from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

I sighed.. *s the guads came, I asked them not to put her in a straightjacket.. As she needed to hold her rabbit, so the guards take her to solitary, and I have nothing more to do with it..other than some paperwork..

The guards grabbed her.. Ready to take her of them picked up robbie.. But I made him drop it.. "Layla.. Can I carry robbie? Just untill you get there, then I promis I'll give him back?"
I cringed and my face contorted into a pain riddled grimace.. I decided to lesve after that.. Did want to be hurt anymore by her.. So I walked off back to my office to see nico.. I opened the door and.walked in.. "Are you feeling better now?" I asked

I shrugged a little, picking my head up when Cyrus came in. "More stable, maybe. What just happened?" I stood up, worried. "What's wrong?" He was still holding himself funny, like he was hurting.

I narrowed my eyes at him, sitting back to look him up and down. "Tell me what's wrong, Cy." I hated when people lied to me. It ws even worse coming from him, and worse still beause it was about his health.

I sighed, running a hand down my face, and just slipped off the chair into a kneel in front of him. "Let me see." Nothing was broken, probably just bruised or strained. I shook my head when I was done checking and stood up, offering a hand. "Come on. We'll just pick up some hard liquor and get plastered at your place, instead. That way you can ice the bruises for a while, too."
I took his hand and stood up.. Wincing a bit.. "Well, okay.. Only if you're feeling up to it?7" I smiled.. When we were finally out of those goforsaken doors.. I took his hand again.. Finally free to do what we wanted.. With each other.. 
(Are we assuming that cy has a motorbike now? And not a schwinn? xD )

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