Fox Family {CLOSED}

Natsuki looked around to see where her sisters went and she saw both of them fall to the ground. She ran over to them and noticed how much blood they had on them. Her ears went down and she let out a sad cry because she thought that they were dead. She looked back at the bear and all she saw was red. Natsuki darted to the bear and jumped onto its chest. She bit into its neck and ripped its throat out, instantly killing it. The blood from the wound drenched her fur and dyed it red.
((Woah a little kit just killed a bear....MAH HERO!!))


Kana felt like her ribs were being crushed slowly, and one by one, her organs were being pulled out her body from her mouth. All she could see was darkness, all she could hear was....darkness. "Am I dead...?" Kana thought to herself as she wandered around the nothingness. All Kana hoped was that her siblings were okay, after all, she was the one who wandered away in the first place.
Piper saw her sister, Natsuki, rip out the bears throat, a look of awe coming on to her face. "Be careful Natsuki." Piper said, just in case the bear fell on her. She then turned to Kana to lick her wounds gently, getting all of the blood off of her snow colored coat. She could tell that Kana wasn't dead but her pulse was very faint.
She laughed like a crazed beast, "Careful? No If I was careful we'd all be dead right now." She shook her head to calm down and regain her sanity. Natsuki lifted her paw and scrunched up her nose at the smell of bear blood. She was happy that Piper was okay but she realized that Kana still hadn't moved so she ran to her and nudged her gently with her nose. "Hey, wake up Kana."
Klyde limped away from the bear. He had taken a serious wound to his right shoulder. He licked his wound. He then looked up and saw the injured kits. He quickly limped over. He looked at them. He didnt know how to help cure such wounds. He seemed to be worried. He laid next to the kits and wrapped his tail around them, trying to keep them warm from the snow. He laid there and kept looking around, hoping there mother would be there soon
Kana heard a muffled voice through the darkness and felt a little nudge once in awhile. After a few moments, Kana recognized the voice to be Natsuki's. Happiness overwhelmed Kana as the little kit ran around the darkness, trying to find her sister's voice.

"Natsuki! Natsuki!" Kana yelled into the darkness, but no answer came. It was silent again. Kana sat down on the nothingness and began to cry. She was scared. Scared and alone.

On the outside, Kana's body began to shake, as if having a nightmare, and she began to whimper. But, her eyes wouldn't open, her mouth couldn't make out proper words. Kana needed help. Fast.
Natsuki felt a little better when the male wrapped around her but she began to panic when Kana started shaking and whimpering. She snuggled into her sister and tried lick her wounds but Kana wouldn't stop shaking so she looked at the older fox for help. "Whatever your name is, I don't know what's wrong with her..."
A group of humans walked into the scene, their guns cocked and ready, aimed off to the side. They wore a 'shirt' that said....Protect the Wild....? Spotting the injured foxes and the dead bear, the humans rushed over to the bear, checking for a pulse. A frown graced the humans faces when they found out the huge bear was dead, its neck ripped out. Two other humans walked over to the little kits and knelt down, hanging their guns back and putting their hands up, trying to show that they meant no harm.
Natsuki jumped up in front of her sisters protectively. She would attack if they tried to get near them and she let out a low growl.
-Haku sniffed at one of the Humans hands. She was unsure as it lowered down close to her and growled. The human slowed for a moment but brushed itself across Haku's head and down her back. Timidly Haku aloud her to do it again. She looked at the others- ''I think its ok but I think we should leave if we can move Kana.'' -She stared at the humans making sure to imbed the 'shirt' in her mind to know that these humans seemed safe.'
After one of the humans touched Haku they believed that they could touch Natsuki too. A different female bent down and reached her hand out. Well she doesn't smell dangerous. When she noticed the blood on her the human picked Natsuki up gently and looked at her. She didn't even try to fight her and soon enough she put her down. "I don't know if we can. Hey male fox can you carry Kana gently?"
One of the humans pulled out a white box with a red cross on it. Opening it, they began to bandage the foxes wounds. When they came to Kana, the human's eyes were filled with concern. One of them knew what it was.

"She's going through cardiac arrest!" One of the humans gasped, and rushed over to Kana and began doing CPR, placing it's flat snout on Kana's own.
Hey made a small nod. He walked over and picked kana up by the back of the neck. Gently. He wanted to take kana to the humans for help, yet he backed away. He didn't want the humans to take kana away however. For all he knew if he gave kana to them she might get relocated, or worse, get put down 
(lol ok nvm I was afk and forgot to post but once I got back i posted. To loate XP well then forget that)
Natsuki tried to get to the human that was close to Kana but the same female that picked her up earlier picked her up again to stop her. The human looked concern, "She's covered in blood but she looks okay." Natsuki struggled a little more and growled out, "It's not mine so put me down!" Sadly the human only heard yips and continued to check her so Natsuki just stared at Kana hoping that she's okay.

Klyde looked at the humans and watched them treat kana. Klyde backed off alertly. Klyde felt one of his legs give out from under him and he fell. He almost seemed embarrassed by the fact. He forced himself up, half of him shivering. He had a deep cut on his shoulder that would require stitches. He didnt let the humans get close to him though
While being held Natsuki saw the male fall and felt bad for the way she treated him. When she saw him shaking she knew that he needed help so she tapped her paw on the lady to get her attention. The woman looked curiously at the kit, "What's wrong?" Natsuki used her paw to point at him and looked back at the human. "Do you want me to help him," she asked and Natsuki nodded. When they got close she put her down and Natsuki ran to him, "Don't be stubborn and let them help you okay."
"Oi what is your problem! I'm trying to be nice by making sure that you're okay cause I'd hate to see you die!" she growled at him. Why won't you accept it! She sighed, "Look, she won't hurt you and if she does then I'll bite her so you can run away okay."
Klyde shook his head. He turned away and tried to trot away, stumbling and falling a few times.
She growled in frustration and tackled him to the ground so that she was standing on him. "I'll let you go if you tell me why you won't let them help you. Why you'd rather limp off and die instead of staying with us.
Klyde snarled at her. He kicked her off and made a run for it. He ran off and slid into a hole in the ground, a tunnel, and ran to his home

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