from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

He seemed in a daze since he arrived at the sight of the dead nurse.. "NICO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed, still trying to hold her down despite the excruciating pain in my face..

I snapped out of it finally, after seeing the damage to Cyrus's face, and hurried inside. I wrapped an arm around Layla's shoulders to keep her still long enough to stick the needle into her neck, the fastest delivery system, then released her to let it take effect. I needed to get it together.
I bit my lip a little, realising the effect this had on nicho.. So after picking layla up and strapping her down, I gave him a quick hug.. "Its ok nich.. Its all okay.. You go back now, and I'll take care of this.."

I shook my head when I heard Cyrus' voice, instinctively not wanting to leave because there were people here that were hurt and I could never walk away from that, no matter what I personally felt. It was why I was here. "N-No. . ." I managed, quieter than I would have liked but steady as I could get it. "No, you're hurt. Sit down. Let me take a look at you."
"nicho, im fine.. you need to go, go to the break room and get us both a coffee,seriously.. i'm quite capable of cleaning myself up" i tried to stop my eyes from flickering to the dead body on the floor.. this had only happened once before when id been here...

Sadly, it didn't take as much convincing as I'd hoped. I turned after a moment when he was done talking, trying not to look down but having to do so anyway to step over the body. I walked much too quickly for trying to be normal, and went to the break room but straight through to the employee bathrooms, where I spent some time on my knees in a stall, throwing up. I hadn't done that in years.

When I could, I got back up, went to a sink and washed out my mouth before finally going back to the break room and starting a pot of coffee. If I distracted myself with small, mundane things, maybe I could try and forget. Or at least stop actively thinking about it.
i felt for nicho, i really did, i'd known him years and we both dealt with death in different ways, i would go and find him soon.. i needed to sort this though.. i was pretty clueless as to what to do so i picked up the phone and called the police, they said that they will call the coroner and he'll be along in an hour.. that's good, so i picked up the nurse and locked the door before taking her down to the infirmary, i asked some staff to just look after the body until the ambulance arrived to take her to the morgue..

after that, i went to the bathrooms, and i was instantly greeted by the repugnant smell of sick, nicho, oh nicho thought to myself, this wasn't good at all, i ran the tap until it was steaming hot, before getting some tissue and dabbing at my nose.."F*CK!" that hurt so much, oh god.. broken.. great

when i was cleaned up, i walked to the break room witch was surprisingly empty apart from nich.. so i walked up behind him and put my arms around him..
((Okay, I have to stop you because after 33 pages it's starting to drive me nuts. There is no H in Nicolai xD ))


I was just standing in front of the coffee pot, watching it drip and trying not to think of anything at all. I managed to distance myself a little, so when someone touched me I very nearly jumped out of my skin. When I realized it was Cyrus, I was just grateful I hadn't knocked my shoulder against his head or I might have made his injuries worse. I put my hands over his and just breathed slow and careful, taking at least a little bit of comfort from his warmth against my back. ". . . 's almost ready," I mumbled softly after a while, when I felt I could speak without my voice shaking. It would have been ready before, but I'd had to make that disgusting pitstop first.
((I ignored it for so long lol))


I just wiggled my fingers a bit to get them between his, holding on a little too tight, and shook my head. "I'm not hurt." As to whether I was 'okay', I really wasn't sure yet. I'd need a whole lot of time for that.
((All is forgiven :P ))


Okay, yes, I'd noticed the shaking when I'd put water in the coffee machine but I'd tried not to think about it. "It's not like it was your fault." It wasn't him that put that body there. God, how was I ever supposed to look at that little girl again? I would have to stay far clear of her from now on, but that wouldn't be hard. She would probably end up in solitary for the rest of her treatment, and if she couldn't be helped she would be there the rest of her life.
(thanks xD ))

i thought about making a joke, about all the paperwork we'd have to fill in, but i chose not to, knowing that this would upset him further.."i'lll give you a lift home later nic" i smiled, he usually walked home, but i knew he wouldn't feel safe, anyway, there was room for two on my bike..

I managed a short, faint laugh at that, and just shook my head. "On what? Your schwinn?" That would be comfortable, wouldn't it? "Why don't I just call us a cab?" I leaned back against him a little, sighing heavily. "Something tells me I'm going to need something a little stronger than coffee." Which would make a cab very useful. No designated driver.
"ok ok, you call a cab..and then we'll go for a drink" as he leaned back against me, i pulled my arms around him tighter "my nose is absolutely killing me" i sighed..

I nodded a little, happy he would go with me, but tried to look over my shoulder at him when he complained. "Is it broken? Do you want me to look at it?" With as much as he'd bled before it had to be broken.

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