to be like way back in the day but enough of that i don't want to depress you with my past, on another topic i was wondering if you'd like to go somewhere this weekend there's this new cafe and the foods great and there's also some really good movies on at the moment, i'm sorry if it's sudden it's just i haven't been able to talk to you when i'm relaxed in ages and so on".


Serenity Sohma


Serenity walked around the city after picking up her own groceries. She looked at the list in her hand as she had put the things she needed for the week on that little piece of paper. Each item on that list had been crossed off as she had picked them up on the way. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going as she made sure she got everything by going over the list and the things in her bags. She didn't notice that there were two boys right ahead of her and she was about to collide with them. Her amethyst eyes were fixated on the slip of paper in her long slender hand. Her long orange hair looked almost red like fire in the bright sunlight and her snow pale skin stood out against such bright colors and made her stand out so much more.

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SerenityAngel said:


Serenity Sohma


Serenity walked around the city after picking up her own groceries. She looked at the list in her hand as she had put the things she needed for the week on that little piece of paper. Each item on that list had been crossed off as she had picked them up on the way. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going as she made sure she got everything by going over the list and the things in her bags. She didn't notice that there were two boys right ahead of her and she was about to collide with them. Her amethyst eyes were fixated on the slip of paper in her long slender hand. Her long orange hair looked almost red like fire in the bright sunlight and her snow pale skin stood out against such bright colors and made her stand out so much more.

Zenith yanks Ion back and says" Ok i take back what i said about no babes and you being a total bore but seriously you should roll with the punches more there's plenty of fish in the sea as the saying goes, speaking of which this girl looks familiar hmmm i think she's one of the school idols i only know this because the boys never shut up about her, well here's your chance to talk hurry because she thinks your weird".
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Zenith yanks Ion back and says" Ok i take back what i said about no babes and you being a total bore but seriously you should roll with the punches more there's plenty of fish in the sea as the saying goes, speaking of which this girl looks familiar hmmm i think she's one of the school idols i only know this because the boys never shut up about her, well here's your chance to talk hurry because she thinks your weird".



Serenity Sohma


Serenity continued to walk, completely oblivious to the world around her for the time being but once she assured herself that she got everything on her list she nodded her head and put the paper into her pants pocket and looked up at the last second before stopping in her tracks and saw two boys standing in front of her. She was a bit surprised and froze for a moment but then she gave a smile to them, "Excuse me." she said and went to continue on her way. She didn't know these boys but she had to admit, they were fairly attractive but she didn't think that they were about to talk to her. She was not accustomed to attention, least of all from boys. She was not the smartest when it came to her own popularity. With how she was raised and treated she never thought that herself as attractive or smart or talented and therefor didn't think she was at all noticed, least of all being a school idol.

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Zenith's gaze passes over her as he moves out of the way and then says to ion" well she's polite enough nothing more annoying than mindless rude people and oh i just remembered who she is well this is a rare thing well i'll let you figure it out ion after all it's more fun that way". Ion pouts before moving out of the way and says" Ah tell me zenith you know about these kinds of things but you hardly ever tell me anything, how is that you're in know about who the women are in school i've been there a fair bit and still don't know as much as you, teach me how you find out your information please please".

Zenith smirks and says" I know a lot of things people don't expect me to know but i'm not a leaky basket like you and many others so no i'm not going to tell you who she is but i do have to admit i wonder if what they say about her is true well, i'm in no rush to find out right now but if you still want to that's fine i'll head home with the food and get dinner ready after all the food won't cook it's self now will it".


Serenity Sohma


Serenity's ears were extremely sensitive and could hear extremely well and overheard their conversation, though she really wasn't trying to. She pulled out a small bottle of milk from her bag and opened it and started to drink it. She hated that she loved milk so much. She hated being the cat. She wished she could have been a dog, or horse or even a snake. At least it was better than being a rat. Other than the milk she didn't have anything in her bags that need refrigerating so she decided to take a seat on a bench and relax and enjoy the warm sunlight for a couple of minutes. She wondered what those two knew about her but she didn't want to seem like she was eavesdropping but it was about her but then it was also about them. It wasn't long while she was sitting there that a white cat came up to her and started rubbing on her. The cat was so cute, she couldn't help but smile and pick the small creature up and pet it while it relaxed in her lap.

Zenith saw she pulled out some milk and started to drink it and then picking up a cat then he grins slyly then says" Well have fun with her she seems to be in here own world and from the looks of things has no idea who we are, which surprises me i figure she'd at least know you after all when you do visit it they all seem to light up like helium makes people sound funny and laugh, well go on ion the horse don't try and roll in the hey just yet though you might get slapped".

Ion sighed and says" I'm a horse not a rabbit i do think of many things besides doing the dirty with girls and why do you have to be such a dick sometimes it's no wonder so many guys hate you and now i'll go and talk to her since you don't want to stick around". Ion then goes and sits next to her and glance at the cat before looking back up at the sky not sure what to talk about it has been a long time since he had spoke to a such a pretty girl.

Zenith goes off and with a few minutes he's long gone and says to himself" Well bud being to nice doesn't really work for me besides i'm a snake and last time i checked snakes aren't the nicest of creatures and are often hated and revered but i'm sure our paths will cross again and when they do who ever you pick i'll be happy for you".
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Taylor was just sleeping as she was tossing in turning she was having a nightmare about the lab the hunters she was panting' no no no don't take me away don't take daddy or mommy' she was dreaming remembering her parents she was crying in her sleep she was kidnaped when she was 3 she remember a little about her parents but she don't remember" mommy daddy" she cried as she bolted up as she was scared her heart was racing she went inside the closet as she hid she was so scared


Serenity Sohma


Serenity continued to pet the fluffy little cat in her lap quite contently until she felt another human's presence right next to her. She turned her head to see who this person was and saw it was one of the boys she had past and was talking about her for a second. When she saw him she smiled at him sweetly and couldn't help but get the feeling that she had seen him somewhere before but she couldn't put her finger on where. "Hello." she said calmly. Her smile was bright and kind and her hair shimmered with the sunlight.

[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]Ice get a disinfectant wipe and gently wipes the blood and then gets a plastic and then within a minute it was done and he says" It's fine and yeah she's a sweet kid it kinda reminds me off me and my brother used to be like way back in the day but enough of that i don't want to depress you with my past, on another topic i was wondering if you'd like to go somewhere this weekend there's this new cafe and the foods great and there's also some really good movies on at the moment, i'm sorry if it's sudden it's just i haven't been able to talk to you when i'm relaxed in ages and so on".

Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor was just sleeping as she was tossing in turning she was having a nightmare about the lab the hunters she was panting' no no no don't take me away don't take daddy or mommy' she was dreaming remembering her parents she was crying in her sleep she was kidnaped when she was 3 she remember a little about her parents but she don't remember" mommy daddy" she cried as she bolted up as she was scared her heart was racing she went inside the closet as she hid she was so scared
Alisa Ann

Alisa winced slightly from the medication being placed on her wounds but otherwise stayed put. She nodded when Ice asked her out, though she didn't really think he meant as a date. "Da. Sounds good. We can see if Taylor wants to go too." She replied. It'd probably be good for her, she doubted the poor girl had ever did something like going to the movies or a restaurant before. A little bit later she heard Taylor wake up screaming, almost immediately she was out of her chair and ran upstairs to her room. Only, Taylor was no where to be seen when she arrived. Her eyes widened in complete fear that someone had taken her, or something. "Taylor! Where are vy! Are vy alright?!" She shouted frantically while looking around the room for her.
Taylor heard Alisa as she open the closet door as she went to her scared holding her own shirt" i'm scared the hunters the lab it still hunts me i don't know if mommy or daddy are alive or not i don't remember what they look like what if the hunters come looking for me i can't fight" she cried trembling in fear" i always get bad dreams about that place i'm scared Alisa" she cried trembling in fear

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Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor heard Alisa as she open the closet door as she went to her scared holding her own shirt" i'm scared the hunters the lab it still hunts me i don't know if mommy or daddy are alive or not i don't remember what they look like what if the hunters come looking for me i can't fight" she cried trembling in fear" i always get bad dreams about that place i'm scared Alisa" she cried trembling in fear
Alisa Ann

Alisa jumped slightly as Taylor ran out of the closet, not really expecting her to be there. She sighed lightly and frowned slightly at Taylor's words and as she started crying. She brought the girl into a hug and gently rubbed her back in a comforting manner. "It's alright Taylor. Vy don't have to worry anymore. We will protect vy until vy learns how to protect self, da? Vy doesn't have to be scared anymore, we are hear for vy. We might not be vy parents..but we'll protect and take care of vy." She told her reassuringly. "If vy escaped, ya is sure vy parents did too. Please don't cry, everything is fine and vy is safe." She added.

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