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Fandom Fruit Basket:The Zodiac Curse

Taylor smiled as she swallow the pills down her throat with the water" thanks Ice" she say to him as she poke him" i'm hungry" she say as she felt her stomach growl" when will Alisa be back i was sad that she didn't come with us to my operation" she say pouting a little bit" wait you like Alisa" she say to him as she poke his cheek" lets go find her pleaseeeeeee" she whined" i can tell Alisa if you want" she say trying to help
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Ice smiles gently and says" I don't know but hopefully soon and please well at least not yet it would make me look really lame, anyways you're hungry so i'll take you down please grab onto my neck". ' tay chan's a sweet girl even though she's a little immature for her age, i'll make some chocolates for alisa at some point with a card i hope my message gets through, i'm happy she's here with me i hated being alone after my brother died and couldn't live in the house anymore'.
Taylor grabbed onto his neck as she was riding on his back as she put his head on his shoulder she knew she was inmature for her age but she didn't know how to act she didn't have a good childhood she just smiled" yay food" she say as her stomach growled loudley she was very emberessed' so warm i can fall asleep on him he so musular' she thought falling asleep on his back
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Ice gently chuckled then once down stairs placed her gently on the couch and leans down and kisses her forehead and says" Take your time resting tay chan you've done really today and now you can start to fully live and i guess it will be fun having you around". " I'll be about one hour because i'm doing roast pork and stuffing with roast vegtable".
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Taylor heard what he say as she smiled as she was resting as he say she heard the tv on when she woke up she was about to rub her eye but stopped she didn't want to go blind again" big brother" she say sleepy" i want food" she say say tiredly" where big sister sorry i don't act my age i just didn't have a childhood" she say to him cutely
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor heard what he say as she smiled as she was resting as he say she heard the tv on when she woke up she was about to rub her eye but stopped she didn't want to go blind again" big brother" she say sleepy" i want food" she say say tiredly" where big sister sorry i don't act my age i just didn't have a childhood" she say to him cutely
Ice places a raw carrot in tay chan's mouth the says" I didn't say i would be your brother but for now i don't mind looking out for you till you make more friends and just bare with me the food will be ready in thirty minutes, i'll sit and you can use me as pillow for today and then when the times up i'll go and get the food ready oh i need to set the timer first".
Taylor looked at him as she sighed" sorry i say weird things when i'm tired" she told him" yay pillow wait friends how do i make friends" she asked as she wasn't sure she will. go to school or stay home with Alisa" do i get to stay home with Alisa" she asked happily" yay a human pillow" she say happily
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor looked at him as she sighed" sorry i say weird things when i'm tired" she told him" yay pillow wait friends how do i make friends" she asked as she wasn't sure she will. go to school or stay home with Alisa" do i get to stay home with Alisa" she asked happily" yay a human pillow" she say happily
Ice set the timer after he put the roast pork and vegetables at the right temp in the over and then goes over and sits on the couch and says" At weekends sometimes you'd be here and making friends isn't hard just talk to people small conversation girl chat and such". " You really do like to spoiled well for now i don't mind for now since the record company isn't going be open for a few days since their finishing up bits and pieces".
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Taylor was getting frustrated" you mean i won't stay here" she say as she frowned as she was laying on his lap as she sighed a little bit she didn't get what he was saying to him" i like it here though i don't want to be alone again be alone is scary" she say not getting what he said
Zeldafangirl said:
Taylor was getting frustrated" you mean i won't stay here" she say as she frowned as she was laying on his lap as she sighed a little bit she didn't get what he was saying to her" i like it here though i don't want to be alone again be alone is scary" she say not getting what he said
Ice gently sighs and strokes tay chans hair and says" I didn't say you would be leaving here but girlfriend do stay at each others house from time to time, alisa jumping to conclusions is already rubbing off on you oh geez, besides i'm not so cold that i would ignore you after you just finished surgery that would be very wrong on so many levels". " The food will ready in fifteen minutes so please try and relax some more if you fall asleep that's fine to i'll put it aside so you can eat yours later, i'll come join you again because i have tea and a snack from time to time after work it's one of the few ways i can cut back and enjoy my self a little".
Taylor looked at him" oh okay big sister is nice she found me first glad you won't leave me" she told him feeling relaxed she was very happy" yay food" she say" i'm tired of resting i don't want to sleep" she whine she smell the food was done as she smiled"FOOD" she yell happy" after we eat can we go look for Alisa" she asked
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Cadence nodded and threw the hunter at a tree. Since she was holding her she could've done that a long time ago,but this wasn't the real Cadence that did it. It was a clone. The real Cadence was the one with Sun. It was a bit confusing,but they could switch at any time they wanted,"Since you don't want to listen to me I'll make you!!" the clone shouted picking up a tree taking the roots out of the ground,"One more time before I start playing a little bit of baseball" the Clone said making the motion the motion in which she is hitting her hand with the tree."Mabye next time you'll think about me and how I can beat the crap out of you" she said. The real Cadence was nodding the entire time,'Classic me' She thought.

@Creepypasta Hound @Mitchs98 @anyone I missed
Gabby saw her real sister she just transform into her sheep form as she smiled first time in the form' yay i transform i be like big sister' she thought to herself she wasn't sure how to transform back to her human form she saw mom @WoodenZebra
Ice laughs and says" one goal for team zodiac the visiting team just got schooled but hang in there folks this isn't over yet what will the hunters do stay tuned for the rest of the show". " So that's her power interesting not right now but at some point i'll have to show you how to fight tay chan because this won't be the last time we see them that's for sure".
Rowan picked herself up and walked to the side of her home. She placed her ear on the wall and listened. "It... It sounds like fighting... there's lots of crashes and shouts. Do you think-" She stopped short when she suddenly jumped down the exit. "We gotta go back to your house! It could be Taylor and Ice so we need to check your home first!"Sve shouted back and on foot then the other as she waited for Alisa.

Sun, now standing had to admit that Candence was really amazing. She knew how to hold her own could most definitely put the brothers down on their back. Rico looked over at the Hunter and then toward the house, he could tell that the situation was handled but he wanted to be sure that everything was going to be okay.

@WoodenZebra @Mitchs98
Ice laughs and says" one goal for team zodiac the visiting team just got schooled but hang in there folks this isn't over yet what will the hunters do stay tuned for the rest of the show". " So that's her power interesting not right now but at some point i'll have to show you how to fight tay chan because this won't be the last time we see them that's for sure".
Taylor just hold to him as she frown watching the fight it was very blurry for her though" okay ice sempai" she say she bite her lip" ice we need to look for Alisa what if she in trouble" she say to him she is worried about her friend she wanting to help" do i really need to ride on your back" she sigh @Leo Radomir
Puggie said:
Rowan picked herself up and walked to the side of her home. She placed her ear on the wall and listened. "It... It sounds like fighting... there's lots of crashes and shouts. Do you think-" She stopped short when she suddenly jumped down the exit. "We gotta go back to your house! It could be Taylor and Ice so we need to check your home first!"Sve shouted back and on foot then the other as she waited for Alisa.
@Leo Radomir @Zeldafangirl

Alisa Ann

Alisa nodded and jumped down after her, though not with near as much grace which included nearly breaking her neck. Nonetheless she recovered and sprinted to her house alongside Rowan. She hoped it wasn't them, she didn't really want either of them to be injured at all. It didn't take long for them to reach her house at the speed they were running. Once she did she quickly burst through the door, "Taylor! Ice! Where are vy! Is everything alright?" She shouted worriedly while searching the house for them.
(ffed to back at the house)

Ice came out of the shower with a robe and says" Alisa sorry to worry you tay chan is here i only left her to take a shower, after we witnessed a young ram beating the stuffing out of a hunter it was bloody funny, but that side are you ok it looks as though your neck took a bit of a beating do you want me to patch you up"?

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Taylor was on the couch as she woke up hearing Alisa as she yawn a bit she smiled watching the tv as she place her hands on her eyes getting a headache from the blurry she had the operation about few hours ago she is weak she lay on the couch she just stood up as she walked to Alisa but bumping into her she is trying to get used to the blurry in her eyes" we okay just i had the surgery i'm okay though" she say feeling the wals looking for the room the couch wasn't comfortable for her
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@WoodenZebra @Zeldafangirl @Creepypasta Hound @anyone I missed.

Lucy Red

Lucy should of expected as much, and it was a good thing the girl that was holding her was a clone seeing as she'd promptly stabbed the knife deep enough into her throat to kill her as she was tossed. She smacked into the tree hard, but not hard enough to kill her. She knew she wasn't going to be able to capture any of them, not yet. She'd also just noticed Cadence's little sister was there with her. She had a soft spot for kids..so she didn't exactly want to scar her for life by killing her sister in front of her.

Shakily standing up she sent all of them a glare that could terrify someone for life before sliding her knife back into her boot. "
Typical..ah well. Don't worry, I'll be sure to get you next time." She told them before chuckling lowly and running back off into the forest as well as she could in her injured state. Pulling out her cellphone she phoned the base, "Yeah..it's me. Going to need a pick up on the main road near the forest. Yeah..over estimated those brats. Oh, don't worry, I'll get them next time." She told the man who'd answered before soon after halting her running and leaning against a tree near the main road for support.
Taylor looked at ice and alisa as she wanted to bug them" hey hey whats going on" she say as she smiled she was a little bit hyperactive as she was poking ice cheeks" poke poke poke" she say very playful as she look at Alisa as she smiled" are you okay i missed you" she say as she smiled she was bored @Leo Radomir

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