from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


I laughed softly at the embarrassed look on his face and just shook my head. "It's all right, Cyrus. I don't mind. I can help clean up." I liked helping and it would keep me busy.
(yup, how is she?x)


i looked up at nic.. "if you wanna clean, thats fine by me, i have been meaning to get this dump cleaned up anyways.."


((She's okay. Just a cold or something like that. Thanks for asking, guys ^_^ it's sweet of you))


I smiled and nodded. "We'll make that our project for today, then. Now eat up. Gotta keep counteracting that alcohol if you ever want to feel sober again."
(its okai)

"yes yes, hangover doctor", i said with a laugh, before i started eating.. downing another two cups of coffee during breakfast, what was that now.. five?

he screamed again, and tried to get up..

We passed breakfast in comfortable silence, and I waited long enough for him to finish eating and both of us to just sit sipping our coffee before I finally asked. ". . . Did you talk to your doctor?" If we were still doing the sleep study tonight, I needed information.

I shook my head. "No, no, it's all right. If you don't want to do it tonight, I don't mind. I just want you to sleep better, as soon as possible." I didn't like seeing the dark spots under his eyes, even more so now that I knew why they were there. Maybe that was why he wore eye makeup, to mask it.

"!, i do want to do it!, i'm just scared, that's all, i could phone up today, and make an appointment for later, then you can know what to expect huh?" i sighed.. brushing my hair in front of my eyes..



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