from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


The angle was strange, with our height difference and the small amount of space between our chairs, but I let him hold me there and just turned my head into his shoulder. "D-Don't cry, Cyrus." I could just hear it in the way he was breath. "If y-you do, I will." What was this? I was older. I should've been comforting him, not the other way around.

((Gtg going shopping with my mom ^_^ ))
"You already are, you idiot.." i cried..i pulled my chair closer to him..temped to pull him onto my lap..but instead i just hugged tighter, letting him cry, and let him stay there.. "it will all be okay nic"

I was shaking, still. I could feel it, and I'd felt it while I was trying to write my own signature over and over. I shifted enough to wrap at least one arm around him, hiding my eyes against one of his arms and just struggling to breathe steady. I was never very good at crying. I was better at helping others than I was accepting it for myself.

((Ugh. Super warm in my house -_- I'll be right back after I take a shower))

I curled my fingers tighter against his side and just shook my head, knowing I couldn't try to use words if I was ever going to stop. I took careful breaths, waited until they stopped breaking halfway through, and finally gave him one last squeeze before pulling away. I was able to dry my eyes and pull myself together, running a hand through my hair to fix it. "S-Sorry, Cyrus." I said, still a little shakily but steadier than before. "I'm o-okay." I would be fine. I would be better after I had time. Maybe I should finally use one of those vacation days that had been piling up so high.
"Okay.. That's all I care about.., take a day off tomorrow.. I'll be able to hold the fort without you, as helpful as you are.." I smiled slightly.. Kissing him on the cheeck.. "I'm going to go see layla.. Then I'll call you a cab to take you home huh?"

I made a little bit of a face, unable to help it, and just put my arms on the desk, chin resting atop them. "I don't want to go home. I want to get plastered." Then maybe I'd forget. I looked up at him from where I was leaning as he got up. "Are we still going to dinner tomorrow?" I hadn't forgotten about the sleep study we were supposed to do.

((No idea what day it is so I figured I'd just make it Thursday lol))
"Yes.. Of course!! I wouldn't miss dinner with you for the world!! And of course we can get plastered.. Just wait five minutes in here while I speak to layla..?"

I nodded slightly, the position a little awkward for it, and sighed. "I won't go anywhere." I'd wait right here until he came back. Standing up risked finding out my legs actually didn't want to hold me.
"Good.. I won't be long anyway!"

My steps begin to get a little wobbly as I apperoached her cell.. I slowly let myself in.. And. I stretched my hand out and put it on her shoulder.. "Layla?"

I tryed to shake him off but i knew i could... The sedative was only just starting to wear off, and the straps were far too tight.
Okay :P

I've decided that it's best to move you.. Layla.. You killed somebody today.. And you hurt me.. And you hurt poor robbie.. You scared him.. Now in all my years of working here, only one person has died.. And they were killed by a 30 year old man.. Now, for a nurse to be ed by a 12 year old girl, just isn't acceptable, so I'm going to have some guards put you in a straight jacket and take you down to solitary..
Robiie's coming too layla.. And we can still get him a friend.. But I'm going to speak to nico, about weather he still wants to see you, I know you like him but you scared the hell out of him.

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