Fox Family {CLOSED}

Kana's mouth hung open at her sister. "AND YOU DIDN'T INTRODUCE ME TO IT?!" Kana felt a little faint from missing a chance to meet a human. "You need to teach me the Human language! Pleeeeeeeeeeaaaaase!" Kana begged her older sister, putting on her best kit eyes, and Kana's kit eyes were pretty much irresistible.
Piper walked up to a human and pawed softly at it, jumping up to try and touch its hand. "Eh! This thing looks so deformed, maybe it got dropped on its head a lot... wait how would that make it looks so weird?" Piper looks around at the rest of the humans with a giggle. "They all look deformed!"
Natsuki grinned at Kana, "I can't teach you, you have to learn it yourself and I couldn't introduce you to it because I. was. lost. Kana." She went back to playing with her human. "Oh and your eyes don't work on me, I'm immune to your cuteness."
Meanwhile Klydes human began to start giving him stitches. Everytime he was poked by the needle he yipped or said ow loudly. The human looked at him and stopped to stroke him. "sorry." he said.
-Haku had settled beside one of the Humans.- ''If they don't have a mother it would be best to take them till they got older don't cha think?'' -Haku ears twitched. 'Take them". Did that mean remove them fro where they were now. Haku padded over to Natsuki and Kana- ''They said they would take us. I think that's not a good thing. We should leave. NOW.'' -Haku prepared to run and would as soon as she was sure her siblings would follow.-
Natsuki looked down at Haku and her ears went down, "Yea I guess you're right, I don't wanna leave Mama." She turned back towards her human and tapped her on the face twice. "Bye human I hope that I'll see you again," She jumped off of her lap and waited for Kana and the male fox.
Kana licked her human's nose happily. "I hope we meet again one day." Kana memorized the female's scent and jumped out of her arms and followed her sisters. "I like those humans," Kana stated cheerfully. "They're nice."
She nodded her head but stopped walking when she remembered something. "Uh, there are too many scents around me and I can't find my own so I don't know how to get home..." Her ears twitched while she was thinking of what they were going to do.
-Haku sniffed the air. She had made a point of assuring she knew the way when she came.- ''Follow me'' -haku said and led them back to the den- ''MOMMY I FOUND NATSUKI AND KANA! WE ARE BACK!''
Natsuki kept her head down in shame when she walked in their den. Ugh, Mama's gonna be mad at me again for fighting but if she finds out that it was a bear she'll never let me go out on my own...
-Haku bent down close to Natsuki's ear- ''I'll tell mama you only ran off and that I found you. we chased a butterfly, got lost and then came back is all. I'll be in trouble too for the bear incident since I fought too.'' -She smiled warmly knowing the little skirmish with the bear would be her and her siblings little secret.-
The moment Kana entered the den she felt a wave of guilt overwhelm her. It was all her fault her siblings got hurt, she was the one who wandered off, she was the one who was too loud and attracted the bear, it was all her fault.

Feeling tears form at her eyes, Kana ran up to her mother and snuggled into her warm fur. Only to find, she wasn't there.
Klyde got ready to sleep for the night. He walked into his tunnel and turned to face the entrance. He rearranged some of the leaves and twigs in order for the tunnel to be out of sight, only to be covered by snow. He walked farther into the tunnel, which was quite long. Eventually he noticed roots coming in a little through the ceiling and knew he was under the tree stump. Of which he found another entrance nearby. He stretched out as he walked to a round room, which had a tunnel in every direction. He walked through one tunnel and laid down on some soft grass with an occasional patch of fluff from a young bird he ate recently that he did not clean out. He laid down and wrapped his tail around his nose. He began to wonder if the kits had ever found their mother.
Piper hid when her siblings went back to the den. She wanted to learn more about the male fox that had helped them take down the bear they killed. She watched the direction he went in, waiting until everyone, even the weird deformed people, left before she came out of hiding. She ripped off a big chunk of meat from the bear to give to the other fox before following the paw steps her left behind, blood droplets landing on the ground from the bear meat she had.
Klyde almost fell asleep, until he heard footsteps nearby his den. His ears faced straight ahead and he look alertly at the tunnel
Piper stopped when there were no more paw steps to follow, the only thing in front of her was a snow pile. Piper was confused, she could still small the male fox strongly, like it was just here. She got a better hold on the chunk of meat in her mouth before she started to dog through the snow, a tunnel appearing behind it. 'Clever guy.' Piper thought, looking at the tunnel with a small smile.
Klyde got up. He heard the sound of footsteps crunching in the snow, and it was close. Too close. He sniffed the air, but all he could smell was the dirt and new roots of the tree.
Once Piper got through the snow barrier, she went inside and built up another one quickly, to hide them away from others. She walked through the tunnel gracefully, her paws seeming like they were barley even touching the ground because of the fact that they made no noise. She rounded a corner that showed another area on the other side. She couldn't be seen by anyone, her coat blending in with the shadows. She dropped the meat softly before speaking up so she wouldn't scare the other fox. "Hello, I, um, brought some meat."
Klyde walked out and stood in the tunnel. He scented one of the fox kits. He couldn't be seen either, but his eyes glowed in the darkness of the tunnel. "Thank you. You may come out from hiding, I won't hurt you." he said. There was a patch of light in the room between the two tunnels that each of them stood in. He stepped to the edge of the light. His dark almost blood red fur made it easy to hide in his home. His tail and edge of his paws entered the circle of light, but the rest of him seemed invisible in the shadow. His eyes glowed, having a gently look to them.
Piper smiled faintly, stepping into the small light that was in the tunnel. She walked over to him and placed the meat down by his paws, nuzzling it closer to him. "I thought it would be good to give you some of that bear meat, no since in it going to complete waste." She said to him, her eyes looking up at his glowing ones.
He smiled and picked up the meat. He put it into a room, where he always kept his additional catch of food if he had gotten any. It usually was eaten up before it would get to bad to eat. He then returned to the kit and walked completely in the light. "Thanks again for the food...-" it was at that point he realized he hadn't even figured out the kits names, not that he expected to. "Hey um...if you don't mind me askin'... what would you like me to call you?"
She giggled as he asked for her name. "You can call me Piper. What should I call you?" She asked, looking around at his home while she waited for him to answer. It would be nice to call him be an actual name instead of 'male fox' or 'stranger'.

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