from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

"I..I..If you want, its probably broken, and there wasnt a lot i could di in the bathrooms with some tissue" i laughed a little after that.. yeah, a drink would be nice..

I nodded and, after a hesitation, pulled his hands away to get free. "Sit down. I'll get the first aid kit." I was pretty sure I knew where that body went, and I wasn't stepping foot in the infirmary until it was gone.
(ahahahaahahahah i only noticed just now when i read your reply over, im there like.. Schwinn..hang on! thats a push bike! and i know xD  
i let him go, pulling my arms away..i sat down on the table, and watched him...


It took a few minutes, trying to get him fixed up, and i apologized every time he winced, but I was just glad the bleeding had stopped. "Sorry, sorry. You'll be all right," I said, after I'd set the bones back in place. "It should feel a little bit better, at least. You'll need to see a real doctor for x-rays, though, to see if you need a brace for it." They were the ugliest things in the world and no one liked them but if he wanted his face to have more of a chance of coming out of this looking the same he would consult a doctor with full facilities.
i laughed a little, "thanks for that" i said through gritted teeth "i'm not wearing a brace, nico, once in 5th grade, and never again.." i said simply

I shook my head as I put the materials I hadn't used back in the first aid kit. "It's your choice," I said, giving him a teasing look, "If you want to be ugly. . ."
((Sorry, friend wanted me to bring her lunch and come hang out lol on iPad now, so beware autocorrects))


I shook my head and just planted a kiss on top of his head as I got up. "You look fine, Cyrus. You are definitely not ugly."

I nodded a little. "Coffee first, okay?" Just having something warm to hold was a little bit of a comfort. We poured the coffee into two foam cups to take with us and I just followed him back to his office.

((Did you know the cardboard thing you put around to-go coffee cups has a name? :3 it's called a zarf. Not even kidding))
(hahahahahah ZARF ZARF ZARF that made my day:D)))))))

i pulled another chair to the desk for nic, there was just paper scattered all over the desk.. "see, this is why i dont let people help with the paperwork, im too disorganized" i sighed.. passing him a pen, i put on my glasses, i'd always hated them, they made my eyes look too big
((I know! xD it's hilarious, right? Saw it in a youtube video about things that have names that we never think have names))


I shrugged slightly, setting my coffee on the floor where it was safe. "It's all right. Ill make sense of it somehow." Mt things just needed to be read over and reviewed before they were approved.

I smiled.. "good, thanks.." i put my coffee on the table, out of the way

(wouldnt it be funny if cyrus just *happened* to knock over his coffee

I nodded. "No problem at all." I just took a stack and started working on it. "I'll let you know when you have to sign."

((Straw that broke the camels back, dude lol))

I nodded and just took a drink of coffee, then settled in to work. "I know how you hate paperwork." And I needed the distraction.

It took hours but we managed to g through almost all of the paperwork. It was enough to distract me, but at the last stretch it was just Cyrus taking care of a few things. I sat there, elbow on the desk and head resting on a hand, and tried not to start thinking again. If I thought about it too hard, I'd just lose it.
that look on his face.. he was thinking about it again.. i put my pen down and my arms around him.. "please stop thinking about it, you'll make yourself worse" i said.. stroking his hair..

I flinched, slightly, when he touched me, then just leaned into him and tried to breathe steadily. I didn't quite succeed. "L-Like I want to?" I managed, then just pressed a hand over my mouth and tried not to make any more noises, lest I actually start crying. I didn't *want* to think about it, it just happened.
i pulled his head into my chest.. the way he had did for me.. i carried on stroking his hair... "shh, shh.. i'ts okay nic..its all gonna be okay.. its fine" before i knew it, there were actually tears running down my own face..
(sorry guys. i only just got back from manchester)))


Inside i was screaming... I wanted robbie, and i wanted to wake up! This was all that nurses fault, but she was dead now... I just wanted to be free, and normal, but this place wasnt helping...

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