Fox Family {CLOSED}

He growled at natsuki for her comment. "No you dont" he said but was cut off. A mother fox jumped at him and pinned him down. She snarled at him.
Kana began to panic. Running up to her mother, Kana defended the male fox. "Mama! Stop!" Kana stood dominantly, her legs apart and her ears perked. As much as Kana hated behaving this way to her mother, she didn't want to see such a good gentle fox be treated like this.

"He saved us, mama!" Kana told her mother, nudging the male fox gently. Suddenly, Kana was knocked down by the monster, trapped between it's claws. Squirming around, Kana gasped for air as the bear roared at the kit.


((Yup, it was a bear))
Natsuki growled at the new fox until she realized who it was and grinned, "Mama!" She was about to pounce on her mother but then she remembered that she was covered in blood. She's gonna be mad again. When she saw Kana get tackled by the bear she ran as fast as she could and head-butted it.

(Nice Dark, didn't see that comin)
(um...its actually not the mother fox. Its a different mother fox. Specifically, sock.)

The fox growled at klyde. Klyde kicked her off and jumped over kana right into the bears face. He growled at the bear and slashed its face 
(yeah your guys mom isnt my character)
(To put it bluntly, Sock was his beloved mate, with anger issues, who kicked him out when he got their kits killed.)
Natsuki realized that the new fox wasn't her mother and that just angered her more so she decided to take it out on the bear that tried to kill her sister. She lunged forward and bit the bear's muzzle and hung on while it tried to shake her off.

(Oh that's right)
"Jeez you can't even take on one vixen but you expect to take down a bear," Natsuki mumbled while holding onto the bear.
Piper, thinking that now is a better time than any to come and help, runs into the clearing. She uses her strong hind legs and light weight to get on top of the male foxes back to get some leverage before lunging off, the male fox's back being replaced by the bears back. She digs her claws into his neck, also using her mouth to chomp down on it. She shakes her head viciously which earns her a chunk of the bears meat being ripped off by the force of it, a smile grazing her face. 'I bet that guy thinks we are all psycho kits.' Piper thinks as she bites into the bear's neck again.
Klyde whips sock off and goes underneath the bear and slices its belly, exposing its entrails.
Piper hears the bear roars and thinks that someone must of injured him. She releases her hold on the bear's neck before climbing further up to where she is on its head. She grabs both pf her front paws and sticks her nails into the bear's eyes, shredding them up to wear he can't see. The bear starts thrashing around which makes her fly off, landing on the ground with a thud, her breath getting knocked out of her.
She grins at the sight of Piper helping her to take the bear down when she gets an idea. When she releases the bear it bends over slightly from the pain. Perfect. Natsuki runs behind the bear to get a head start and launches herself onto its head. She chomps on the bear's nose to kill its sense of smell, scratches one of its eyes, and lands on her feet beside Piper.
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Feather couldn't believe she could doze off so quickly! She immediately darted out of the burrow, looking frantically for her kits. She began to call out their names. "Natsuki?! Kana?! Haku?! Piper?! Come back!! Where are you?!" She cried out desperately. No, no, no, this was bad. She was so concerned for their safety but she couldn't even make sure they were where she put them? 'Stupid, stupid, stupid!' She thought to herself.
-Haku snarled- ''im not leaving without all of you!"' -She joined Natsukiand attacked from the back-
Sock thought she heard something and ran off. Klyde growled and bit the bears leg and shook his head violently, causing the bear to fall.
Piper groaned as she as she opened her eyes, her vision before her all blurry which was accompanied by a major headache. 'Ugh, stupid bear... and stupid ground.' She muttered to herself as she blinked away some black dots from the corner of her eyes.
Kana's struggled to get up had weakened, still underneath the heavy weight of the bear's paws, Kana couldn't breathe from the burden of the large bear.

Seeing an older fox that looked like her mother, Kana whispered faintly, "Mama...?" Only to go unconscious from lack of oxygen.

Kana's body fell limp, looking very dead to the other animals around her. One of the bear's claws had cut through her flesh a little, staining the pure white snow red.
Piper watched as Kana fell limp, knowing that she was only unconscious. She used all of her strength to get herself up, wobbling for a second before steadying. She limped over to Kana and tugged on the paw she was underneath, dragging it off of her slightly red coat. She then dragged Kana away from the bear, dropping down next to her while she panted.

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