Fox Family {CLOSED}

"What...?" Natsuki stared at the place that he ran off to. She stood up and walked back to check on Kana and Haku but a human was still doing something to Kana. Her human was sitting on the ground with a smile and Natsuki jumped into her lap while she watched over her sisters. I wonder if Mama knows that we're gone...
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He ate a vole he had stored away. He licked his wound more. Pain and drowsiness began to kick in.
Kana saw a light in the darkness she was resting in, she could feel her body was struggling to work again. Knowing what to do, Kana trotted into the light...

Opening her eyes, the first thing the large kit saw was the face of a hairless weird looking bear. Her body was still fatigued from the struggle to live again, so Kana could only just lay still and let the hairless bear do it's work. Weird white things were wrapped around Kana's wounds.

Trying to nip the things off, Kana was stopped by a weird bear-paw thing.

"No, no, don't do that, little one." The ugly bear cooed at Kana, even though she didn't understand one thing the weird bear said.

"I'm sorry for killing your fellow bear mate." Kana glanced over to the bloody dead bear, how it died in the first place? The kit had not idea. "She was the one who attacked us in the first place." Kana looked down at the ground, appearing very guilty looking. If only the young fox knew that the bear things had no idea what she was saying.
A little while later klyde had come back. He limped up to one of the humans and looked up at it. He sat down. He knew his wound was serious and eventually he gave in and decided to let the humans help.
Natsuki jumped off the human and ran towards Kana and pounced on her, "I'm so happy that you're alive Kana and I'm so sorry that I didn't find you sooner." She felt a wave of guilt when she looked Kana in the eye so she turned her head away.
Kana turned her head towards Natsuki and licked her sister's nose. "It's not your fault, Natsu." Kana giggled when the human pet her head a little. "It was my fault for wandering off in the first pl-" Kana winced in pain when the human tightened the weird white strips. "Place." Kana finished after the pain disappeared. "I just hope mama isn't mad at us," Kana grinned cheerfully at her somewhat smaller sister. "If so, I'll take the blame, okay?" Kana stuck a large paw out and poked Natsuki playfully.

Leaning in slightly, Kana whispered to her sister, "Aren't these hairless bears weird? They wear this funny thing over their skin!" Kana's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "And you can remove them!" A thought struck Kana when she was thinking about how cool it was to change their funny fur. "I wonder if we can remove our fur..."
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She shook her head at him, "Its my fault, I'm just glad that you stopped being stubborn and let them help you out idiot." Natsuki looked back at Kana with weird face, "I'm pretty sure that we aren't suppose to take our fur off, we'd freeze to death Kana. Oh and the weird hairless things are humans but they can't understand us when we talk to them for some reason."
Kana noticed how Natsuki acted with the older fox and giggled lightly, "I think you have a little crush~" Kana whispered to her sister, winking teasingly at the kit. Personally, Kana thought that he was way too old for her sister, but love is love, right?

Looking back up at the 'human', Kana licked her nose, gratefully. "Why do they only have two boobs?" Kana wonder out loud, nudging the two large lumps attached to the 'human''s chest with her snout.
Natsuki deadpanned, "There is no way that I would have a crush on someone like him and they only have two because...actually I'm not sure why." She trotted back towards her human, jumped on her lap, and put her paws on its chest. Looking back at her sister, "This one's chest is bigger than that human's." I thought that they were all the same.
Piper watched the whole scene quietly, her ears flattening atop her head. She personally didn't trust the strange humans but they were helping, right? 
Piper watched the whole scene quietly, her ears flattening atop her head. She personally didn't trust the strange humans but they were helping, right? 
Kana placed her paws on her human's boobs, making them jiggle. "They're a lot bigger than mama's!" Kana giggled, imaging her mother with six huge boobs. The human's face was bright red as the others around her seemed to be laughing.

Going along with them, Kana tried to imitate their sounds, only to come out with a weird, "Kaheeheehee!"
Kana looked innocently at the older fox, tilting her head to the side a little bit. "Stop what?" Kana asked, her dark eyes wide and curious as she continued to play with the two large melons attached to the female human's chest. "Doesn't it hurt to walk around with these..?" Kana wondered what it was like to have two giant cantaloupes glued to your chest.
"messing with that human. I don't think it appreciates it." klyde said.

(lol if a fox could facepalm, Klyde would be doing it)
Kana's weird laugh made Natsuki laugh to, "You sound really weird Kana!" She was enjoying playing with the humans. "Hey Kana, why are our humans turning red?" Natsuki lifted one of her paws off of her chest and put it on the human's red cheek. "My human is hot."
Kana gasped, "Maybe they're on fire!" Pausing for dramatic effect, Kana looked away, placing a paw to her snout. "From the inside out!~" Kana said in a sing song voice. Taking her paws off the human's chest, Kana snuggled into the squishiness. "Soooo soft~" Kana giggled, taking in the warmth of the human. "I like humans." Kana stated softly before drifting off to sleep, surrounded by the female human's warmth.
Klyde made a cleared his throat. "so um... you guys.. how did you get the humans to help you?"
Natsuki looked at him but continued to press her paw on the human's cheek. "It was easy for me. This one," She rubs her face against her human's, "picked me up because she thought that the bear blood on me was mine even though I wasn't hurt. Kana's human saw her lying there and ran to help her. I tried to get mine to help you but you ran away."
"Go get 'em tiger," Natsuki teased. She was looking her human in the eye and noticed that they were a bright green like her left eye. The human smiled, "You have a green and blue eye little kit. Its extremely rare for foxes to have heterochromia and they're extremely pretty." Natsuki grinned and continued to rub her face on the humans.
The human looked at him and knelt down to him and patted him on the head. Klyde nudged the humans hand. He then licked his wound. Just now noticing the wound, the human began to treat him. 
(gtg 4 the night. See you guys later)
Kana was a little confused at what had happened between the human and her sister. "Have you ever met a human before?" Kana asked, very intrigued with the communication between Natsuki and the human. "How can you understand them?" Kana questioned her older sister, even if it was by a few minutes, looking up (or down, depending on the angle) to her in awe. "I wish I could talk to humans!" Kana squealed, feeling very excited as her own human began to pet her.
"Oh yeah I met one before when I got lost. I played with it for awhile and then I left. I can understand them by looking in their eyes and at their faces. They kinda make the same faces we do. I also understand human talk."

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