from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


Crane was having a good time, so I left him alone for now. Instead, I kept my attention on the girl that had almost hurt him and seemed to be trying to. I'd snap her femur if she tried kicking him again.

((Sorry was getting ready for work))
I was showering so it's kayyy))))


"I could teach you about birds." I offered, raising my eyebrows with a smile. I looked back down at the book and pet the soft furs on the book. They really were cool. I then gave a small wave to the little dinosaurs and then a small wave to the little monsters.

Crane blinked, eyes a little wide. "Really?" He glanced at me and I nodded my approval so he turned back to her and gave her puppy eyes. "Pleeaaaase." They could learn about birds, and while she kept him busy I could keep an eye on the new girl.
I shrugged, taking a sip of my tea.. And then cursing to myself because it was so damn hot.. I decided to leave it another 5 minutes.. I smiled at nic, and wraped both arms around him..

I wriggled a bit when he hugged me and managed to get one of my own out of his grasp to put around his shoulders. "Oh, so we're the touch-y type, are we?" I asked, smiling. "All right. I can deal with that. You really do just jump into things with both feet, don't you?" He'd been scared asking me out and now it seemed he wanted to be attached to me somehow for every second that he could.

((O_O What time is it for you? It's late here))
ts 7:40 in the morning)m

Ugh, I thought to myself, why did have to. Keep sayin crap like that... But I put it to the back of my mind, I loved nic, that's all that mattered... "Yeah" I sighed.
((Oh wow. It's almost midnight for me))


I frowned a little when I realized his tone had changed. "Ah - sorry. I talk too much." I shook my head and pretended to zip my lips. "I'll be quiet now." I had to learn to keep my comments to myself or I was going to continually make him uncomfortable.

I frowned a little and just watched him, fighting the urge to speak again until I finally gave in. "What?" I asked, a little confused and a little hesitantly. "What did I say now?" I'd been trying to not say things.
I turned back to nic.. I'd upset him now.. (Just great..) I put my arm around his shoulder again.. And rested my head there.. "Sorry" I mumbled

I sighed quietly and just leaned a bit into his weight against my shoulder. "No, don't say sorry. I upset you. Tell me what it was? Please?" I wanted to know so I could stop myself from doing it again.
I closed my eyes.. "I..I..I'm probably just overeacting nic, its fine, but.. Just saying that I was touching too much, so I should be sorry" 
(Tennin, um, go to the first page of the rp, look at the forms, and please compete one, you can use the others for the catagories, but please no copying)

I tilted my head a little to the side. "I didn't mean it was too much." I said, shaking my head. "I just didn't expect it and - you know how I babble sometimes. Things just pop out without a filter." I shrugged slightly. "I never mean anything by it. It just surprised me, is all. I didn't expect you to be so much the tactile type." I didn't hate him for it. Honest. I was kind of a tactile person myself. 
((Gtg Prophet. Super late for me. Not sure how much I'll be on tomorrow either (and by tomorrow I mean later, really)). I've got a lot of stuff to do in th morning))
"Oh.." That's made me feel a little better.., I knew he went on, but I genuinely thought he meant it.. 'Tactile..' I thought to myself.. "I am when I love somebody the way I love you.." 
(Okai nala, have fun sleeping)

Oh. . . Oh, all right We were on to the L word already? Well, it wasn't all that quick i supposed. We'd known each other for a good while now. "It's all right, Cyrus," I said, just giving him a reassuring smile. "You can be that way if you want to. In *private*." I tapped the tip of his nose lightly with a finger and grinned. "Can't have you trying to cop a feel in the middle of work hours. People will talk, you know."

((K, now I'm gone! Sorry about the stars. Can't italicize from iPad))
(Its fine and okay)

I laughed nervously.. Knowing this was a little too fast for nich.. I Had known him for years though, and if I'm quite honest, I'd found him atractive since we first met, just the way he acted, his manerisms, his caring nature towards others, his ability as a beautiful he was.. I'd loved him a long time, it was just surprising for him that I'd finally told him my feelings..
I just stood there, looking at Crane, thinking about what I should do... I giggled when Mkayla told me what to do... She wasn't normally like this so I was going to make the most of it.

Without warning, I kicked crane hard....

I bit my lip for a second, then just tried for a small smile. "I said too much again, didn't I?" I ran a hand back through my hair. "Sorry. I can't help it. Maybe I'm a little nervous too." It was a little much, all at once, after being just friends for so long. And we hadn't even kissed yet.


Crane didn't make a sound at first. He jerked with the force of it, toppled a little into his friend, looked at his attacker for a split second, and then screamed. I was on my feet almost before he'd started, barely upright before I was actually at her side. I dropped to a knee as soon as I'd taken the two steps between me and her, dragged her leg forward with one hand and slammed a fist into the side of her knee with the other. I knew I sprained or possibly even broke at least one of my fingers, but there was a satisfying crack from her knee before she went down and it was worth it, even if th guards would come rushing in any second. Nobody touches my brother.

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