Fox Family {CLOSED}

"Klyde, Klyde, Klyde." She tried out the name a few time before nodding her head. "I like the name, it suits you well."
"thanks." he said. He made a small yawn. "did you ever find your mother? she must be worried sick about you!" he said slightly tilting his head
"Oh, my siblings went back to the den and I waited until everyone left. I, um, I didn't really think about Mama." Piper says, a little embarrassed as she looked away, her ears flattening against her head.
"Mhm. I hope my siblings got to the den alright." She mumbled, a yawn escaping her mouth as soon as she finished talking. "I also hope they won't worry about me too much." Piper added in after a second, thinking, 'I'm going to be in so much trouble when I do get home.'

Klyde yawned. "I'm sorry to cut your visit short but,.. It is my resting hours right now, and I'm kinda tired so I think I'm going to go to bed now, nice to meet you Piper. Thanks for the food too." he said and began to walk off. He walked to the tunnel and paused. "You and your family are free to drop by here if you have the time, goodnight." he said then walked to his room and plopped down and very quickly fell asleep
After Natsuki noticed that Mama wasn't there she looked around to do a head count for the rest of them. She was ticking them off in her head until she realized that Piper was missing. 'Crap!' Her claws dug into the ground as she looked around the den. 'Where is she!?' Natsuki decided to wait at the entrance of the den for a little while before she went out to look for Piper.
Piper yawned again as she padded out of the tunnel, tearing down the snow blockade and replacing it back up. She looked back one more time before she walked away, heading the same direction she came from. Piper knew she was going to be in trouble if Mama found out but she couldn't feel guilty for what she did. She looked up and saw her den in the distance, her paws making her speed up slightly.
Kana wandered around the den, calling out for her mother. "Mama! Mama! Where are you, mama?!" Tears streaming down her face, Kana collapsed in the spot where her mother usually laid. Kana looked over to Natsuki, who was outside looking for Piper. Kana wished she was that mentally strong, because the kit may be physically strong, but she wasn't very strong mentally.

Curling up into a small ball, Kana blinked, causing more tears to fall from her eyes. "I want my mama..." Kana whispered quietly as she began to cry herself to sleep. It had been a long day for the kit, and she needed her rest.
While she was waiting at the entrance she could hear Kana crying but Natsuki knew that there was nothing that she could do to help her. She was about to head out again when she saw something running towards the den and she immediately knew that it was Piper so she waited for her.
Piper slowed down when she saw Natsuki, a small smile on her face. "I'm sorry for wandering off Natsuki, I just had to do something." She said to the kit, nuzzling her quickly before going into the den. When she walked inside she saw Kana on the ground asleep with tear streaks on her face. It had been a hard day for most of the kits. Piper slowly walked up to Kana and curled in next to her sibling, hoping to keep warm from the harsh weather outside.
Natsuki was surprised when Piper nuzzled her because she could easily smell the scent of the male fox on her. She grinned when Piper walked by and mumbled, "I didn't think that she would go for an older fox." Natsuki lied down next to her sisters and curled around them.
Piper opened her eyes slightly and glared at Natsuki before closing them, thinking in her head, 'Nah that's your job Natsuki.' She just chuckled and curled her tail around her sisters, wondering when mother will come back.
-Haku laughed at Piper's joking with Natsuki.-

(Hey could I have another fox. I want to make a male fox that is just a little older that the kits.-
(yeah and can i also have another one too?)

Klyde woke up when he heard something scratching the ground close by. He walked out of the den and saw a bobcat trying to squeeze into the tunnel, but it was to big
(hey um I'm gonna bump this thread up,.. I know some people dont like it but practically every rp im in is dead and I real liked were this one was going so im gonna try to keep it alive... if i can)
(ok thanks)

Klyde snarled at the bobcat and clawed it's face. Klyde was bigger then this young bobcat, who still seemed in its younger years. Klyde rised up and made himself look larger then it and growled. The bobcat slashed across klydes face with its ears back. Klyde let out a small yipe and bit the bobcat hard on it's leg. It yowled in pain and quickly limped away. 
(lol I just realized how repetitive I am)
(its fine. fight scenes are great!)

Natsuki padded through the snow and found a trail of blood that smelt familiar. She picked up her pace and made it to a little clearing where she saw the same fox that she was with earlier. Natsuki ran and tackled him to the ground, "Hey old man~"
Natsuki pouted a little and jumped off of him. "Aw don't be like that. You know you missed fighting side by side as my sidekick."

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