from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

"Uh-huh.., I will.. And thanks.." I smiled a little at his joke.. But tried not to laugh for the same reason..I get through about 3 cups of coffee when we're back in the living room.. And when I've taken the advil, I feel better.. Slightly..

I spent most of my time sort of half-draped over the arm of the couch, drinking steadily with him - thankfully something that wasn't going to attack my liver this time. "All right," I said after a while, nudging at one of his feet with mine because I couldn't be bothered to get up. "Man up and go shower. Trust me. You'll feel better."
I sniggered a little.. "Okay okay!" So I got up and walked into the bathroom.. Turning on the shower..the room began to fill with steam, so before making sure there's a towel there, I took off my clothes and stepped in.. The hot water hitting my skin instantly, like tiny pin pricks..

I sprawled out along the couch when he was gone, because I could, and just closed my eyes, listening to the water running. I didn't have to work today, since Cyrus had given me the day off, but I didn't know if he was taking it off himself so I thought I should try to help him get ready. Maybe I could make breakfast. 
((brb dinner))
I decided to take the day off afterall.. I mean.. I just really didn't want to go into work, with a hangover to be holed up in my office all day.. Doing more fieling.. And sighning.. And reading.., when I'd done in the shower, I turned it off and wraped a twoel around my bottom half.. I slowly open the door. Not sure weather nic had fallen asleep again.. But no.. He was being his usuall senseless self, and he was .. Cooking.."I'm just going to change nic!" I shout into the kitchen.. Before making my way upsairs.. 
(Okay:P, if I don't reply, I've fallen asleep)

I winced a little when he shouted, but didn't attempt shouting back, just gave a wave in case he saw and said "okay" in a regular speaking voice. Did that boy not understand the sensitivity to sound that came from these stupid vodka migraines? I rolled my eyes, smiled a little to myself, and just tried to time the eggs and toast so they'd be ready together by the time he came back down.
When I'd got dressed, I walked back downstair, careful not to alert nico, so much that I was able to creep up behind him, and I did make sure he wasn't doing anything before wraping my arms around his shoulders and running my fingers through his hair.. "Imma take the day off today, to keep you company" I smiled

When Cyrus sprung at me suddenly from behind, I jumped so hard I actually kicked the counter in front of me, and the sudden motion drove a railway spike into my skull. "Cy-rus. . ." I whined, leaning on him but putting a hand to my head anyway. "If this is your idea of 'keeping company', I don't want to know what you do when you're trying to terrorize someone." I shook my head, managing a little smile past the lingering pain, and gave him a playful little smack on the shoulder. "Stop scaring me like that!"
"I wasn't trying to terrorise you!" I said defensively.. "Sorry, I'll try and be a bit quieter for you huh?" "And stop scaring you, I didn't mean to!" I say, its almost a whisper though.. I planted a kiss on nic's cheek before going to get the glasses from lastnight, as I picked them up, the pressure on my head was unbareable, I felt like a two tone weight had been dropped on me!! I also grabbed the blanket and took it back inot the other room, before standing beside nic and washing up the glasses..

I sighed quietly and just buttered the toast while he was gone. When he came back, I pulled him to me and pressed a kiss to his forehead, then set the plates out on the table. "Breakfast is ready! Do you want water, or just more coffee?" I'd brewed another pot.

I nodded and just gothis coffee, bringing back one mug for him and another for me. "Your welcome. You know, you should really restock your fridge. . . Ad reorganize your kitchen." I smiled a little teasingly. "Just because you're a bachelor doesn't mean you have to live like one."

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