from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

i rubbed my eyes a little before smiling wryly.." don't usually have company and if i knew you were coming before 10 minutes before the end of my shift, i would've cleaned up"

I laughed softly at the uncomfortable look on his face, even though it hurt a little. "It's okay, Cyrus. I don't mind. I can help you clean up a little, if you want." I liked helping, and cleaning was just another way to distract myself. If I could keep mostly busy all day, I would.
"O..ok.. But why would you clean on your day off nic?!"I said, taking a sip of my coffee, and smiling at the effect it had on me, I did nothing but coffee, but I was hardly ever in my house, that's probably the excuse for the mess it was in..
"Have a guess...!" I muttered, looking around again.... I wanted to see nico... (she doesnt understand what she did was bad and blah blah blah)
(that hurt my eyes.. I was like *clicks new page* AHHHH BIG BOLD writing))))


I kicked his legs from under him before he could do anything.. I watched as he fell.


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