from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

((Sorry, tons of chores to do since moms sleeping off the cold. Replies are going to be few and far between until I'm done))


I shook my head. "It's okay. We can just give him a call, that's all. If he's tried to prescribe the pills to you before, he can do it again without you going in. We can just pick them up once I've talked to him a little. Don't worry. Ill be here, every step of the way."

I nodded in agreement "thankyou for helping me out with this nico, you don't know what it means to me.." I smiled, picking up both of our plates.. I started humming softly to myself as I washed up.. Happy that nic was here, and we had a day, together, without any nosy patient intruding, or nosy nurses for that matter..


"Oh, so its the silent treatment is it?!"
(Yeah I know, but my mum told me to get back into a routine ready for school -_- I wish I could stay on longer but she's even taking my phone off me -_- )
(im gonna go now. buy everyone. Dont think ill be on much tomorrow, everything is just falling apart in my life right now- nothing is going right for me now >.> But oh well. So yeah! See ya when i do)

I stayed where I was until I'd finished my coffee then got up and walked over to him, wrapping my arms around him to set it in the sink. I settled my chin atop his head and just watched what he was doing. "Will you give me a lift home before we make the call? I'd like to shower and change myself, actually." I wanted to feel a little more normal before I talked about Cyrus' insomnia with his doctor. That way I would remember all of it.
i nodded "yeah,yeah i just have to be careful in the daytime, wouldn't wanna get pulled over by the cops would we?" when i'd done with the washing up, i took nic's hands and just stood there with him.. not saying a word..silence.. after kissing him on the cheek,i led him outside and passed him my helmet..

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