from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~

random nurse

i was pacing up and down the corridor, until i came across a small blonde girl.. clutching a bunny


i carried on walking,
the nurse stood outside, eying the little girl up, she was new, and there was no way Cyrus would want that rabbit in here.. but she thought wrong as she unlocked the cell door, going to grab the rabbit

(dont start violence yet as we need nala
(this nurse is gonna try and take robbie off layla, and basiclly layla kills the nurse, and when cy tries to calm her down he ends up getting hurt,and nicho can too:D

me and nich had just sat down when we heard it.. "thats layla!" i said urgently.. getting back up.. "we need to see if she's alright!"


"hey!!!!!" calm down!!"

more screams.. oh god.. "nich hurry!!!!!" i screamed, i ran through the door, no caring if he followed (wink wink)

she screamed out, "get away from me you freak!!!!!"

I wasn't quite sure how he was faster than me, his legs being shorter and all, but I ran after Cyrus as soon as he left the room. Layla. I didn't like the sound of this.

((Replies are gonna be slow. Babysitting again))
i got to her cell just in time, taking no novice of the body on the floor, but instantly grabbing layla, she was so small, i really had to be careful here, wouldn't want to hurt i tried as gently as i cold to pin her to the ground, a knee across her chest..

I ran after Cyrus until we reached Layla's room, and when we got there I skidded to a stop and only stood there, staring down at the nurse on the ground. I knew, somewhere, in my head, that I should check for a pulse, even if it clearly wouldn't be there. Only, I couldn't move. Out of all the attacks and damage that had been done here, no one had ever been killed. Why couldn't I move? I was a doctor. This was supposed to be my job.
i looked around at nicho "are you okay?! you look petrified!!!!" i tightened my grip on Layla's arm as she began to struggle.. the nurse, she was dead.. "just dont think about it nich!, i need you to get me some sedative!!" i cried.

brb logging off comp and switching to phone x

I jerked, startled, and looked at him, eyes still wide, and retreated. It took one slow, half step back to get me going and after that I was sprinting back down the hall. Sedative. Sedative. Just think about the medicine. I could do that,
((Sorry for the wait, probably won't be coming back on again more than once in the next few hours))


I rushed to one of the supply closets where the medical supplies were kept and fumbled with my key card more than I should have before being able to open the door. I nearly fell into the room, then just rushed to a crash cart and filled a syringe with the right amount of sedative before running back out again, back to Layla's room. "Hold her still, Cyrus."
I nodded.. But before he could inject it, layla began to wriggle.. "Hang on nicho! Let me calm her down"

(She hurts him?)

(Brb watching a funny programe)

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