from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


I smiled a little and put the helmet on, waiting for him to get on first before getting on behind him. "Please obey traffic laws this time, Cyrus. You don't have to get speeding tickets to impress me, you know." That smug grin of his when I'd gotten off the bike last night had been the only explanation I'd needed. He'd wanted to impress me.

((I'm only here for this one post. Sorry you're not doing well, MA :( Best wishes))
"Yes yes.." I said briskly.. I started up the bike before pulling out of the drive, I found being law obing was slightly less fun.. But at least I wouldn't be getting any tickets today.., we soon arrived at nico's house, I pulled up outside, waiting for him to get off

"Because I have to wait here untill you calm down!!!"

I got off the bike and handed him his helmet. "Are you coming in, or did you just want me to drive back?" I had a car, I just usually chose not to use it. Waking was better for me and the environment. "It might take a little while to get ready." I had to shower but I also had to pack a small bag for staying overnight at his place. If I was going to stay awake for most of it I needed to have something to occupy me.
"No no, drive back if you want" that way, he could have his privacy, and I needed to sort a few things out at home before he came back.. "See you back home then" I smiled a little as I slipped the helmet on and gave him a little wave..

I waved back as I walked up the driveway, then went inside when he was gone. I showered quickly, made sure I had what I needed, including a small medical bag I kept for emergency purposes, then gave him a little warning text as I was getting in the car. I wanted to be prepared for tonight, and I thought I was. As good as I could be, at least.
I smiled a little as the text came through on my phone, he'd be about 10 minutes now.. I'd already had a tidy round, so he wouldn't have to help me.. That would just embarass me.. Seeing as he had been so good to me, I didn't think it fair that he would have to help me clean.. I was up in my room.. Deciding what to wear for later.. There was a black suit that I hadn't worn for years, and when I did, I wore it for a funeral..
((Sorry. Been up since 530 am so I passed out and took a short nap lol it's possible I'll do it again, so beware))


When I got to Cyrus' house, I knocked, then tried the door and just walked in. "Cyrus?" I called, just to let him know it was me, but stopped and looked around once I was inside. "Oh. You cleaned." I smiled a little and shook my head, setting my bag down. "I said I'd help."
(Its okay xD )

I came running down the stairs at the sound of his voice, slipping a little at the last step, I still hadn't decided what I should wear.. "Yes I cleaned, and I know you said you'd help.. But meh, I got bored" I laughed a little at my own reply.. "Are you feeling better now honey?" I asked as I put my arms around him..

I gave him a squeeze, just because I could, and laughed a little. "I feel much better, thank you. This isn't my first time at the rodeo, Cyrus. Ill be just fine."

I nodded and let him go. "Of course. What's the matter?" It didn't sound serious, so it probably wasn't anything health related.
(That's nico all over xD as long as its not health realted xD )

I can't belive I was asking him this.. I really couldn't.." I don't know what to wear tonight" I said meekly.. Worried he'd laugh..

I wanted to laugh, a little bit, but he seemed so worried about it I just couldn't. I smiled instead and just shook my head. "It's just me, Cyrus, and we're not going anywhere special." Marco's was a little Italian place, but it wasn't really 'fancy'. "You can wear whatever you want."

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